The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 424 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait

Chapter 424 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait (2)
Seeing this, Yang Yan laughed and scolded: "See what this king is doing? This king will not want other women in this life except for the concubine. You have followed this king for many years, so you should know it well."

Yes, Dugu Kai vaguely understood what the prince meant.He just doesn't understand, is this necessary?Can concubines and concubines be compared with wives?
Seeing that he still didn't understand, An Ran continued: "When there are too many women, there will be fights. No matter how friendly and harmonious they appear on the surface, they must be playing tricks behind the scenes. My cousin was born in a very simple family. My little uncle is only my little aunt, and my little aunt is still my cousin's stepmother, but she treats her as her own. Therefore, what she saw since she was a child is the best side of human nature, and she doesn't know the calculations behind it at all. , even unimaginable."

After hearing An Ran's words, Dugu Kai thought deeply.What kind of warmth and happiness is a clean and beautiful home?

Seeing him thinking seriously, An Ran continued:
"You may think that wives and concubines are different, and concubines can't threaten the status of the main family at all, so there is no need to care about them. But is this really the case? There should be a lot of concubines in the Dugu family, right? General Dugu thinks, Are they really willing to be trampled and oppressed by the mistress? Are they really willing for their children to be looked down upon and bullied by others? Wouldn’t they be plotting against the mistress behind their backs?”

Hearing this, Dugu Kai couldn't help being shocked, and suddenly came to his senses.

That's right, there are a lot of concubines, concubines, concubines, concubines and concubines in Dugu's family. It's a mess. His childhood was so miserable. He walked carefully every step of the way. He even had to be careful when he drank his saliva. Things that should not be placed.

He had always wanted to find a gentle and kind woman before, and he would never let his children live the same life as he did when he was a child, but he never thought that if there were no children born by concubines, if they were all born by his wife, these contradictions would arise. Nature doesn't exist anymore.

"I understand. Xie Wangfei taught me! I can't guarantee too many things in the future. But I can guarantee that as long as there are heirs to pass on, I will never accept concubines as roommates."

An Ran listened and smiled happily.

"You asked so clearly, and you have considered it carefully. I believe in your sincerity. Tomorrow, the prince and I will enter the palace, and the day after tomorrow, we will send someone back to Zhao's house to help you talk about the matter. Let the matchmaker get ready to go to Zhao's house to propose marriage!"

Dugu Kai couldn't help being full of anticipation for the future, he leaned over and kowtowed: "Yes, thank you, Princess, for your success!"

Early the next morning, Yang Yan dragged An Ran up to exercise in the garden.

An Ran was tossed by him for half the night, she felt that she had just fallen asleep, and was woken up, annoyed in her heart, and couldn't help but glared at him fiercely.But thinking that her brother was also doing it for her own good health and laying a good foundation for having children in the future, she didn't complain, she just thought secretly that he would not let him succeed tonight.hum!
Yang Yan seemed to know what she was thinking, thinking that he was indeed a bit greedy, so he couldn't help but smile coyly, and said with a shy face: "It's my brother's fault, brother must restrain himself tonight, okay? You can sleep in the afternoon Take a nap to catch up. Now follow my brother to exercise, you will be energetic. Come on, stand like this, exhale, raise your hands, move your feet..."

Yang Yan is a serious and patient teacher. An Ran has always felt that she has no athletic ability, but after one morning, under the patient guidance of her brother, she will also learn a style.

After having breakfast and changing clothes, An Ran took the paintings she planned to give to her father and her own drawing paper, brushes, paints and palettes, and followed Yang Yan into the palace to pay her respects to her father.

After what happened the day before yesterday, An Ran understood more and more how important it is to have the emperor's support in the palace.She decided to respect and care about her father as a father in the future, and to please her from time to time.

The prince never needs to report when he enters the palace, he can go directly outside the Palace of Qinzheng and let the servants go in to report, but it is rare for a princess to go to the palace instead of visiting the concubine, but to ask to see the emperor together.

The little eunuch outside the Hall of Qinzheng received a piece of gold leaf from Prince Ping, bowed with a smile and said: "The emperor has had breakfast and has not summoned the ministers of the court. Please His Royal Highness King Ping and the princess later, let the servants go in and report."

Not long after, Manager Hua En came out in person and took Ping Wang and his wife in.The maids in the Qinzheng Palace secretly looked sideways.This kind of treatment can only be given by the Queen Mother in the Palace of Qinzheng, right?Chief Manager Hua En is the emperor's confidant, does the emperor really want the third prince to be the crown prince?

The husband and wife walked into the hall and knelt respectfully to pay their respects.

"Get up!" The emperor asked them to get up with a smile.Seeing An Ran coming together, he knew that the wife here was fulfilling her promise and came to paint his portrait.By the way, he also has some things to ask the wife here.

An Ran spoke first, and said in a friendly and natural tone: "Father, my daughter-in-law drew a picture these few days, and brought it here specially today, and wanted to give it to you for appreciation. See if you like it."

This is to thank him for coming the day before yesterday? "Oh, show it to my father." Yang Hao knew that this daughter-in-law was good at painting flowers and birds, and he liked it too, so he even asked people to embroider a few screens with flower and bird paintings and put them in the bedroom.

Hua En immediately found a scroll of unframed paintings from the things he had just received from Mrs. Qi and unfolded them on the imperial case.

The majestic colors, the dreamlike background, and the celestial being riding a crane shocked the emperor's mind all at once.Even Hua En, who was standing aside, couldn't help being a little moved.

I saw the words "Mirror Lake Fairyland" on the upper left corner of the picture, and on the back it said that the painting was completed two days ago, and below it was the red seal of Master Yunmeng.

Is this wonderland?

Yang Hao looked at it carefully several times, then raised his head, looked at An Ran in shock, and asked almost tremblingly: "Is this the fairyland?"

An Ran replied with a smile: "Father, this is the fairyland in my daughter-in-law's mind. But my daughter-in-law has other ideas, and plans to draw a set of fairyland series of paintings, and send them to Father after they are finished."

"Well, father is waiting." The emperor took a long time to regain his composure, and asked Hua En to collect the painting, frame it and hang it in his bedroom, but he was still excited. "Third daughter-in-law, how did you come up with the fairyland in your painting, and that ethereal journey?" The emperor wanted to ask this question a long time ago, and it was very itchy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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