The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 251 Convincing King Ping's 4 confidants

Chapter 251 Convincing King Ping’s four confidants (4)
Although Dugu Kai practiced martial arts with Yang Yan, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to write. Seeing that the handwriting of Yu Wenyao and Yuan Yitao is so good and meaningful, he can't help but feel the words that the princess wants to write to him. Looking forward to it.

An Ran smiled slightly, and wrote a picture to Dugu Kai: "The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold."

"Good! Good words! Good sentences!"

"The concubine's literary talents and handwriting, if she considers herself second in the entire Sui Dynasty, no one would dare to be the first. Oh, the prince can be called the first, and only the prince can be the first. The prince and the princess are a natural match, Perfect match! Perfect match!"

Dugu Kai was still immersed in the artistic conception of this sentence and did not speak, Yuan Yitao and Yu Wenyao had already started to praise.

"Get out of the way, this one was written by the princess!" Dugu Kai took the words over and read it over and over again, and the more he looked at it, the more excited he became. "Thank you, Princess, for your encouragement to my subordinates!"

An Ran looked at Ling Yun, who was standing not far away and secretly staring at Yu Wenyao, Yuan Yitao and Dugu Kai, smiled secretly, and wrote another picture: "Endure the calm for a while, take a step back to open up the sea and the sky."

Seeing that An Ran had written another picture, Yu Wenyao and the others rushed over to read it.

Dugu Kai read: "Endure the calm for a while, take a step back to open up the sea and the sky. Wangfei's words are deeply Buddhist!"

An Ran dried the ink, took it in her hand, walked in front of Ling Yun, and handed it to him, "Brother Ling Yun, instead of worrying about the past, it is better to let go of the past and focus on the future. If you have to throw it away, then let it go!"

Ling Yun took it slowly, took a deep look at An Ran and said, "Thank you, Princess!"

At this time, Yang Yan said sourly on purpose: "I said Wangfei, others have it, what are you going to send this king?"

An Ran turned her head and smiled at him, trotted back to the writing desk, and wrote down: "Death and life are inseparable, talk to Zicheng; hold your hand, and grow old together."

Yang Yan stretched out his hand and clasped his fingers tightly with her, looked into her eyes, and said affectionately: "Life and death are inseparable, talk to Zicheng; hold your hand, and grow old with him. Let's hang this picture in our bedroom from now on!" "

An Ran blushed and lowered her head.

At this moment, someone outside the study reported: "Report to the lord, the emperor summons you to enter the palace immediately!"

But she said that after Jing Jialian went back last night, she cried most of the night.She couldn't understand why the prince had been very kind to her all these years, so why did she suddenly want to marry her off?Still being so indifferent to her?

After thinking about it, she thought that there was only one reason, and that was the woman dressed as a man she saw at the prince's place last night.However, she is just an orphan living in the palace. Before Dugu Side Concubine didn't come in, she helped the housekeeper to manage the palace.But since Concubine Dugu entered the door, although she was not favored, after all her status was there, she never intervened in the internal affairs of the palace.However, it is said that Dugu side concubine did not get the right to housekeeper.But in any case, after all, she is a side concubine bestowed by the emperor, and she is of high grade, and cannot be compared with ordinary concubines.

Jing Jialian thought, she can't do anything with that woman, but Dugu Side Concubine is famous, so can she still do with that unnamed, shameless woman?Dugu side concubine comes from the Dugu family, she learned how to house the house and how to manage the concubine's room since she was a child, if she knew that the prince was ignoring her because of that shameful woman, she would be very angry and would definitely find a way to deal with that Women's, right?
Thinking of this, she didn't go to sleep anymore, and immediately called Liuli, the girl on duty, to come in and muttered for a while.Yingluo was beaten away last night and was never released, Liuli was actually very disturbed.Hearing her own girl tell her to go in, she was a little scared at first, but after hearing Jing Jialian's words, she was not afraid anymore.It's just to say a few words in the garden close to Dugu Side Concubine Qimeng Garden, even if the prince knows it doesn't matter, if it's a big deal, she's gossiping, that's not a serious crime.

So, after dawn, Liuli took a little girl to collect dew outside the Qimeng Garden with a small bottle in her arms.

After a while, I saw the girl from Qimeng Garden also came out to collect dew.

The little girl asked nervously: "Sister Liuli, let's go to another place to pick up the dew! This place is usually picked up by Dugu side concubine."

Liuli said loudly: "What are you afraid of? It's been half a month since Concubine Dugu entered the palace, how many times have you seen the prince there? I heard that there is a beautiful boy hidden in the prince's yard! Even reading books has to be hugged on your lap." What's the use of Dugu side concubine being noble? If the prince doesn't like her, she will never have a son. Without a son, she is not as good as a girl like us in this mansion. ..."

"Which girl in the yard over there is so audacious to talk nonsense! Is our wife also a lowly girl like you who can arrange it?"

Dugu Xiangyun's dowry girl, Bihe, brings people over to collect dew every day. I don't want to hear that someone is arranging her own girl today. Is this okay?She was going to take someone there immediately to arrest the girl who didn't have eyes and was talking nonsense. She didn't want Liuli to see someone coming, drag the little girl and run away, and soon disappeared among the dense flowers and trees in the garden.

Bi He hurried back and reported the matter to her daughter.

"Ma'am, you must punish those two snarky girls, otherwise I don't know how many servants in the palace will arrange you behind their backs!"

After hearing this, Dugu Xiangyun was naturally very angry.It was only after she arrived at Prince Ping's mansion that she realized that her face was not a pimple from pollen allergies at all, but she had poisoned the people of His Highness Prince Ping.Not only that, she has been married to Prince Ping's mansion for so long, except for the wedding night when Prince Ping came to humiliate her once, she hasn't even seen anyone else in the past half a month.It turns out that King Ping is really a broken sleeve as rumored outside?How can this make people who have always been proud not angry?
But the family's teachings for many years told her that she must not be swallowed up by anger, so she quickly calmed down again.Think about it carefully, and then you will understand.

"Bihe, you are wrong. That girl knows that you have to go there every morning to collect dew, so how can you deliberately wait there to gossip about me for you to hear? She deliberately passed the news to me! Seriously Get up, we have to thank her."

(End of this chapter)

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