Gold Assistant

Chapter 644 disappeared

Chapter 644 disappeared

Xue Yao took out a stack of talismans from the environmental protection bag.

When she was about to speak, her cell phone rang suddenly, and it was another recorded email from Jian Le'an.

"Let me listen first."

After listening to the recording, Xue Yao suddenly laughed and said with emotion: "It's really a coincidence."

Both Chen Ting and Ah San looked at her suspiciously.

"Xu Yan and the others plan to come here tomorrow to investigate. We don't need to blow up here. After all, the explosion is too big, and a bad one will cause a wildfire."

"That's right." Chen Ting agreed without thinking. "Is Xiaoyao going to use these talismans to resolve the abilities inside?"

If she didn't say it, they really wouldn't be able to tell which kind of talisman it was.

Usually when they use it, they will pack it in different bags and mark it well.

Xue Yao smiled and said with narrowed eyes, "Well, use a cleaning charm."

"Cleaning charm?" Ah San was a little puzzled, "Isn't that for cleaning? Does it have any special functions?"

"It's just for cleaning."


Xue Yao opened the large freezer, and the fluctuations in the abilities inside became more intense, as if she wanted to rush out all the time, but was imprisoned by something and couldn't escape.

Even "ordinary people" Chen Ting and Ah San, who have no supernatural powers, could feel the unusual changes in the air.

"The cleaning function of the cleaner is to clean up the things that do not belong to the body.

And these abilities were captured by Tang Yu, and they did not belong to his body. They were equivalent to dirty things, so they could be solved with a cleaning talisman. "

As Xue Yao said, she quickly pasted the cleaning talisman on the frozen meat.

Sure enough, the situation was just as she had guessed.

Those abilities that did not belong to Tang Yu began to disappear slowly.

After a while, everyone felt their bodies loosen, as if something that had been pressing them had suddenly disappeared.

In the end, only Tang Yu's own ability to seize was left.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xue Yao felt a very weak suction coming from the meat, but it happened to be blocked by the defensive charm on her body.

After a while, the suction suddenly disappeared.

Xue Yao said with some doubts: "Huh? It seems that the ability to seize is gone!?"

But Chen Ting couldn't answer her.

Just now he tried to check those abilities with his divine sense, but found nothing.

It may be because consciousness and abilities are two different energy systems.

But why is Xue Yao's talisman useful?

Xue Yao thought for a while, and finally said helplessly: "I don't know either, wait for Zhizhi Xiaobai to solve the matter of the Space-Time Administration, and then ask him."

For further testing, Xue Yao took out a paper towel and placed it on the meat.

She didn't want to touch it with her hands.

It's just that when she stretched out her hand, she retracted when she was about to touch it.

She frowned, looking at the remaining tissues.

Then she took out all the paper towels and put them on the meat again, then stretched out a finger and poked lightly on the paper towels, feeling carefully.

Indeed, there is no fluctuation of abilities at all.

"Great, I really don't have any abilities at all."

After confirming, Xue Yao immediately took back her finger.

Chen Ting took out a wet tissue and helped her wipe her hands.

Asan: "..."

These two people gave out dog food again! !

He already has a girlfriend, why does he still feel abused? !

Ah San asked, "Brother Ting, if it doesn't blow up, what will happen to the equipment? Has it been smashed?"

Chen Ting thought about it.

Although the equipment here is very advanced, those who are interested may use the equipment to reverse and find out the formula of 'Happy Angel' or 'Bath Salt'.

"Smash it."

"Then I'll ask Ah Si to come down to help, only we can't do it..."

Ah San turned around and wanted to call for someone, but before she could finish speaking, she saw that all the equipment in this laboratory had fallen apart.

Xiaobai is there, dismantling everything.

It can be seen from the expression on his face that he is very happy now.

Xue Yao: "..."

She walked over quickly, took out the remaining cleaning symbols, first pasted them on Xiao Bai's hands, and then pasted them into the devices respectively.

Just thinking about what those devices were used for made her scalp tingle.

It didn't take long for that pile of equipment to be basically just empty shells.

But the turkey in Xiaobai's hand just got a little bigger, which was completely unimaginable, and all the parts in the laboratory were used in it.

After Xiaobai's work was completed, Xue Yao pasted two cleaning symbols on the big turkey.

"Okay, let's go."

Before leaving, Ah San pasted cleaning symbols on the ground and the walls, and after a few seconds, the traces of their presence disappeared.

"This is really useful."

In the past, it took them an hour to clean up the traces, and sometimes they left traces due to carelessness.

But this cleanser just sticks to the wall or the floor, and everything is done.

It's really a good helper when you go out to do tasks, kill... er, eliminate traces.

When they left, they looked at Qin Hong who was still unconscious.

Xue Yao said: "I'll send an email to Brother An now, they should send someone over, Qin Hong should stay here."

Chen Ting: "Okay."

Xiao Bai stepped forward again, and pecked Qin Hong on the head with the big turkey.

On the way back to the apartment, Xue Yao immediately sent the translated content to Jian Le'an.

Not long after they left, the Special Task Force arrived.

Everyone searched for the entrance of the underground laboratory in the ruins.

"Captain, there is a situation here."

Jian Le'an hurried over.

When I came to the place the team member said, I saw a homeless man lying on the ground.

"This is Qin Hong?!"

When the surrounding team members heard about it, they all laughed happily.

"The fugitive? Hahaha, I didn't expect us to be so lucky. This is a great achievement."

After they moved Qin Hong away, they found the above-ground laboratory under him by the way.

Jian Le'an always felt that everything went too smoothly, as if someone was secretly helping.

But I couldn't find any clues, so I had to suppress the doubts in my heart.

At night, Xue Yao and the others saw the news of Qin Hong's arrest on TV.

It's just that in the pictures captured by the reporter, Qin Hong made weird movements from time to time, and his mouth was still drooling, looking like he was stupid.

"Xiaobai, didn't the last peck you just made erase your memory?"

"It's elimination."

Xiaobai didn't raise his head, and happily played with the big turkey in his hand. A lot of parts were added today, and the functions increased a lot.

"Then how did he become like this?"

"Huh?" Xiaobai raised his head to look at the TV screen, then lowered his head to look at the big turkey in his hand, "It shouldn't be like this."

He disassembled all the parts and piled them up into a small mountain in the living room.

Everyone looked over in surprise.

The volume of that pile of parts is completely asymmetrical with the big turkey in Xiao Bai's hand just now.

Everyone: "..."

 Thank you Panni for the rewards, thank you Dip for your support all the time, thank you all for your support, it is really lucky to meet you here. (* ̄3 ̄)╭ Xiaohuahua hits you.

(End of this chapter)

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