Gold Assistant

Chapter 643 Do you want to be a hero?

Chapter 643 Do you want to be a hero?

After Ah Si returned to the ground, he saw Ah San chasing a man in a tattered suit from a distance.

But that person's skill was not very good, and he was chased and caught by Ah San in just a short while.

"Brother Ah San, who is this person?"

Ah Si quickly ran over.

After tying him up, Ah San said, "He should be a homeless man who lives here. When I was inspecting just now, I found some daily necessities in the corner over there."

"So you went to find someone by yourself?!" Ah Si suddenly became angry.

Ah San looked at him puzzled.

"Uh, you are resting, it was an emergency, and he ran away as soon as he saw me.

And through those daily necessities, I judged that there was only one person here, so I went after it directly. "

Ah Si suddenly reprimanded her face.

"The young lady asked us to come together because she was worried that something might happen."

"I want the two of us to take care of each other."

"It's better for you now. Are you going to be a hero by yourself?"

"How old are you, yet so childish."

"In case something happens to you, what will Sister Xin and Xiaoxian do?!"

As she spoke, Ah Si burst into tears.

Seeing him like this, Ah San was a little at a loss.

I didn't expect him to be so worried about himself.

"What are you doing?"

A somewhat familiar voice came from behind.

The two immediately turned around and saw three strangers standing aside, "You, who are you?"

Obviously the voice is familiar, but the appearance is so strange.

And it was not easy for these three people to come to them silently!
The muscles on Ah San and Ah Si tensed up.

"Hee hee, it seems that our disguise was really successful."

After Xue Yao recovered her normal tone, Ah Si shouted in surprise, "Young Madam? Why do you look like this?"

"Well, let's not talk about this first, who is this person?"

"We don't know what we just met."

Xue Yao bent down to take a closer look.

The bum turned his face away, as if he didn't want her to find out who he was.

This made her even more curious.

"Ah, you are Qin Hong!"

Really don't talk about people during the day, don't talk about ghosts at night, I just mentioned him just now, and now I have met him.

I didn't expect him to hide here.

Really will choose.

Chen Ting signaled with his eyes, Ah San immediately slashed Qin Hong on the back of the neck, making him faint.

"What should we do now? If we hand him over to the police, people will know about our coming here, but we can't let him go like this. It will be the same if he is caught later."

Xue Yao immediately looked at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai took out the turkey from his small backpack and knocked Qin Hong on the head.

"Okay, the memory about us has been erased, just take him to the right place later, let people find him and then call the police."


Ah San and Ah Si stared at the turkey in Xiao Bai's hand.

This thing works so well!
Chen Ting said: "Let's deal with the secret room first, Si, you stay outside and watch out."

"Why? Brother Ah San was the one who kept watch outside before."

Ah Si was somewhat dissatisfied with this arrangement.

He is also very curious about the situation in the laboratory.

Chen Ting: "Because you react quickly and can respond flexibly to unexpected situations."

"Well, that's right."

Ah Si was very satisfied with this answer, and he even glanced at Ah San proudly.

Seeing how he was still crying to death just now, Ah San really didn't know what to say when Dayi Lingran scolded him for being childish.

Who the hell is naive!

As soon as he walked into the underground laboratory, Xiaobai automatically and consciously took out the computer, and started decoding with the data link code door.

Fortunately, the cracking program done yesterday is still there, so it only needs to wait a few minutes.

Xue Yao walked to Ah San's side and asked quietly.

"What happened just now? Why is Ah Si crying again?"

The way Ah Si cried in the morning was still fresh in her memory.

"I don't know what's going on?" He recounted what happened just now.

"Could it be because he thought of the people in the village, so he was afraid of losing you?"

Ah San scratched her head, "No way, he seems to hate me. He even avoided me on purpose when it came to sharing meals with Jiang Lizhi."

Xue Yao covered her mouth and smiled.

"He's just a quarrelsome kid."

Suddenly everyone heard a "pop", and the password door opened.

Xiaobai put away the computer.

Chen Ting scanned the situation inside with his spiritual sense.

It was found that apart from some experimental equipment and a strange large freezer, there was nothing else found for the time being.

Everyone stood outside the door without moving.

When Chen Ting said yes, they walked in together.

Ah San found a large box of packaged white powder under the experiment table.

Chen Ting walked over, opened the package, and took a look at the powder.

"Happy angels and bath salts. It seems that this is still the place where Su Zhengxin controls poison."

"These can only be handed over to Brother Tai?"

"Well, after you go out, contact him."

Alas, I have to repeat the reason again.


Xue Yao walked to that weird big freezer with a very ugly expression on her face.

The oncoming power fluctuations allowed her to guess that Tang Yu's meat paste was inside without opening the cabinet door.

The energy here is hundreds of times stronger than Su Zhengxin's, and there are at least a hundred kinds of abilities in it.

Thinking that those were taken from the Tang family, Xue Yao couldn't help shivering.

At this time, a warm jacket was covering Xue Yao's body.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xue Yao turned her head and gave Chen Ting a sweet smile.

"Teacher, the energy inside is too strong. If it is obtained by someone with a heart, it will be out of control."

Chen Ting also nodded.

"You have to find a way to destroy them."

Xue Yao tilted her head and thought for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, the abilities would slowly dissipate, but there is too much energy here, and it may take decades for them to disappear automatically.

Chen Ting suggested, "The ability is stored in Tang Yu's meat paste, as long as the meat paste is destroyed, it should be fine."

"How is it destroyed? Is it burned?"

A picture suddenly appeared in Xue Yao's mind.

A man in a witch's hat is cooking broth in a cauldron.

God!She wants to throw up.

Her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

No more broth! !

Chen Ting noticed her abnormality, immediately hugged her, and said firmly again: "Xiao Yao, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xue Yao looked up at him, immediately stood on tiptoe, and kissed him on the mouth.

Ah San, who came over to ask what to do next, froze on the spot.

Why do you still eat dog food in such a weird place? !
"In this way, there will not be only horrible things in the memories."

Chen Ting smiled dotingly.

Pink bubbles appeared around the two of them again.

Ah San, who refused to eat dog food, poked the bubbles decisively and asked, "What should we do next?"

Chen Ting looked around at the things in the room, "You can't keep these things, you clean up the traces of our coming, and it will blow up here later."


"Well, fire can destroy a lot of things. Even if they find this place, they won't be able to study anything after being burned by the fire."

"But that's not safe."

Xue Yao frowned and thought.

"Ah, I thought of a way!"

(End of this chapter)

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