Gold Assistant

Chapter 642 Vitality

Chapter 642 Vitality
Back at the apartment, Xue Yao unexpectedly received a call from Ah Si.

Usually he would contact Chen Ting directly.

There was a hint of excitement in Ah Si's tone.

"Young lady! We found an underground secret room according to the map of the research institute!"

"But it was blocked by the password door."

"We have used many methods, but there is no way to open it."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the password door is still working."

"It's just who pays the electricity bill?"


Xue Yao was taken aback when she heard that.

Could it be that someone has been secretly maintaining the research institute?
"Wait there for a while, I will discuss it with Shishi."

After hearing her question, Chen Ting smiled, "Did you forget about Su Zhengxin?"

"Ah, that's right, I was bypassed by Ah Si. The password door may also be newly made by him. How could there be such a thing 15 years ago."

Then Xue Yao said: "Why don't we go there now, and settle the matter of the research institute as soon as possible, so we can feel at ease earlier."

Chen Ting looked at the time and found that he had already agreed.

But he was a little puzzled, why did Ah Si call Xiaoyao instead of him?

Xue Yao immediately called back, "Si, let's go over now, you can take a rest there first."

"it is good."

So the three who just came back rushed to the research institute without stopping.

To avoid trouble, they all did cross-dressing.

Chen Ting and Xue Yao wore old age makeup, while Xiao Bai wore women's clothing.

It's like a family of three.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Ting imagined himself and Xiaoyao growing old.

My heart is full of happiness.

Xiao Bai frowned and tugged at the skirt on his body.

"Don't talk, don't talk, it's too unladylike."

"I'm not a lady!"

"Hee hee, this is also to prevent people from being recognized. Xiaobai bears it up and cooks something delicious for you when I come back."

Xiao Bai had no choice but to muffle a reply.

When they arrived at the parking lot, they happened to meet Ling Yixin and Xiaoxian who were waiting for the elevator.

Seeing the three people coming out of the elevator, the two sisters immediately turned sideways and let them go out first.

Xue Yao whispered thank you.

Ling Yixin quickly replied that you are welcome.

After they left, Xue Yao smiled very happily. It seems that this time the disguise was very successful.

Chen Ting chose a car that he hadn't driven much, and took out a new license plate from the trunk and put it on.

A full set of camouflage is required.

On the other side, Xu Yan, who had returned to the hotel, received another call.

After they arrived at Gu Yun's specialty store, they realized that there was also a branch in country M, so they quickly informed their partners there to go directly to buy Huayan.

A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The beauty you mentioned is indeed useful."

Hearing this voice, Xu Yan was very happy.

"Mr. Jacob is awake? That's great! I used time to go back and look at what happened before you fell into a coma, and I didn't find anything special. Why did you faint suddenly?"

More than ten years ago, they used secret techniques and used the lives of a village to help Jacob regain his youth. His health has always been better than anyone else.

This coma was too weird.

"I was in a coma this time, mainly because I felt that the space-time rift opened again, but the rift was not big enough to take everyone out.

It was changed to take energy supplements from the inside.

But for some reason, those energies suddenly stopped and even sucked back, sucking away all the remaining energy from me. "

"What? You mean recently opened?"

Xu Yan was stunned when she heard the news, feeling a little dissatisfied in her heart.

Which means they missed an opportunity to leave.

As for Jacob's words that the crack was not too big to leave, she didn't believe it.

When they first came to this small world, the space-time rift was only the width of a silk thread, and they also passed through it.

Now, in order to replenish his abilities, he asked everyone to stay here.

Over the years, in order to maintain his spatial abilities, everyone found good things for him to use.

But he insisted on coming to this small world with nothing.

It is said that there is a hunch that life will be found here.

Maybe he knew that his previous behavior was not authentic, Jacob said quickly: "At that time, I also felt a wave of supernatural powers, and there were also spatial supernatural beings here.

Same as the one we found in Interstellar.

This is the life I am looking for.

This time, I can't let people run away anymore. As long as I absorb that person's ability, I can return to my peak state.

At that time, even if there is no space-time rift, I can open the portal with bare hands. "

After Xu Yan heard it, she thought deeply for a while.

"By the way! I remember Tang Yu mentioned that when the people of the Tang family reach the age of 30, they will attract cracks in time and space.

It was because of him that we came here last time, maybe the previous space-time rift was caused by the Tang family.We can look for it, maybe it is the person Mr. said. "

Jacob curled up his lips and smiled.

"I called you just to talk about this.

The coordinates are sent to you, and you go back in time to see who that person is. "

"it is good!"


It was in some unintelligible language again, Jian Le'an decisively sent the recorded content to Xue Yao, asking her to help translate.

After listening to the recording, Xue Yao's face sank.

Although only Xu Yan's speech can be heard here, she can already judge the general content.

"Did you hear anything?" Chen Ting paid attention to Xue Yao while driving.

Xue Yao nodded, "They traveled through time and space when Tang Yu attracted it, no wonder Tang Yu's abilities are so against the sky, and they can still return to this small world.

It turned out that someone had meddled.

And I suspect that I have met them before when I was in StarCraft. "

Chen Ting immediately parked the car aside, and asked nervously, "What's going on?"

Xue Yao immediately comforted him.

"Huh? That's strange, they're only now looking for space power users, which means they probably didn't know it was me before.

Then why kidnap me? "

Chen Ting: "No matter what the reason is, I will not let them succeed."

It's a pity that after he came back here, his spiritual consciousness was suppressed, otherwise he would directly search the world to find those people first.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became very oppressive.

In order to change the subject, Xue Yao immediately smiled and said, "I heard that Huanxin has declared bankruptcy and liquidation."

Chen Ting understood what she meant, so he smiled, "They helped An Ye transport 'Happy Angels' and 'Bath Salts'. They have already committed a serious crime. They just went bankrupt and liquidated, which made them cheaper."

"Isn't it because the people of the Qin family pushed everything to Qin Hong, what a cold family.

But it's strange, I haven't caught him for so long, and there is no news at all. "

"Qin Hong's bank account has been frozen, he can't hide for long."


On the other hand, because of watching movies all night, even with Xue Yao's sobriety charm, Ah Si still felt tired and yawned non-stop.

Ah San let him rest in the secret room, and patrolled around by herself.

But not long after, Ah Si, who was sleeping, suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

He immediately opened his eyes and ran out nervously.

 It seems that there is another 17th-level wind king. I am afraid. The tree that fell because of the mangosteen last time has not been dealt with. I hear the sound of sawing wood every day_(:з」∠)_, everyone should pay attention to safety!
(End of this chapter)

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