Supreme Space Puppet Master

Chapter 307 Establishing the Immortal Alliance

Chapter 307 Establishing the Immortal Alliance
That night, Jiang Xiaoli was almost sleepless.

Jiang Xiaoli held the notes of Elder Liu, the guest of the Hua family, in his hand, and his thoughts were a little messy.

Jiang Xiaoli also knew that his speculation sounded unreliable, but Jiang Xiaoli had a feeling in his heart that this was definitely not just a coincidence.

But what if it wasn't a coincidence?
The sea of ​​people is vast, and the Qianyuan Continent is vast. It is really difficult to find someone.

Hua Mao thought for a while and said, "Second Sister, shall we go directly to Wanshulou tomorrow, or go to Uncle Liu first?"

Although, Hua Mao doesn't think that the disappearance of the forbidden area of ​​the four major sects has something to do with his childhood playmate Uncle Liu.

But since Jiang Xiaoli wants to find Uncle Liu, he will accompany him.

Because although Uncle Liu is a little weird, what's even more strange is that his face seems to be covered with a layer of mist all year round. During the days when he was in Hua's house, even Hua Teng had never seen Uncle Liu really. look.

Except Huamao when he was a child.

Jiang Xiaoli thought for a while, then gently covered the notebook in his hand.

She gently twirled the somewhat yellowed paper, looked up from the book, "Go to Wanshulou first."

Having nothing to say all night, Jiang Xiaoli saw that it was getting late, so he sent Hua Yue and Hua Mao to practice separately.

One of Huayue and Hua Mao has a single water spirit root, and the other has a single gold spirit root. These two talented people are not particularly active in their cultivation.

But seeing that Jiang Xiaoli had settled down to meditate, Hua Mao and Huayue looked at each other, each took a futon beside Jiang Xiaoli, and began to practice.

In the small library, the pages of the book rustled softly.

In the originally airtight Zangshu Pavilion, there is a leisurely majesty circulating quietly.

That is the aura vortex caused by the crazy rotation of aura.

Bailiyan looked at this and that, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Not bad, these two are also good seedlings.

A single spiritual root is rare, even in the ancient God Realm, such pure spiritual roots as Hua Yue and Hua Mao were not common.

Of course, in the ancient God Realm, the fewer spiritual roots, it is not like now, the faster the cultivation speed, the better the talent seems to be.

Baili Yan and Tantai Yu all have the roots of the Five Elements.

Because in ancient times, aura was full.

The more spiritual roots, it means that more skills can be cultivated.

However, even in ancient times, there was a kind of people, even though they only had a single spiritual root, they would not look pitiful.

Because their spiritual roots are so refined and pure, they are the five-element venerables.

Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements are venerables. They themselves are spirit bodies formed by the condensation of five kinds of aura between heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Bailiyan sighed softly in his heart.

No wonder, no wonder Tantai Yu, that guy with eyes above his head, has stayed in Hua's house for so many years.

A smile flashed in Bailiyan's blue dragon eyes, and a little blue light floated out of the dragon's claws. I don't know what it was, but I heard a bang, and the blue light sank into Huayue and Huamao's heart.

Huayue and Huamao just frowned slightly, but found nothing.

Nobody found out what Bailiyan had done, not even Jiang Xiaoli.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoli had already put away the notebook left by Elder Liu, and she was meditating quietly.

There is a slight wind in the Zangshu Pavilion, which is the fluctuation caused by the spiritual energy.

However, Jiang Xiaoli did not cause this spiritual vortex. ,

Instead, Huayue and Huamao.

The talents of these two people were already good, and with the help of Bailiyan, the aura fluctuated even faster in Zangshu Pavilion.

Jiang Xiaoli is also practicing, but the reason why he said that the aura fluctuation here has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaoli is because Jiang Xiaoli had already started to absorb the aura in the space seven days ago.

This is Bailiyan's proposal.

Of course, when Jiang Xiaoli practiced in the past, most of them were still in the space. Naturally, what they absorbed was also the spiritual energy in the space.

Of course Jiang Xiaoli knew very well that the aura in his own space was much purer than the one outside, and the speed of cultivation was much faster than absorbing the aura in the outside world by absorbing the aura in the space.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that Jiang Xiaoli's cultivation speed is so fast. Before she even realized it, she had unknowingly realized the cultivation base of emptiness.

One must know that there are not many in the entire Qianyuan.

Of course, ancient survivors like Bailiyan are not counted.

Although they are gods, their cultivation has been suppressed at the stage of transforming gods.

Because this is the Qianyuan Continent, and because of the great battle that year, they were so severely injured that they were completely unable to break through the suppression of the interface.

Jiang Xiaoli sat there quietly.

Jiang Xiaoli's meditation posture is extremely standard, and he looks extremely serious.

However, the more serious Jiang Xiaoli was, the more strange Jiang Xiaoli seemed.

Because, Jiang Xiaoli's whole body didn't have any aura fluctuations.

It seemed that Jiang Xiaoli was just putting on a show.

However, the black dragon and white phoenix in Jiang Xiaoli's body had already stretched out their bodies, silently absorbing the yin and yang power that Jiang Xiaoli injected into his body.

There is a thin layer of light mist gathered on their bodies.

Why is it so difficult for Jiang Xiaoli to determine his true cultivation?
It was because of the yin and yang roots in Jiang Xiaoli's body.

The spiritual root is a bridge for a monk to cultivate, and similarly, it is also the most obvious standard for judging cultivation.

Introducing Qi into the body is only the first step in cultivation.

Only when the first small sprout really grows from the spiritual root can one be qualified as a Qi refiner.

The qi refiners carefully cared for the growth of their spiritual roots, they watched quietly and watched with anticipation.

They could not proceed with foundation building until twelve tender shoots finally grew from the spiritual roots and these tender shoots were fully mature.

It is very difficult to establish a foundation, but often only the successful foundation establishment is the first step to truly step into the fairyland.

After the foundation is established, the spiritual root in the dantian will bloom a gorgeous flower, until the flower bears fruit, the monk walks into the void, and the spiritual root in the dantian also evolves into a round bead.

This is considered a successful alchemy.

Similarly, Yuanying, Lianxu, and Huashen all have clear boundaries between each other.

But Jiang Xiaoli was different.

During the Qi refining period, Jiang Xiaoli faced the same path as ordinary monks.

Because, at that time, Jiang Xiaoli's body was full of heavenly roots, just like Huarong.

There is no one in a thousand odd jobs, and it is an extremely rare special spiritual root.

It's just that compared with the yin and yang spiritual roots, even the heavenly spiritual roots are just ordinary spiritual roots.

Because the Tianlinggen will only allow Jiang Xiaoli to practice quickly and the difficulty of cultivation is very small, but in essence, Jiang Xiaoli of the Tianlinggen is walking the same path of cultivation as ordinary monks.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

Undoubtedly, if Jiang Xiaoli is still Tianlinggen, she is still one of the twin lotus in Huateng's eyes.

However, fate finally teased Jiang Xiaoli.

When he was about to return to Hua's house, under Lanshanfang City, Jiang Xiaoli's Heavenly Spiritual Root was destroyed by Huasheng's Devouring Yuan Ding.

But Jiang Xiaoli is still lucky, she got the Yin-Yang spiritual root by mistake.

Although, the road ahead of the Yin-Yang Spiritual Root is hidden in a thick fog, Jiang Xiaoli not only does not know where the road ahead is, but Jiang Xiaoli himself does not even know what stage Jiang Xiaoli has reached in his cultivation. Not sure.

Everything is like a mystery.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been a long time since I saw Huasheng.

Hua Sheng, are you still alive?
Jiang Xiaoli slowly opened his eyes, he better live!

"Second sister, you finally woke up."

Hua Mao glanced at Jiang Xiaoli worriedly. When Jiang Xiaoli was meditating just now, not only did he not have the slightest spiritual energy fluctuations around his body, he didn't even breathe.

Hua Mao raised his heart, he clearly remembered that Jiang Xiaoli once had such a situation when he was in Luoyuan. At that time, he almost strangled himself to death.

Hua Mao still remembered that Uncle Jiu said that he and his second sister walked around the gate of hell at that time.

Fortunately, the ghost king does not accept them.

This time, Jiang Xiaoli's situation was like this again, as long as Hua Mao thought about what the ninth uncle Tan Taiyu said back then, his face would turn pale.

Panic and worry affect people.

Huamao is in a mess, and Huayue is naturally not much better.

The two people who were in a mess didn't even notice that the puppet soldiers standing aside didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Jiang Xiaoli was slightly taken aback, and when he saw the undisguised worry in Hua Mao and Hua Yue's eyes, Jiang Xiaoli's eyes softened.

Jiang Xiaoli rubbed Hua Mao's head, and stretched out his hand to pinch Hua Yue's small face.

However, after Jiang Xiaoli finished these actions, no matter it was Jiang Xiaoli, Hua Yue, or Hua Mao, all three of them were stunned.

For a long time, although Jiang Xiaoli sometimes made some intimate gestures towards them, but never for a moment like now, his eyes are so soft and his expression is so relaxed.

Most of the time, Huamao and Huayue don't know what Jiang Xiaoli is thinking in his heart, but they can also feel that Jiang Xiaoli seems to be carrying something.

That seemed to be a heavy burden, and Jiang Xiaoli couldn't breathe under it.

In the past, Huayue and Hua Mao didn't know what Jiang Xiaoli was carrying, but after last night, Huayue and Hua Mao seemed to understand.

Jiang Xiaoli did it to save people.

When Jiang Xiaoli was talking to Young Master Xiao, he didn't avoid Huayue and Huamiao.

Jiang Xiaoli withdrew his hand and said, "You two go to pack your things first, and come out for dinner later."

Hua Yue and Hua Mao nodded, but the way they walk now is even stiffer than Jiang Xiaoli's puppets.

Jiang Xiaoli shook his head lightly, and walked out of Zangshu Pavilion.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Hua Mao and Hua Yue rushed out of the library, looking at Jiang Xiaoli with bright eyes.

Jiang Xiaoli was slightly taken aback, "Is this all right?"

Hua Mao nodded densely like a chicken pecking at rice, "Okay, okay, everything has been packed."

This is really fast.

Although the Book Collection Pavilion of the Hua family is not big, it is not small in Shengdu City. A large Book Collection Pavilion has so many floors, and there are so many library stacks on each floor. Is this enough?

Hua Mao was a little embarrassed by Jiang Xiaoli, so he had no choice but to say, "Uncle Baili cleaned it up for us."

Jiang Xiaoli was taken aback again, how did Hua Mao and Hua Yue know who Bailiyan was?

As if guessing what Jiang Xiaoli was thinking, Huayue said, "Second Sister, we all saw the battle yesterday."

Especially, when Jiang Xiaoli swung his sword to cut off the demon's tail, they felt that their second sister was like a god of war.


Some people see beauty in the eyes of lovers, Huamao and Huayue looked at Jiang Xiaoli at this moment, although the way they looked at Jiang Xiaoli was not the same as looking at a lover, but the meaning was similar.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoli is the best existence in the eyes of Huayue and Huamao.

Hua Mao said: "Second Sister, what shall we have for breakfast this morning?"

Huamao's eyes almost didn't shine. When Huamao ate Jiang Xiaoli's food in Hekou Village, Huamao couldn't help salivating just thinking about that feeling.

Although Huayue hadn't eaten, but hearing Hua Mao's words and seeing Hua Mao's appearance, she couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Jiang Xiaoli eagerly.

Jiang Xiaoli said, "Drink porridge."

Huayue: "..."

Huamao: "..."

Jiang Xiaoli said: "It's early in the morning, what else do you want to eat?"

When Jiang Xiaoli said this, it was as if he was asking Hua Mao and Hua Yue what they would like to have for breakfast, and his tone was very gentle.

But Huamao and Huayue couldn't help shaking at the same time, "No, no, the porridge is delicious, the porridge is delicious."

Hua Mao said hurriedly, afraid that Jiang Xiaoli would regret it the next moment.

At that time, I'm afraid there will be no porridge left.

Although, this porridge looks really thin.

However, it is better than eating Bigu Dan.

Thinking about it this way, Huayue and Hua Mao anxiously sat beside Jiang Xiaoli. Without Jiang Xiaoli's hands, Hua Mao had already filled a bowl for Jiang Xiaoli, and another bowl for Huayue. Finally, Only for myself.

Hua Mao blew lightly and slowly put it into his mouth, but his eyes were completely lit up.


Another ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past ten days, Jiang Xiaoli has been rushing towards Wanshulou with Huayue and Huamao.

Although, Jiang Xiaoli really wanted to go to Elder Liu right now.

Jiang Xiaoli had an intuition that this Elder Liu might really know where the forbidden areas of the four major sects went.

It's just that now, Jiang Xiaoli has been away for a while, and he also knows that this person will not be found if he just finds it. To be on the safe side, he should go to Wanshulou first.

In Wan Shulou, there may still be traces left by that old handyman.

Although this method is a bit troublesome, it is the most direct method, and it is also the easiest to grasp in front of Jiang Xiaoli and the others.

Just as Jiang Xiaoli was flying to Wanshulou, many monks were rushing in the direction of Luoyuan.

Xianmeng, established.

Since the battle of the holy capital that day, the competition between Daoxiu and Moxiu has not ceased for a day.

Jiang Xiaoli's guess was right, Yu Qing did fight back.

Moreover, come by yourself.

But at that time, when Yu Qing packed up her broken tail and attacked the Holy Capital again, Jiang Xiaoli had already left the Holy Capital.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaoli, Huamao and the others cleaned up the Library Pavilion, otherwise, the Hua family's Library Pavilion would be torn to pieces by the demon army who counterattacked again.

(End of this chapter)

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