Chapter 102 Demon Invasion!

Chuanxi Road, all the way to the east.

Wang Ye stepped into the border of Southern Sichuan Province.

On the way home, he chose another route, and by the way, he could take Wang Qiang's sword boat.

Right now it's a frontier town.

Entering the street, there is a scene of gunpowder smoke and bonfires scattered all over the place.

Ember flames burned in the uneven ground.

It's devastated, but that's all.

On the surface, the whole street looks deserted and lifeless!

However, according to ordinary logic, no matter how dilapidated a town is, how much it is slaughtered, how many people disappear, there are still scattered survivors.

As for how to find it?

This little thing didn't bother them.

Without Wang Ye's reminder, some people just started shaking.

I saw Sword Immortal Wang Qiang's eyes lingering slightly, and he stepped on the ground!
A sharp sword shines out!

Spinning a small circle in mid-air, drew a sword flower, and then "buzzed" twice, as if it had found the target.

"go with!"

Wang Qiang shouted loudly, and the sword glow flew down.

Blast a place on the ground.

A huge pothole emerges.

"Shangxian... Great King, please spare me!"

A "plop" sound came out in response.

I saw a middle-aged man with plaster on his face, kneeling on the ground, and pulling the little boy next to him to kneel down together!
Wang Ye walked in the front with strides, and came to the front of the middle-aged man.

"Don't be afraid, let me ask you, what happened these days? How did such a good town become like this?"

Wang Ye expressed that he should try his best to appear gentle... Although the young tiger's face is not gentle no matter how you look at it.

"Isn't it because of you?"

The little boy beside him pointed at Wang Ye's head and said angrily.

"You son of a bitch, shut up for me!" The middle-aged man reacted in a jerk, slammed his hand on the little boy's face, and slapped him to the ground.

"Hey..." The middle-aged man had a smile all over his face, bowed his knees, and said submissively: "My lord, this kid is ignorant, you don't live with little ghosts..."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, Wang Ye nodded and waved his hand to express his indifference.

"Tell me... what's going on?"

"Alas...that's fine." The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

Turning his head slightly, he glared at the little boy again, motioning him not to interrupt, and then said:
"It's like this. A few days ago, many monsters suddenly appeared... Ah, I didn't mean you, Your Majesty! Those monsters are bloodthirsty and cruel. They kill people and eat children when they see them!"

"Many nearby villages were slaughtered."

"Ghost... monster?" Wang Ye was puzzled when he heard the middle-aged man's words.

In this world, monsters are monsters and monsters are monsters.

The meanings of the two are far apart.

"Ah, it's just something... like ghosts." The middle-aged man looked at Wang Ye doubtfully and added.

"Spirits?" Wang Ye whispered... Could it be some natural mountain spirits?
At this time, the little boy on the side suddenly interjected: "It's just some sticks, swords, utensils, it seems to be alive. Not only are they cruel, but they can also speak people's words!"

"You... shut up!" The middle-aged man cursed, but suddenly found that his son's description was quite accurate.

"That's right, my lord, they are some dead artifacts, as if they were alive, with powerful mana, and they can speak human words, as if they were alive."

With such a description, Wang Ye quickly understood.

Old friend, Moxiu... So, is it a demon invasion?
"What about your town's land? What about the county town god? They don't care?" Wang Ye asked, and then he thought that the other party was just an ordinary person, and he might not necessarily know the existence of the land town god, and then said:

"What about your government?"

"This..." The middle-aged man smiled wryly, and replied: "This town belongs to Weinan County, and Weinan County... has been destroyed."


Wang Ye took a deep breath. Although a county is nothing, even the county town god is not a strong person.

But the county seat represents the rule of the Hedong Dynasty.

A county was destroyed, demon?magic?destroy?

Is this Wanshan in the southwest and the Hexi states united to start a war against the Hedong Dynasty?
He turned his head and glanced at Wang Qiang and the little old man, both of them were equally shocked!
This news is too shocking!
In such a big battle, Wang Ye has undergone such a big change in just one trip.

It shows that the other party is obviously prepared.

The war must have happened!
Wang Qiang took a sudden step at this time, and said with a serious face: "Senior, the gate of the junior is located at the border of southern Sichuan. I am afraid that the sect is... not immune, so the junior has to take a step back first. I am sorry!"

The Qingcheng Sword Sect is the southern Sichuan sect, since the war started, they must bear the brunt of it.

Wang Qiang and the others are really in a hurry!

Wang Ye nodded, war is not a trivial matter, this time the monsters are prepared, I am afraid it is not easy to deal with.

It is natural for Wang Qiang and the others to worry about the safety of the mountain gate!

Even he...was a little worried about his Xiaolinshan.

I just don't know how big the demon alliance's coverage is.

But thinking that the Hexi kingdoms are in the north, but the magic cultivators can invade the Southern Sichuan Prefecture, then...the Western Sichuan Prefecture in Xiaolin Mountain?

It's already in the midst of the flames of war...

Dire water, ah, headache.

Wang Ye patted his head.

He had just increased his strength a little bit, and he thought that he would be able to increase his survivability now.

Unexpectedly, the living environment has become worse.

more dangerous...

Alas, sad reminder!

"Maori, Canjo. Let's go!"

Wang Qiang's fingertips activated the sword energy, and a large sword flying boat flashed out.

The three sword fairies quickly jumped onto the sword boat,

The sword boat also started rumbling instantly.

Soon, Jianzhou turned on its power and flew eastward rapidly!
"Senior Wang Ye, we are destined to meet again!"

Mao Li waved his hand on the sword boat and shouted loudly.

"Well, see you again by fate!" Wang Ye smiled slightly and waved his paw.

Not to mention, without this kid, I'm afraid there will be a lot of fun on the road.

"Qing... Sword Immortal of Qingcheng!" The middle-aged man suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the sword boat and the Qingfeng emblem on the sword boat.

The Qingcheng Sword Sect is the top immortal sect in Southern Sichuan Province!
No one knows, no one knows!
And the three great swordsmen of the Qingcheng Sword Sect all want to call..."Senior" to this young tiger in front of them?
Not only the middle-aged man, but even the little boy who was ignorant of the world, couldn't help admiring him.

This demon... king, what a terrifying existence it is!

Wang Ye didn't bother to pay attention to the two, but took out a few mouthfuls of food from his crotch with his claws, and threw them into the pit.

The middle-aged man and the little boy rushed forward as if their eyes were shining.

While embracing him in his arms, he thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wang Ye reacted flatly, turned to the little old man and the civet cat Xiaobei, and said, "Let's go too!"

"Well, Daojun!"

The little old man said excitedly.


Civet cat Xiaobei said charmingly.

Wang Ye glanced at the civet cat Xiaobei, this guy is getting more and more...

Then he charged his claws and headed north!

(End of this chapter)

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