Supreme Space Puppet Master

Chapter 165 Going to the Holy Capital

Chapter 165 Going to the Holy Capital
Go to the holy capital?

Hua Qian Hua Mu Hua Mu, who talked the least in Hua Nian, said, "But, even if we go to the Holy Capital, will the Holy Capital care about us?"

In fact, it's not just Huamu who is not sure, but none of the people here is sure, because they were sent to Luoyuan because they got into trouble.

Even coming to Luoyuan is actually thanks to Uncle Jiu.

Zijing thought for a while and said, "Not only do I have to write a letter to the Patriarch, but I also have to write a letter to Madam, Madam will not ignore Xiao Li."

Hua Nian said: "Yes, what Zijing said makes sense, so what are we waiting for, let's write now."

It's just that things were a little different from what they thought. Before their letter was delivered to the Holy Capital, someone from the Holy Capital had already arrived, and this person was none other than Uncle Jiu who hardly ever went out.



The weather in the sealed land is still so unpredictable, the cold wind and rain are intermittent, and the dark clouds in the sky are still so thick, it seems that there will never be a day to dissipate.

In the distance, there was a blue smoke rolling obliquely, bending, and finally disappearing into the sky.

Looking down along the slanting green smoke, you will find that there is actually a tent standing on the flat grassland.

Inside the tent was Jiang Xiaoli, who almost drove Hua Qian Hua Yi and the others crazy.

Oh, right.

And of course Lian Xi.

Lian Xi traveled earlier than Jiang Xiaoli, or he hadn't slept soundly all this time, because Jiang Xiaoli's condition has been very bad these days, even though he became famous in his youth, he is already a peerless alchemist who has moved Qianyuan.

However, there is still no elixir that can make Jiang Xiaoli completely relieve pain.

Lian Xi touched Jiang Xiaoli's hand, frowning slightly, Jiang Xiaoli's hand was still a little cold.

He threw a pill fire to make the fire burn hotter, and then tightened his grip on Jiang Xiaoli.

However, Lian Xi's actions woke up Jiang Xiaoli, Jiang Xiaoli felt the ever-warm hand that passed around her waist and finally placed on her lower abdomen, and his little face turned red.

It's just that she is no stranger to such scenes, because the same situation has happened many times.

"woke up?"

I don't know if it's because he just woke up early in the morning, but Lian Xi's voice is a little hoarse.


Jiang Xiaoli hummed softly, she was a little embarrassed, since they flew out of the swamp that day, they have stayed in the grassland beside the swamp for more than six days.

During these six days, the daytime was fine, but in the middle of the night, the unspeakable pain made Jiang Xiaoli extremely uncomfortable. Lian Xi thought of many ways and used many pills for Jiang Xiaoli, but it still didn't work .

Maybe it's because this is a sealed place, Jiang Xiaoli's situation is very different from that of ordinary women.

In the end, Lian Xi gritted her teeth, and every morning, Jiang Xiaoli always woke up in Lian Xi's arms, and it was no surprise that a big hand was quietly warming her.

"Is it better?" Lian Xi sat up, took out a bowl of hot soup from a bronze medicine cauldron on the fire, and handed it to Jiang Xiaoli, "Drink some."

Jiang Xiaoli's cheeks felt hot again, probably because the hot soup that Lian Xi handed her was too hot.

Lian Xi boiled this hot water early in the morning, Jiang Xiaoli didn't know what ingredients were used, the taste was bland and tasteless, but after drinking it, the whole body warmed up, especially the lower abdomen.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't know the ingredients of this soup, but Jiang Xiaoli, who made this soup, felt a little ashamed, because it was made by Lian Xi using his alchemy copper cauldron to simmer slowly.

All medicine cauldrons that can be made into good pills have spirits, not to mention that this medicine cauldron was passed to him by their master Fuxi when they were in the secret realm of Meishan.

But even though Xiao Ding's Qi Ling was a little reluctant, under Lian Xi's forceful suppression, he obediently took a part-time job of alchemy to make soup.

After drinking the soup, Jiang Xiaoli said, "We only have 20 days at most now."

With less and less time left and where the magic bead was still unknown, things became more and more urgent.

Lian Xi hummed lightly, but said with some concern: "Are you really all right?"

Jiang Xiaoli blushed. In fact, she almost finished yesterday, she said: "It's okay, it's okay, let's go find the magic beads."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaoli took the lead out of the tent. Although nothing happened between them these days, Jiang Xiaoli and Lian Xi stayed together in this small tent, always feeling a little hot.

Lian Xi was stunned for a moment, put the things into his own storage magic weapon, and then caught up with Jiang Xiaoli.

On the golden feather eagle's broad back, Lian Xi put his arms around Jiang Xiaoli, wanting to embrace Jiang Xiaoli in his arms like before.

Jiang Xiaoli's back froze, she smiled coquettishly and said, "Hey, what, I'm fine now."

The implication is that she doesn't need Lian Xi's embrace anymore. Looking at Lian Xi's puzzled expression, Jiang Xiaoli explained, "We are just from the same family, so..." Jiang Xiaoli paused and said, "It's not really Suitable."

Lian Xi was silent for a while, and the hand on Jiang Xiaoli's waist slowly slipped down. For some reason, Jiang Xiaoli felt a little lost.

The Golden Feather Eagle's speed was so fast that it had already traveled far away, but Lian Xi, who was sitting obliquely behind Jiang Xiaoli, didn't say a word.

The sealed place is shrouded in cloud all the year round, which is easy to make people feel depressed. In addition, Lian Xi, who had been talking a lot before, suddenly fell silent. Jiang Xiaoli felt very uncomfortable.

"Lian Xi?" Jiang Xiaoli cleared his throat, "What's wrong with you?"

Lian Xi hummed lightly and said, "It's okay."

Lian Xi's voice was a little low and muffled, it fell into Jiang Xiaoli's ears, and Jiang Xiaoli actually felt that there was a trace of grievance in Lian Xi's voice.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't see the flashing smile in Lian Xi's eyes, she felt a little embarrassed when she heard Lian Xi's muffled answer, she tried to recall if she said something inappropriate just now that hurt Lian Xi.

Well, probably not.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, Lian Xi's muffled voice came over, "You cross the river and tear down the bridge."

"What?" Jiang Xiaoli was stunned.

Lian Xi glanced at Jiang Xiaoli, from that glance, Jiang Xiaoli actually saw a bit of resentment, weird, really weird, Jiang Xiaoli almost didn't reach out to rub his eyes, could it be him You are wrong.

"I said you crossed the river and demolished the bridge." Lian Xi looked into Jiang Xiaoli's eyes and said seriously: "You still said that we are just in the same family, do you know what you call it?"

Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, fortunately Lian Xi didn't say that she unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, Jiang Xiaoli looked at Lian Xi and asked, "What's it called?"

Lian Xi paused, he glanced at Jiang Xiaoli, then looked into Jiang Xiaoli's eyes and said word by word: "Playing hooligan."

Jiang Xiaoli's face turned red when he heard the words, Lian Xi glanced at Jiang Xiaoli, and said, "You said it yourself, we have hugged and hugged, and you still say that we are only related to each other, your behavior , not playing hooligans."

Jiang Xiaoli hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, what are you talking about?"

"What nonsense?" Lian Xi said, "Let me tell you straight, I've grown up so much, but I've never had such close contact with a girl."

Jiang Xiaoli is not stupid after all, what Lian Xi said is very clear, she is nothing more than saying that she, Jiang Xiaoli, has tarnished his innocence, but she is not responsible for him.

Jiang Xiaoli asked the sky speechlessly, "Lian Xi, calm down."

Lian Xi paused, looked into Jiang Xiaoli's eyes and asked, "How dare you say that we haven't hugged before?"

Lian Xi's eyes were very calm, but Jiang Xiaoli could feel the turbulent waves hidden in that calm.

Jiang Xiaoli said: "... hugged."

Lian Xi said: "Or do you dare to say that you haven't hugged?"

Jiang Xiaoli said: "... hugged."

Lian Xi was satisfied, and said: "Then it's over. After the seal is removed, I will invite my family to your house to propose marriage. Then, we will go to Meishan to kowtow to the master and the old man."

Jiang Xiaoli wanted to speak, but Lian Xi preempted him, "By the way, where should I go to propose marriage? Is it Hua's family, or Guanglingjiang's family? Or go to both of them, yes, this is the best way." it is good……"

"Stop, stop." Jiang Xiaoli blushed, she looked at Lian Xi and tried to wake him up, "Then what, what happened before was a stopgap measure, don't worry about it, Lian Xi."

Lian Xi's face darkened, "Hmph, let's put it bluntly, you just don't want to be responsible."


Jiang Xiaoli raised his forehead, "Lian Xi, calm down."

Lian Xi reached out and held Jiang Xiaoli's shoulder, looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said, "I'm very calm."

Jiang Xiaoli was stunned, she had never noticed that Lian Xi's eyes were so dark, so dark that it was frightening, Jiang Xiaoli could clearly see her dazed reflection in Lian Xi's eyes.

Jiang Xiaoli suffocated for breath, but the breath on his face became hotter and hotter, and another trace of pink crept onto Jiang Xiaoli's already hot face.

Lian Xi's eyes were very serious, there was not only light in his eyes, but also a vortex, which sucked Jiang Xiaoli in unconsciously.

Lian Xi pursed her lips, and at the same time, Jiang Xiaoli also pursed her lips subconsciously.

I don't know if it was Jiang Xiaoli's illusion, but she actually felt that Lian Xi's handsome face was gradually getting bigger, but at this moment, a cry suddenly came from her ear.


This was the voice of the Golden Feather Eagle, and Jiang Xiaoli could still hear that there was a hint of anxiety in this voice.

Jiang Xiaoli quickly came back to her senses, she subconsciously caressed Jin Yudiao's neck to hide her burning face.

Lian Xi cleared her throat, and shifted her gaze to other places, but gently plucked the golden feather eagle's feathers where Jiang Xiaoli could not see.


The Golden Feather Eagle yelled again in pain. It flapped its wings and became even faster.

Soon, Lian Xi realized that she had actually misunderstood Jin Yu Diao just now, and the anxious cry that Jin Yu Diao made wasn't to interrupt the faint connection between Jiang Xiaoli and Lian Xi. It's because it has already discovered that something is wrong ahead.

Lian Xi squinted his eyes first, and in the depths of the dark clouds in front of him, an extremely fast black shadow flashed by, but the speed was extremely fast and disappeared in a flash.

"Look, Lian Xi! What is that!"

The black shadow flashed by again, this time neither Jiang Xiaoli nor Lian Xi missed it, it was a phantom, like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon but not a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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