Chapter 103 Staged Summary ([-])

The second volume is over, after thinking about it, let's summarize it.

After all, Bai Yin is a self-disciplined author, so I review it regularly to check some problems in my writing.

Change it if you have it, and encourage it if you don't.

(Whispering: There are quite a lot of questions)
In addition, in fact, if it is a paid book, at this point, it is almost time to write a testimonial on the shelf haha.

However, like Baiyin, although there are a few books on the shelves, they are really quite popular, and there are not many readers, so this is really the first time for a testimonial.

If it wasn't written as badly as some authors...

Please forgive me, I have no experience after all...

It was quite a coincidence that this book "Fierce Beast" came out. At that time, Baiyin was still hitting the street at the starting point. It happened to be a time to test the waters and push people to despair. I heard that Yuewen was going to open a free website, so I came to test the waters when I thought about it. .

I really didn't expect that when I tried the water, it really worked.

It's better than the previous results, and more importantly, Baiyin should have realized... the true meaning of web writing and the direction of hard work, let Baiyin figure it out clearly.

If we used to be groping alone in the dark night, wandering, regressing, and pacing in the same way, now...even if we are still far away from the end point, even if we go all the way, we may not be able to reach it, but at least...the lighthouse in the distance , is still very bright!

See the way forward!
At least let Baiyin see the way forward, so that he won't be completely confused like before.


Having said that, according to the way I read some testimonials, I should first thank my editor Cheese, Grandma!

Although... I guess Grandma may not be able to see it here...

But thanks are sincere.

Grandma is able to sign me as a third-rate rusher, it is really... thanks to the love!

Huh... It seems that the number of routes is wrong, I should thank the readers first...

Haha, it doesn't matter anymore!

In short, you are all the family silver of silver, well~~
I love you guys!
I am really grateful for everyone's company along the way, so that whenever Baiyin's grades are low, he can read the comments, read the chapters, and read the favorite votes.

It turns out that there are still so many friends watching "The Beast"!
It turns out that there are still so many friends supporting "The Beast"!
Shirogane is so touched...huh?Fuck, so many friends still scold "The Beast"?

Really good!

So excited...the more you scold me, the more excited I get!
Yes, scolding is actually another kind of praise, another kind of encouragement.

Cursing means that there are new readers coming in, it means that Baiyin still has room for improvement, and it means that Baiyin still has a long way to go before writing a story that satisfies everyone.

So... feel free to scold——

Hmm... The process is almost over here.

Thank you readers!Thanks for editing!I also thank myself for my uninterrupted efforts in the past two months!
Next, it's time for Silver's self-reflection.

There was no misfortune, no begging for rewards, and no passionate speeches.

It's just a simple summary.

First, the first big question.

The main line is not clear enough.

With these 20 words, especially the [-] words in the second volume, Baiyin's biggest feeling is that there is not enough driving force to create a sense of expectation.

Many friends said that after Chapter [-], "The Beast" collapsed a bit, and this is actually the reason.

In the first volume, it has the bonus of the title "Just became a beast, someone built a sect on my mountain", so it has a natural main line, a natural driving force, and a natural sense of expectation.

After all, everyone reads books because of the title and introduction.

However, when the plot turns to the second volume, this sense of anticipation is insufficient.

One reason is that the task given by the title of the book is completed.

The other one was also to blame for Bai Yin, who really started the book without being prepared.

So much so that the "main line" formulated by the outline is indeed not as ingenious as that in the first volume.

The main driving force of the main plot line is sufficient to create a sense of expectation. This problem, Silver will improve in the third volume.

The second big problem.

The plot structure is not good.

In the first volume, there was actually no outline, although I had a rough plan for the final climax in my heart.

But the middle plot point, to be honest, is a bit crooked.

This makes it a bit strange when reading.

There are differences before and after the plot, as if there is a stroke here, a stroke there, a horizontal line above, and a stroke below, it is not coherent enough, and the overall feeling is not written.

In the second volume, after absorbing the lessons of the first volume, the plot is actually more coherent.

The whole plot revolves around the story that happened on the way of the protagonist to Yelang Country.

Then conquer the big and small forces all the way to complete the progress, so as to achieve the final effect of "unifying" the land of no man.

Of course, there are still many problems in this,
Although the story told basically met the expectations, the refreshment, climax, ups and downs, and pit digging were actually not done well.

There's a big flaw, well, obviously not a flaw, maybe a... hole.

At the same time, this is also the third big problem.

The rhythm of the storytelling.

In the current information age, especially for works, the fight is at a fast pace.

For example, the cross talk of Deyun Society, in Bai Yin's view, is somewhat similar to the web novels. From the beginning, there needs to be a point of laughter to catch the audience's ears, and then to achieve the effect of laughing all the way.

Once the rhythm is wrong, the small problem is fine, and the big problem may be left alone.

The same is true for online articles. The beginning needs to be refreshing to catch the readers' attention.

Then all the way up and down, and it must be fast, and it must be cool all the way. Nowadays, even the great masters are gradually changing, and the fast rhythm has become the mainstream of the works, just like the Divine Comedy of a certain music, and the short video of a certain music's popularity.

They are all fast-paced products.

To give another example, for example, "I can repair the air conditioner", people don't comment, but the suspenseful story of the master is indeed top-notch!top notch!
From Bai Yin's point of view, I know how to fix the air conditioner, and I can slowly pave the way for suspense, and make it into a fast-paced story.
As the number of words increases, the achievements of "My Healing Game" will only get higher and higher!
Looking back, watching "The Fierce Beast", the ... poor rhythm is really horrible, it's a mess.

Of course, don't be discouraged, after all, most of the air conditioners have been masters for many years, and Baiyin is just a rookie who is just fledgling.

Looking at it from another angle, we still have a lot of room for growth haha.

Fourth question.

design level.

Regarding the design, it is actually a technical problem.

Without a certain amount of word practice and enough experience, it is really difficult to grind it out.

Especially recently, every time Bai Yin comes to write a new chapter, he will suddenly be stunned.

Ah... why don't I pave the way for this before?
Ah... why didn't my one dig a hole before?

If it is done, the effect will definitely be very good, but why... I didn't think of it before?

It can only be said that if you can't do it, you can't do it. The level is not enough, the strength is not good enough, the water is in the water, but it doesn't work...

In addition, not only the design of the plot, but also the characterization of the characters are really too shallow.

Before writing the book, Bai Yin: "??? You can't write this character well, look at mine, use the pen—"

After writing the book, Bai Yin: "Damn it... how did you do it!?! Why can't I do it? It's too difficult..."

Finally, there are some other niggles.

For example, the foreshadowing and climax are not well grasped, the character dialogue is too shallow, the description is not appropriate enough, the plot is not attractive enough, the freshness is not enough, the setting is not clever enough, and so on.

All these unbearable things really made Bai Yin feel ashamed.

These small and delicate problems can only be made up after Bai Yin has learned the previous ones.

Of course, at that time, haha, I am afraid it will be a different scene.

Well, two months of introspection and self-awareness are roughly that much.

All kinds of problems emerge one after another, and the key is still difficult.

Difficult to do~
Writing an essay is really not an easy task, take your time, don't rush!

That's all for now!
that's all!

Encourage with Jun!

(End of this chapter)

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