Chapter 306

Bailiyan did not lie, and soon, Bailiyan told Jiang Xiaoli how to break the restriction imposed by Tantai Yu.

At the stairs on the second floor, the small door was gently pushed open.

There is no damp musty smell inside, but a faint fragrance.

Hua Mao's eyes lit up, and she looked at Jiang Xiaoli in surprise.

He didn't understand how Jiang Xiaoli did it, because it was a restriction imposed by Uncle Jiu, and no one could enter the second floor without Uncle Jiu's permission.

Ninth Uncle is a mysterious existence in the Hua family. No one in the Hua family knows how deep their Ninth Uncle's cultivation is. Of course, they don't know the specific origin of this Ninth Uncle.

Huamao only knows that the present uncle Jiu is in Luoyuan.

Both Huayue and Huamao couldn't help being a little excited, because even though Huayue and Huamao were direct descendants of the Hua family, disciples of the Tianban in the inner courtyard.

But in front of this ninth uncle, they will not get more chances because of this.

Zangshu Pavilion has always been mysterious to the Hua family's children.

Especially, above the second floor.

Hua Mao pointed to the stairs, "Let's go up?"

Jiang Xiaoli glanced at Huayue, and Huayue's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Jiang Xiaoli nodded, and was the first to take the lead up the stairs.

Originally, Jiang Xiaoli followed the method given by Bailiyan just to enter the second floor.

No matter how restrictive the Hua family has been to Zangshu Pavilion, Jiang Xiaoli and the others are not dead-headed people, especially in the current situation where Shengducheng is broken.

It was not the first time for Jiang Xiaoli to enter the library of the Hua family.

Back then, Jiang Xiaoli and the others were fined to clean the library.

Jiang Xiaoli is no stranger to the Hua Family Library Pavilion. When Jiang Xiaoli was in the outer courtyard, he had climbed up and down the Library Pavilion several times.

At that time, Tantai Yu still looked like a grandfather.

At that time, Jiang Xiaoli still called Nine Uncles with Tantai Yu in his mouth.

However, at that time, Jiang Xiaoli didn't know that she "randomly" went in and out of the library, which aroused the eyes of many Hua family children.

Jiang Xiaoli stood at the door on the second floor, "I'll pick some books I like tonight, and tomorrow morning, we'll pack up the books here and take them away."

Hua Yue and Hua Mao had no objection to Jiang Xiaoli's proposal.

Because they also know very well that the Book Collection Pavilion of the Hua family is the foundation accumulated by several generations of ancestors of the Hua family.

Even after all, the Hua family's background and many forces are still very weak.

Even for Huayue and Huamao, it is extremely rare for them to be able to enter the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion.

Huayue and Hua Mao disappeared without a trace as soon as they got into the book forest.

Jiang Xiaoli did not immediately walk into the jungle of bookshelves, but released dozens of puppets.

Jiang Xiaoli asked several puppet soldiers to take their own puppet soldiers to guard around the Zangshu Pavilion.

Although the magic army has already withdrawn, who knows that the magic army will not counterattack?
Be careful.

In particular, Jiang Xiaoli cut off Yu Qing's tail just now, so it's hard to guarantee that Yu Qing won't turn around and rush to the Holy Capital again.

After Jiang Xiaoli finished these quietly, he was ready to walk towards the second floor.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaoli heard Bai Liyan say in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Wait a minute, don't rush to the second floor."

Jiang Xiaoli has some doubts in his heart, but since Bailiyan has already said so, Jiang Xiaoli also knows that Bailiyan is not very deceptive.

Since he had already said that, there must be a reason for Bailiyan.

Jiang Xiaoli followed Bailiyan's words, turned around and walked towards the first floor.

There are also several bookstores on the first floor of the Hua Family Library, but the books and exercises here are all used by the Hua Family to provide to the junior disciples of the Hua Family.

Furthermore, even some relatively advanced exercises have only reached the foundation building stage, and those exercise books are often very common and common exercises.

Just without Bailiyan's prompt, Jiang Xiaoli had already started looking for those bookshelves.

Baili Yan smiled and said: "It seems that you are not a silly girl."

Jiang Xiaoli was silent when he heard the words.

Although she is not very smart, she is not stupid, okay?

Bailiyan said: "Girl, how do you know there are good things on the first floor?"

Jiang Xiaoli said, "I don't know."

Baili Yan was startled, "Then you..."

Jiang Xiaoli said: "Because I know, Uncle Baili, you wouldn't say that suddenly for no reason, there must be some reason."

Jiang Xiaoli glanced at the bookshelves full of exercises and books and said, "And this is the Library Pavilion, the most likely thing is that there are some good books hidden in this bookshelf."

Baili Yan smiled and said, "Haha, you guessed well."

Jiang Xiaoli thought, what's so hard to guess, what's more, he himself said that just now.

Bai Liyu said: "That guy Tantai Yu has had a habit since he was a child. He likes to put the things he thinks are the best in a more conspicuous place. It's called quietly waiting for someone with predestined relationship."

Bailiyan continued: "These things often seem inconspicuous, but they must be placed within easy reach."

Within reach?
Jiang Xiaoli glanced around, the bookshelves in the library were books, and this was another inconspicuous thing, it must be a book.

However, it was within reach again, Jiang Xiaoli recalled Tantai Yu's height.

Jiang Xiaoli is not short, but among female cultivators, he is tall after all.

Compared with Tantai Yu, he only reached Tantai Yu's shoulders.

Thus, Jiang Xiaoli's gaze locked on the floor above his head.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't choose to look for the floor closest to Tantai Yu's height, but chose the floor that was at the same level as Tantai Yu's line of sight.

Because Jiang Xiaoli feels that the place that can be touched is not necessarily the closest to the eyes, but should be the closest to the eyes.

Jiang Xiaoli's speed is very fast, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Jiang Xiaoli scans very quickly.

But in the end, what caught Jiang Xiaoli's attention was not the treasure that Bailiyan was talking about, but a really inconspicuous book.

Jiang Xiaoli pulled out the book from the bookshelf, and the dust brought up almost made Jiang Xiaoli eat his mouth.

Jiang Xiaoli lightly patted the dust off the book, and while looking at it, he went to the desk beside him and sat down quietly.

Jiang Xiaoli looked at it for a quarter of an hour.

Bai Liyan said: "It can't be this book, you can look for it again?"

However, although Bailiyan's voice sounded in Jiang Xiaoli's sea of ​​consciousness, Jiang Xiaoli was so engrossed that he didn't notice it at all.

Why do you say this is a book and not a book?

Therefore, there is a special place on the first floor of Zangshu Pavilion, which is a place for the children of the Hua family to put their study notes.

The reading notes made by the children who won the Hua family's competition were naturally eagerly watched by people.

It's just that some people are welcomed, and naturally, some are left out.

The notebook Jiang Xiaoli held in his hand was the latter.

Otherwise, it will not be covered with that thick layer of gray.

Jiang Xiaoli was fascinated, but Bailiyan's voice could be ignored once, but he couldn't ignore it again and again, not to mention how arrogant Bailiyan was, it was impossible for him to give Jiang Xiaoli this chance.

Jiang Xiaoli finally let Bailiyan out and said, "Uncle Baili, go find it yourself."

"It's boring." Baili Yan murmured, but he started to look for it in this building.

"Strange." Baili Yan was a little puzzled, "Impossible, why did that guy Tantai Yu change his sex?"

Bailiyan searched for a long time, and the books here are really just some ordinary books, nothing from their era at all.

Could it be that he really guessed wrong?

But it is impossible.

Actually, Bailiyan did not guess wrong.

What Tantai Yu did leave on the first floor was a box of exercises, but they were all fragments.

And those exercises were already in Jiang Xiaoli's hands.

It's just that Jiang Xiaoli and Bailiyan didn't react.

Jiang Xiaoli watched so engrossed that he didn't even know when Huayue was standing behind him.

This is also because there is no hostility or threat on Huayue.

Otherwise, the puppet soldiers would have already reacted.

Huayue is so close to Jiang Xiaoli.

Huayue was surprised: "Hey, isn't this the notebook of Uncle Liu?"

When Jiang Xiaoli heard Huayue's words, he shifted his attention from the notebook in his hand to Huayue, "Uncle Liu?"

Who is Uncle Liu?

Huayue nodded and said: "Uncle Liu used to be the elder guest of our Hua family, but Uncle Liu is a bit weird. Although his cultivation base is high, he seems a little crazy."

"Second Sister, Third Sister, why are you all on the first floor?" Hua Mao's voice contained a bit of complaint, but this complaint fell on people's ears, but it would not arouse other people's disgust.

Huayue said, "We're talking about Uncle Liu."

"Uncle Liu?" Hua Mao put the books in his hand on the table. He just found these books from the second floor and planned to read them all tonight.

Just hearing Huayue's words, Huamao also said: "I also know Uncle Liu."

Huayue nodded and said, "Yes, Uncle Liu hugged you when you were young."

After all, Huamao was weak and withdrawn when he was young.

When he was a child, Hua Mao didn't like to play with other people, but strangely, he liked that weird Uncle Liu very much.

However, this is foreign language.

Hua Mao looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said, "Second Sister, Third Sister, why are you suddenly talking about Uncle Liu?"

Huayue pointed to the notebook in Jiang Xiaoli's hand, "Here, Second Sister is reading Uncle Liu's notes."

When Hua Mao heard Huayue's words, his face looked a little embarrassed. Hua Mao said, "Second Sister, don't look at it. If you like notes, I know a lot of good ones."

And that Uncle Liu's notes...

Although Hua Mao didn't want to admit it, even after reading Uncle Liu's notes, he couldn't say a word for a long time.

It's not because Uncle Liu's notes are so well written, but because Uncle Liu's notes are full of whimsical ideas.

What impressed Hua Mao the most was that Uncle Liu spent a lot of pen and ink writing about a strange world in his notes.

Uncle Liu said that in that world, you don't need monsters to pull a cart, you can run by yourself.

No one is a monk, but as long as there is internet and electricity, you can chat with people thousands of miles away at any time.

Thinking of this, Hua Mao frowned slightly.

It's easy to understand what electricity is.

But what is the net that Uncle Liu is talking about?
Is it a formation?

Or... magic weapon?
But Uncle Liu clearly said that no one in that world is a monk, so how can that person talk to people thousands of miles away? Isn't that contradictory?

So even though Uncle Liu's cultivation was very high at that time, in the eyes of others, Uncle Liu was a weird person.

Because every notebook he writes, he has to introduce that world repeatedly every time.

In the beginning, there were people who were interested.

But Uncle Liu not only wrote it in his notes, but also said it whenever he got a chance, and even this elder Keqing always said that he was not from the Qianyuan Continent, but from the world he talked about.

As time passed, no one believed Uncle Liu's statement anymore.

As for Uncle Liu's notes, the whole article is an introduction to that world, and there are only a few notes on real cultivation.

As a result, Uncle Liu's notes were left unattended.

I haven't seen it for a few years, but it has accumulated so many gray layers.

Jiang Xiaoli asked excitedly, "Where is Uncle Liu now?"


Huayue and Hua Mao looked at each other, Hua Mao was not clear about Uncle Liu's whereabouts.

Because when Hua Mao was very young, he was sent to his grandfather's home to recuperate from illness.

That year, Hua Mao was seven years old.

It's just that during Chinese New Year that year, when Hua Mao returned to Hua's house to find his old friend, the chubby Uncle Liu, Mrs. Hua told him that Elder Liu had left Hua's house.

"As for Uncle Liu's whereabouts?" Huayue shook her head, "We don't know either."

Uncle Liu is a weirdo.

He appeared in Hua's house like a mystery, and disappeared suddenly like a mystery.

No one knows where Uncle Liu went.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoli's slightly disappointed expression, Hua Mao looked at Jiang Xiaoli and said, "Second Sister, do you have anything to do with Uncle Liu?"

Jiang Xiaoli turned to the last page of this note.

Jiang Xiaoli pointed it out to Hua Yue and Hua Mao, who asked strangely, "A map?"

"It's just a map." Neither Hua Mao nor Hua Yue saw any difference.

Jiang Xiaoli said, "Didn't you find anything?"

Hua Mao and Hua Yue looked at each other, and they both shook their heads at the same time, "No."

Jiang Xiaoli pointed to the map and said, "Then take a look here."

Huayue and Hua Mao lowered their heads and carefully looked at the place Jiang Xiaoli pointed at, "Yaozong?"

The place Jiang Xiaoli pointed at was the Medicine Sect.

"Look again." Jiang Xiaoli clicked on the notebook again, "Did you see this circle?"

"Yaoshan." Hua Mao said.

Yaoshan, why did Uncle Liu have a map in his notes, and why did Uncle Liu mark Yaoshan at that time?
Huayue and Hua Mao are not stupid, their eyes swept over the map, Hua Mao pursed his lips, "Inkstone, Sword Tomb, Reincarnation Terrace."

These places are all circled.

Hua Mao said: "Second Sister, do you think the matter of the forbidden area of ​​the Four Great Sects has something to do with Uncle Liu?"

"Before meeting this Uncle Liu, no one can be sure." Jiang Xiaoli shook his head, "But this is a clue."

(End of this chapter)

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