The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 423 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait

Chapter 423 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait (1)
Wei Xiuqin blushed and lowered her head in response.Thinking of An Ran's words, if a woman wants to be happy, she must first be brave.During the days when she came to Chang'an, she was shocked by what her cousin said about An Ran.It turned out that it was really not easy for my cousin to be able to be what she is today. Compared with her, I don't know how many times the ups and downs are difficult!
Since the cousin has found happiness through her unremitting efforts and persistence, she should be brave.As my cousin said, if you work hard, you may not succeed, but if you don't work hard, you will not succeed.Anyway, it's an opportunity, isn't it?

Shen Yi got Wei Xiuqin's reply, so she came back and told An Ran.It was only then that An Ran realized that there was still such a big problem, so she asked her brother to ask Dugu Kai directly to see what he had to say.Now that Dugu Kai came to ask, and said that he had already made plans, An Ran couldn't help asking impatiently: "What do you think, tell me!"

Dugu Kai looked at the maids in the room, hesitant.

An Ran suddenly came to her senses, and hurriedly let all the other girls go out, leaving only her aunt and Yulan who knew about it.Of course, Yang Yan, the owner of the palace, does not need to avoid it.

Seeing that there were no outsiders around, Dugu Kai replied with a blushing face: "As for the prince and concubine, my subordinates think that after marriage, she can stay in the palace to accompany the concubine, just like Mrs. Ma'am, so we can all live in the palace. I don't know if the princess thinks it's feasible?"

Yang Yan nodded first, this is a good idea.Female officials in the palace also have rank, and speaking out is a kind of status, a kind of honor.

An Ran also thought it was good, but there was still one problem.If the two really got married, and my cousin would go to the backyard to accompany me early, who would take care of their small house?If the population is simple, it’s fine, three meals a day are used in the palace, clothes, shoes and socks are handed over to the laundry room of the palace for washing, and a small kitchen is set up at home, and a few girls and women are left to clean and boil water for supper. Night or something will do.Even if you have children in the future, you can also raise them together with their children.

But if Dugu has concubines and concubines, and the mistress is not at home, will they make some fools?

Thinking of this, An Ran asked directly: "Is there any concubine in General Dugu's room?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Yi immediately coughed.This question is not for the princess to ask.

Yang Yan didn't feel that An Ran couldn't ask, he just touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "This matter is my fault."

An Ran turned her head and glared at him: "You arranged for it?"

Dugu Kai saw the princess glaring at the prince, and the prince was embarrassed again, and hurriedly said: "Go back to the princess, no, not a single one."

An Ran was taken aback, and only then did she understand what her brother was embarrassed about.Ordinarily, in this era, it is common to give women to subordinates, especially Dugu Kai Lingyun who is not young and has no family. The master should consider this issue.But Yang Yan himself endured it for a long time, so he took it for granted that others could also endure it.

Therefore, when the poor Dugu felt uncomfortable, he would always go out to find brothel girls.But he has been with Yang Yan for so many years, and he has followed some of Yang Yan's temperament to some extent. In fact, he doesn't like those women very much in his heart. He always feels dirty, but he has no wife, and there is nothing he can do if he is so suffocated He couldn't do the thing of pulling the girl to bed.

This shows how eager he is to marry a wife.

Several people were embarrassed together, but An Ran suddenly became in a better mood, and praised Yang Yan: "Brother did a good job. I hate sending women around as gifts the most."

Both Shen Yi and Dugu Kai looked over in surprise, only Yulan lowered her head and smiled wryly.She guessed that the princess would say that.Of course, Yang Yan also knew.The embarrassment he felt before was due to Dugu Kai, not An Ran.

An Ran looked at Dugu Kai seriously and said: "General Dugu, I'm straightforward, if you think I've said something badly, you can tell me directly, but don't take it to heart."

Dugu Kai nodded and said: "Wangfei told her subordinates bluntly that she didn't treat her as an outsider, and her subordinates are very happy."

Dugu Kai can be considered to be able to talk, An Ran is more and more satisfied with him.She thought, if my cousin marries Dugu, she should be happy!Now, there is really only a little left.

An Ran first stated: "This is what I mean, it has nothing to do with my cousin."

Dugu Kai nodded, and couldn't help becoming nervous.What is the princess asking for?
An Ran took a deep breath, looked at Dugu Kai earnestly and asked, "General Dugu, can you guarantee that you will not accept concubines in the future?"

Dugu Kai was startled, how could the princess make such a request?He didn't have it before, but it doesn't mean he won't have it in the future.In his capacity, if he didn't have it before, it was for the sake of the prince. If he doesn't have it in the future, it wouldn't be too shameful, right?He Dugu Kai is not a womanizer, but generally a virtuous wife will prepare a concubine for her husband.

Why would the princess make such a request?Isn't this jealous?Dugu Kai hesitated for a moment.

An Ran's face gradually became heavy, and she couldn't help feeling a little regretful, she seemed a little too reckless.However, in my cousin's house, my uncle is only a little aunt, and my cousin must have never considered this issue.If the two of them look good now, how sad my cousin would be if Dugu Kai takes a concubine in the future!Now that she had thought of it, she had to ask.

Dugu Kai didn't answer directly, but asked cautiously: "It's just your intention that the princess said this? But my subordinates don't understand why the princess made such a request."

He didn't agree blindly, nor refused immediately, but asked the reason in detail. It can be seen that he should be a man who values ​​commitment and has a sense of responsibility.An Ran nodded secretly, it seemed that Dugu Kai might still be well trained.

An Ran smiled and said: "As long as she is a woman, as long as she cares about her husband, she will not be so generous as to give her husband to others. Those women who seem virtuous and generous to take concubines and give away houses for their husbands, either Xianhui is pretending, or he just doesn't love that man at all. Therefore, if a man wants to live in harmony between his wife and concubine, it is simply a dream!"

After hearing An Ran's words, Dugu Kai couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking carefully.It seems that what the princess said has some truth.After all, it is women who really understand women.He secretly looked at the prince again. Could it be that the prince really won't accept other women in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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