The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 250 Convincing King Ping's 4 confidants

Chapter 250 Convincing King Ping’s four confidants (3)
"Yes!" Yuan Yitao got up and bowed to An Ran, and then introduced the properties of the palace one by one.

Restaurants, teahouses and brothels are good places to collect news, and if they are done well, they can also earn a lot of money.Cars and horses are convenient for passing news, and money pawnshops are the most profitable.An Ran nodded, no wonder my brother has money to support a private soldier!

She thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't we open another newspaper office! Public opinion orientation is very important."

"What is a newspaper?" Yuan Yitao asked with a frown.There is even an industry that he doesn't know about?

An Ran simply explained: "It's like a printing bureau, but newspapers are not books, so they don't have so much content. Each issue only has one or a few large sheets of paper. It can publish new poems written by His Highness or other literati, and new scores. Songs, new policies that the court can inform the people, new things happening in Chang'an or other places, etc., and then open up a page to advertise businesses, and to publish various revelations to others. Some fees can be charged for this. In addition, for To make the readers in Chang'an interested in our newspaper, serialization of novels is essential, and we can also make a calligraphy and painting of famous artists in each issue of the newspaper..."

An Ran spoke eloquently, and the four subordinates roughly understood what she meant, and their views on her changed somewhat.They felt that at least the princess didn't seem very ignorant, and she still had some ideas.As soon as they heard about the so-called public opinion orientation, they knew it was a good way to publicize their highness to buy people's hearts.

"I have a few questions, please answer my concubine's confusion." Yuan Yitao thought about it seriously before he said, "First, is the novel you are talking about the Legend of the Condor Heroes that His Highness wrote before? Second, famous writers His Royal Highness can ask someone to ask for calligraphy and painting, but the cost should not be low. We can’t come to someone’s calligraphy and painting empty-handed, right? Third, it’s still a question of cost. How much can this newspaper sell? Doing this is really rich earn?"

An Ran suddenly turned her head and asked Yang Yan, "Is it still engraving and printing?"

Yang Yan smiled without saying a word.He originally planned to wait until after he ascended the throne to get the four great inventions out, but it would be better to get movable type printing out earlier and buy people's hearts to accumulate strength.

Seeing that the prince did not answer, Yuan Yitao explained: "Yes, the manuscript must be written first, and then carefully carved on the wooden board. If there is a place that is not carved well, you have to start over..."

An Ran shook her head and said excitedly, "We don't use block printing, we use movable type printing!"

"Movable type? What is it?"

None of the four understood, only Yang Yan looked at An Ran with a smile on his lips.

An Ran briefly explained: "We carve all the characters and symbols into movable type one by one in advance, and arrange these characters according to the manuscript when typesetting... After the printing is finished, these characters will be removed, and we will do it next time. use……"

After Yu Wenyao, Yuan Yitao and the other four listened, they couldn't help but open their eyes wide and looked at An Ran.

Their little princess is so smart?

Why didn't they think of such a simple thing?

What the four of them saw from movable type printing was not just business opportunities, but the promotion of culture behind this matter.With this movable type printing, the cost of printing will be greatly reduced, so that poor students can also buy books, and they are not grateful to their princes?Except for Ling Yun, the other three praised An Ran unceasingly.

"Good! This moveable type printing is good!"

"Princess is really smart!"

"I respect you! Your lord really has good eyesight!"

Seeing this, Yang Yan smiled triumphantly and said, "The woman I have been looking for for so many years is naturally matched by my intelligence and intelligence. Don't be too excited, the princess will give you many surprises." Woolen cloth!"

Hearing Wang Ye's words, the four of them couldn't help turning their eyes back to An Ran.

An Ran said generously: "The serialization of that novel is up to me! It doesn't matter how many stories I make up; I can also make a few guest appearances on the famous calligraphy and painting; by the way, we will give our own commercial advertisements in the previous few issues." Let’s advertise in the industry, and I can also advertise on it when I have new paintings in the future.”

Yu Wenyao recalled An Ran's particularly outstanding calligraphy, and recommended to Yuan Yitao: "Wangfei's calligraphy is unique, you can ask Wangfei to help you make movable type templates. Once Wangfei's calligraphy is popularized, it will become a generation of everyone, and it can be guaranteed The sales volume of our newspapers, even if those literati don’t read newspapers, they must buy newspapers and store those words.”

Yuan Yitao knew that Yu Wenyao was also a person with high self-esteem, so it should be extraordinary to be praised by him.He felt itchy for a moment, so he said with a shy smile: "I wonder if I could ask the concubine to give me a calligraphy?" As he spoke, he peeked at the prince again.If I beg for the princess' calligraphy in front of the prince, the prince will not be angry, will he?

Yang Yan doesn't have the bad habits of those men in this era.He was very happy to be able to promote An Ran's calligraphy and painting and see her become famous all over the world.

"Then please ask the princess to write one for him!" Yang Yan smiled at An Ran.

Yuan Yitao got the prince's permission and immediately went to polish the ink.When Yu Wenyao saw it, he also went up to him and said, "Since the concubine has already started writing, why don't you write one for your subordinates?"

Dugu Kai also came over to join in the fun and said, "I want it too, I want it too, and I want to keep the princess' calligraphy as a family heirloom."

Only Ling Yun looked at the positive appearance of the three brothers, thought for a while, but did not speak.

An Ran looked at Yu Wenyao, and wrote him a picture: "There are roads in the mountains of books, and hard work is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work."

"Okay! Princess Wang's writing is really good! She really deserves to be a talented woman selected by the prince. Hahahaha..." Yu Wenyao took it over, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"Sure enough! My lord, let's use the words "Wangfei" in the first issue of our newspaper!" Yuan Yitao looked at the words in Yu Wenyao's hands, and couldn't help but shine his eyes.Before, he thought that Yuwen was trying to flatter him, but now he knows that Wang Hao's handwriting is really extraordinary!Round and beautiful, with a style of its own, it turned out to be a font he had never seen before.And, this pair is just as good!
Then, An Ran wrote another picture to Yuan Yitao: "The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fishes to leap."

Yuan Yitao took it over and read it several times in a row, but the more he read it, the more excited he became.

"Hahaha, my artistic conception is good! Thank you, Princess, for your expectations! I will definitely not disappoint you and the prince. Well, this is the second issue of our newspaper!"

(End of this chapter)

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