Gold Assistant

Chapter 637 I don't know where it came from

Chapter 637 I don't know where it came from

Looking at the names on the file, I didn't expect that they were all short movies with heavy mouth.

"Will the information be hidden in the movie here?" Wang Jun thought for a while.

"Try it."

When they opened one of them to check, there was a sound of opening the door.

Xue Yao said happily after opening the door: "Master, I'm back!"

Chen Ting and Wang Jun reflexively closed the computer.

"What's wrong?"

Xue Yao saw that the expressions of the two were very strange, and even saw a trace of panic on Chen Ting's face.

This is a rare thing.

She immediately set her sights on the laptop under his hand.

"Is there anything special in here?"

Wang Jun immediately said: "No, nothing?!"

If Momo knew that he was actually watching a short movie here, it would be wiped out.

But at this time, the language of country R came from the computer, followed by some ambiguous gasps.

Chen Ting's and Wang Jun's faces immediately turned red, like pig's liver.

Xue Yao was stunned for a moment.

Then she smiled and slowly backed away, "I'll go back first, you guys, you can do whatever you want."

After she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and left.

Chen Ting and Wang Jun in the living room looked at each other.

When they were about to turn off the movie, the picture on the screen suddenly changed to a scene of some people in white coats doing experiments.


Unexpectedly, Su Zhengxin really used this method to preserve the data.

In order to extract more information, Chen Ting and Wang Jun had no choice but to be patient and opened those movies respectively to sort them out.

But they all put on their headphones very cautiously.

For fear of missing some important information.

Fortunately, although Su Zhengxin made some tricks when storing it, there was only a problem with the opening part of the film, and the latter part was all normal data.

But there were too many films, and the two didn't finish sorting them until dinner time.

The two bloody people kept drinking ice water to suppress the thoughts in their hearts.

Xiaobai opened the door of the room.

A gap was revealed, and the little head was poked out quietly.

Seeing the two brothers-in-law sitting slumped, he ran out immediately.

Looking at them with big pure eyes, he asked with concern: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law Zhunmo, are you all right?"

"It's okay, let's have dinner."


For this standard word, Wang Jun has been powerless.

Not long after, Xue Yao brought the dishes over with a calm face.

But the eyes that looked at the laptop from time to time betrayed her inner thoughts.

Chen Ting immediately said: "Cough, cough, Xiaoyao, let's eat here today."

"Ah good."

During the meal, Chen Ting took the initiative to mention what happened today.

Xue Yao opened her small mouth and said in surprise: "I didn't expect Su Zhengxin to save the information like this. Did Master find that location?"

"I probably know where it is."

Wang Jun quickly asked, "Where is it?"

The two compiled the information together, there is no reason for Chen Ting to know, he didn't know.

"It should be in the supernatural research."

"What?!" Xue Yao was startled.

"Hasn't that place been destroyed? How come there are such perfect measures to do so many things?" Wang Jun recalled the information he had checked.

Before An Mo could recall the past, he checked all the relevant information to help her find her family back.

Paranormal research has been sitting there because of what happened.

Chen Ting continued: "It is precisely because it was destroyed that no one will notice it."

"Then when are we going to deal with those things? If the relevant departments find that the information in the computer is not what they want, they will investigate again.

If you can't find Su Zhengxin's whereabouts, you can still check those experts.

If they remembered the place, they might send someone over to check it out. "

"Xiaoyao is right, let's go and have a look tomorrow."

Xue Yao thought for a while, "When we go out, we have to change our costumes."


Wang Jun looked at the two suspiciously, "Why?"

Xue Yao rested her chin and said, "After cracking the computer, we suddenly ran to the vicinity of the Supernatural Research Institute. No matter who it is, they will be suspicious."

"Uh... that's what I said."

After Wang Jun left, Xiaobai went to watch the drama with Xiaoxian again.

Xue Yao nestled comfortably in Chen Ting's arms, and showed him the photos taken today with her mobile phone.

"This is the imperial gown, isn't it very expensive? It took 100 million to buy it." She frowned and looked at the photo with a heartache.

When she heard Xu Yan's offer, she hesitated for a while.

Although she is not short of money now, she still feels reluctant to spend 100 million on a set of clothes that can only be worn once.

If it weren't for that special embroidery method, she might have given up.

"We'll earn it back."

Seeing how she felt sorry for Qian, Chen Ting kissed the corner of her mouth to comfort her.

"Yeah." Xue Yao smiled immediately, "By the way, that embroidery is very special, it will glow under different light refraction."

She played a video. Under the light of the lantern, the dragon and phoenix on the clothes seemed to fly out.

Although there are many technological methods for aerial projection, this is displayed on the embroidery on the clothes, which is indeed very special.

Chen Ting was also a little surprised when he saw it, but after a while, he frowned tightly as if remembering something.

"This video was not shot well. It would be better if we saw it live. It's a pity that we didn't bring the clothes back."

In order for Liu Li and An Mo to wear such wedding dresses, she left the gown at the embroidery shop and let Master Wei figure out the technique.

"It's really a pity."

Chen Ting gently stroked her back, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Ah, I have a solution."

Xue Yao jumped out of his arms, stretched out her hand and put it in mid-air.

A shining dress appeared in her hand.

"I don't remember where this set of dresses came from, but the technique on it is the same as the one Xu Yan sold me, and it's much better than that set.

But it was too good to take out. "

Chen Ting also looked familiar when he looked at this set of skirts and jackets.

When he saw a certain part of the skirt, he finally remembered where he had seen it before.

"Master prepared this for Xiaoyao."

"Ah?" Xue Yao stared blankly with her mouth open, and then looked carefully.

Only then did she remember that in that small world, after the master knew about her and Chen Ting, he went down the mountain to find someone to prepare for it.

It's just that she also received gifts from several senior brothers at that time, so she forgot about it.

"Master, how do you remember it so clearly?"

Xue Yao nestled back into his arms again, raised her small face to look at him.

Chen Ting caressed her face and said with a smile: "Before the master and juniors gave you gifts, they were afraid that you would not like them, so they let me see them first.

The master said that he was afraid that he would miss our wedding due to his sudden ascension, which was prepared in advance. "

(End of this chapter)

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