Supreme Space Puppet Master

Chapter 164 The Master of Hekou Village

Chapter 164 The Master of Hekou Village
Hua Meng didn't speak, but still stood on a high place and looked at Li Dashuan coldly.

Li Dashuan wanted to cry, but he was told by Qiu Rong Xianzun to do this. In order to make them believe in his sincerity, he deliberately did not lead his followers.

In fact, this is not the case, even if he wants to bring his followers, no one is willing to continue to follow him. Over the years, Li Dashuan has been bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and he is not really popular in Luoyuan City.

It’s like a person who is used to big fish and meat all the year round, and suddenly told him one day that he can only eat porridge and side dishes in the future, so no matter how fresh the porridge and side dishes are, he will not think these porridge and side dishes are delicious .

The same is true for Li Dashuan. For Li Dashuan, life is like death.

Although Hua Meng didn't believe Li Dashuan's words, he seemed more stable these days than when he was in the outer courtyard of Hua's family in the Holy Capital.

Hua Meng didn't let Li Dashuan into Hua's house, but the alarm that was released just now had already told enough information to the other brothers and sisters in the house.

It's just that Li Dashuan is an outsider after all, he just felt that the siren sound was harsh and sharp, but he didn't understand the meaning of the sound.

I just thought it was an enemy attack alarm.

Not long after, Hua Nian came out of the house, he patted Hua Meng's shoulder with a smile, and shouted to the door: "Hey, that bearded man downstairs, is what you said true? "

In fact, even though Hua Nian asked that, except for Hua Meng, other people in the house had already met and discussed, and they planned to let Li Dashuan in first.

Li Dashuan's intention of coming here is exactly as he said, that's the best, if Li Dashuan has evil intentions, then don't be afraid, just right, they are trying to see how their newly practiced kung fu is progressing.

Li Dashuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly said: "Really, it's more real than real gold."

Hua Nian smiled, for some reason, Li Dashuan was so terribly laughed at by this young boy whose cultivation level was far inferior to his.

At this time, I heard Hua Nian say: "Then come in, Ah Meng, and open the door."

Li Dashuan was delighted when he heard the words, then he heard a creak, Hua Meng stood at the door and said, "Come in."

Li Dashuan could feel the faint hostility of these teenagers towards him, but he couldn't do anything about it. Now he was no longer the Li Dashuan who could rely on Qiu Rongxianzun's prestige to make a fortune.

Li Dashuan didn't know why the eyes of the boys and girls in front of him were looking at him with extra fiery eyes, as if he was some kind of sweet potato.

Li Dashuan was a little puzzled, did they already know?
Should not be ah.

This morning, Xianzun just explained the matter to him. Could it be that these children knew something earlier than him?
Li Dashuan cupped his hands, and said, "My fellow daoists, I, Li Dashuan, did something wrong that day. I, Li Dashuan, first apologize to everyone here."

Jiang Xiaoli is not here, the person who is making big decisions in the Hua family at this time is Hua Qian.

Because of the agreement with Jiang Xiaoli that day, Huayi practiced extraordinarily hard, so at this time he didn't join in the fun, but sat quietly on the side, but if Li Dashuan really wanted to do something wrong, he would do it first. One rushed up.

Like everyone else, Hua Qian didn't say a word, because everyone didn't believe that Li Dashuan would come to them for no reason.

"There's no need to apologize." Hua Nian looked at everyone, then stood up, and said to Li Dashuan, "Since you've already said that, please go ahead."

Li Dashuan was taken aback, "Young fellow Taoist, where do you want me to go?"

Hua Nian raised his eyebrows and said, "You've finished your work, so of course you should go back where you should go. Are you still waiting for us to keep you for dinner?"

Li Dashuan said: "No, no, there is one more thing about fellow Taoist Xiaoli."

"Xiao Li?"

"What happened to Xiaoli?"

After everyone heard Li Dashuan's words, they all stood up and surrounded Li Dashuan. Li Dashuan couldn't bear so many eyes staring at him. This was not something to enjoy.

Huayi didn't know when Huayi, who was sitting quietly on the side, rushed to Li Dashuan and asked, "Do you know where she went?"

Although Jiang Xiaoli said that she would be back in half a month or so, she didn't tell everyone where she went. It has been ten days, and Jiang Xiaoli is like a drop of water that has dropped into the sea, without the slightest trace. Audio, how can everyone not worry.

Li Dashuan's arm hurt a little from Huayi's grasping, he smiled sarcastically and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Xiaoli has gone to do something for the Immortal Venerable, and he will be back in half a month at most."

Everyone was stunned, "It turns out that Xiao Li was deceived by your immortals, saying, where did you hide Xiao Li?"

Everyone was very worried about Jiang Xiaoli, because no matter what, after all, everyone didn't know that Jiang Xiaoli could actually cultivate, so how could this make everyone not worry?
"Oh, little fellow daoist, I misunderstood you." Although Li Dashuan's cultivation base is higher than Huayi's, Huayi grabbed his collar and dared not resist. If this was half a month ago, who would have dared to treat him Being so disrespectful, he will definitely make this person regret appearing in Luoyuan, but now Li Dashuan can only pretend to be his grandson, "How can you say it's a lie, it's a misunderstanding."

Hua Meng stared at Li Dashuan, "Then tell me, your immortals have taken us to Xiaoli, and we will find her."

This made Li Dashuan very embarrassed, because he didn't know about it, Li Dashuan said with a bitter face, "Don't embarrass me, everyone, I'm just running errands, I really don't know."

Of course, even if he knew, without Ming Yun's nod, how could he dare to make decisions without Ming Yun.

Naidong, who had been standing aside and seldom spoke, frowned, and a cold voice came, "Let him go, he really doesn't know."

"Yes, yes, this little fellow Taoist is right. I really don't know. If I knew, can I not tell you?" Li Dashuan heard Naidong's voice, like listening to fairy music, he quickly continued: "I came here this time, following the orders of our Immortal Venerable, to give this to everyone."

Everyone looked at Hua Qian, who frowned and asked, "What?"

Li Dashuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is the map of Hekou Village. Hekou is the village with the most fertile land in this area."

"The map of Hekou Village?" Hua Qian was puzzled. He shook the map, "What do you mean?"

Li Dashuan straightened his messy clothes, and said, "This is the reward that our Immortal Venerable promised to fellow Taoist Xiaoli. Let me send it here today. With this map, all the land and tenants in Hekou Village are It belongs to Fellow Daoist Xiaoli, from now on, Fellow Daoist Xiaoli will be the owner of Hekou Village."



"Brother, why are you doing this? Why did you let that beard go away!" Hua Nian looked at the map Hua Qian was holding in his hand, and couldn't believe that this was something his brother would do. Hua Nian stomped his feet angrily, "And you, Naidong, how sure are you that that bearded man doesn't know where Xiaoli is? Hey, Naidong, where did you go? Come out!"

Nai Dong is gone.

Hua Nian was about to die of anger, one or two were unreliable at the critical moment, "If you don't go after them, I will go after them myself."

Huayi also had an angry face, "Hua Nian wait, I'll go with you!"

"Come back to me, have you forgotten what Xiao Li said before leaving? If Xiao Li is not here, listen to me." Hua Qian said in a rare voice.

After all, Hua Qian was Hua Nian's elder brother, he knew that his elder brother was angry, so he slapped his feet.

"Hmph!" Hua Yi naturally didn't give Hua Qian any face, because in his heart, he felt that he should be Jiang Xiaoli's most trusted person, "If you don't go, I will go by myself."

Hua Qian sighed and said, "Okay, come back, I know what you are thinking."

Everyone didn't talk, but everyone looked at the map of Hekou Village in Hua Qian's hand, and then at Hua Qian, the meaning was self-evident.

Hua Nian hesitated, and pulled Hua Yi, "Hua Yi, my elder brother is not that kind of person."

Huayi sneered, "What kind of person? I didn't say a word, but you said it yourself. You said that, which shows that you also think so in your heart."

Hua Nian choked, Hua Qian slapped the map of Hekou Village on the table, "Do you think I really let that bearded man go because of the map of Hekou Village?"

Huayi pursed her lips and said nothing, obviously thinking that way.

"Xiao Li hasn't come back yet, and she hasn't said that Qiu Rongxian respected her reward from Hekou Village. Besides, if something is going to happen, I don't know, so I sent someone to send the reward?" Hua Qian Taking a deep breath, he said, "Don't you think this whole thing is too weird?"

Hua Meng touched his head, "That's right, you should pay for the goods and deliver the goods, right?"

Hua Jun rubbed his chin and said: "Then there are two possibilities, either Xiao Li has done a good job for Qiurong Immortal Venerable, or else." The village is not a reward but a compensation."

Hua Meng was taken aback, "Bah, bah, what are you talking about, Hua Jun?"

Huayi also glared at Huajun angrily, "Huajun, talk nonsense again, be careful I will tear your mouth apart."

Hua Qian frowned and said, "I also think the matter is nothing more than the two possibilities Hua Jun mentioned."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, Hua Qian looked at everyone and said: "Nai Dong has already chased after her just now, Xiao Li asked her to cultivate Yin, and we only know where Xiao Li went when she quietly followed that bearded man .”

"That's right, this bearded man's mouth is so tight, if we ask, he will definitely not tell us." Hua Nian was stunned, and he patted Hua Yi, "Hua Yi, I told you, my brother, isn't he People like that."

Hua Yi pursed her lips, nodded to Hua Qian as apologetic, and then said: "But, what about us, what should we do now?"

Jiang Xiaoli's whereabouts are still unknown, even if Naidong goes after him, the rest of them can't just sit here and wait.

Hua Qian thought for a while and said, "I can only go to the Holy Capital."

(End of this chapter)

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