The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 425 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait

Chapter 425 Training Dugu Kai, Entering the Palace Portrait (3)
An Ran lowered her head and replied shyly: "Actually, my master told me about these things in the fairyland. Based on what the master told me, I made up the story of Misty Journey. The painting of this fairyland is also The daughter-in-law made up her own mind based on the master's introduction."

"Your master? You still have a master?" The emperor's voice couldn't help trembling.Are there really gods in this world?

"An Ran, do you still have a master? Why haven't you mentioned it?" Yang Yan asked in feigned surprise.

An Ran looked at the emperor shyly, then at Yang Yan, and told the story discussed with her brother last time.

"That was eight years ago. Not long after my father had an accident, my grandparents passed away one after another. That day, I was by the river..."

The emperor listened quietly, and when he heard that An Ran refused to go with the fairy and wanted to stay and take care of his mother and elder brother, Yang Hao wished he could get into this story and agree for An Ran.

"You child, why don't you know how to cherish such a good opportunity?"

"My daughter-in-law was worried that she would leave with her master, and that there would be no one to take care of her mother and elder brother... Besides, at that time, she felt that cultivating immortals was very hard, and one had to have a peaceful mind. It's boring, even if you live forever, what's the point? If the master tells me that cultivating immortality can bring my father back to life, maybe I'll leave with him."

She thinks immortality is boring and boring?The emperor was so depressed by An Ran's words that he wanted to vomit blood!Why can't he encounter such a good thing?If an old god came to ask him if he would go to cultivate with him, he promised to give up the throne and power without hesitation, no matter how boring it was, he would go with him.

"What happened later? Your master never came to see you again?" the emperor asked.Will the old fairy appear again?

An Ran shook her head and said: "The master said that our planet lacks aura and is not suitable for cultivation. He just passed by here to collect medicine. In the future, if there is nothing wrong, he probably won't come back. The master said that they When cultivating, it may take decades or even hundreds of years to enter meditation at a time, which is why my daughter-in-law finds it boring. Father, think about it, when you close your eyes and open your eyes, time has passed for hundreds of years. What is the meaning of such a long life? If you don’t get what you want to eat and what you want to play, you’ll be a hundred years old all of a sudden. It’s really not worth it. How much better is it in our world where joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows are lived happily? "

The emperor pointed at An Ran, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, all his complaints turned into a sigh.

An Ran seemed unaware that she was being aggrieved, and said again: "Father, my daughter-in-law is here to paint your portrait today, do you think it is convenient for you today?"

"Oh? What do you need the emperor to do? Sit still?" The emperor knew that there was no hope of cultivating immortality, so he was in a bad mood and spoke lazily.

An Ran smiled and said: "No need, father, you can just do your own thing, and your daughter-in-law can just sit and draw three feet away. When you need it, just raise your head and let your daughter-in-law take a look."

"Then let's draw! Third, please help the father to approve these papers first, and let me see if you have made any progress." Said, the emperor waved his hand to Chief Hua En, asking him to prepare for Yang Yan and An Ran. table case.

So, An Ran painted, and Yang Yan reviewed the memorials. The emperor looked at the papers reviewed by his son for a while, and called over to give pointers from time to time, and then turned to watch An Ran's paintings.On the paper, An Ran had already outlined the general outline of the emperor's facial features, and with just a few strokes, his appearance appeared vividly on the paper, extremely lifelike.

In just an hour, An Ran was almost done with the painting, only the dragon pattern folds on the clothes, the background and other details and colors were missing.

"Father, come and take a look, does your daughter-in-law look alike?" An Ran happily waved to the emperor, inviting him to come and see.Manager Hua En glanced at the emperor worriedly, Princess Ping's action was extremely disrespectful, the emperor won't be angry, right?
"The painting is finished? Let me see if it looks like it!" Yang Yan was reviewing the memorial, but he couldn't help but feel worried when he saw An Ran's action, and immediately got up. On the surface, he wanted to come over to see if An Ran's painting looked like it, but actually The reason is that if the father is angry, he has to stand in front of An Ran and intercede for her.

In fact, both Hua En and Yang Yan were too worried.The emperor still thinks about gods in his heart, why would he be angry because of this?Of course, this is Enron.She is the person who is favored by the gods and wants to be his disciple, and she is also her own daughter-in-law, with an innocent look on her face. The emperor unconsciously wants to pamper her. .

Yang Hao had seen the portrait just now, and it was completely different from the portraits drawn by those court painters in the past.The person in the painting is majestic and dignified, and the facial features are very similar, just like him looking in the mirror.But if you look closely, the person in the painting seems to be younger than he is now.Yang Hao was very happy, after all no emperor would like to see himself look old.

"That's right, the painting looks very similar! From my point of view, with this painting skill alone, you deserve the title of the most talented woman in the Sui Dynasty. The third child has not waited in vain all these years." Yang Hao nodded in satisfaction, looking Looking at An Ran's eyes unconsciously, there was a bit of liking and relief.

He personally watched her paint this, and he painted it so fast and well, he really deserves to be a new star in the painting world.This unique painting skill is enough to establish a school, and it will definitely become a school of masters in the future.What's even more rare is that she is actually a woman, and she married her own son. If she is the third child in the future... Although this girl is from a poorer background, she can be the mother of a country with such talent.

Yang Yan heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and said with a smile: "It's good that the father likes it. Let her draw a few more pictures for you in the future. This one is for you to review the memorial. In the future, you can also draw you playing chess, drinking tea, riding a horse and archery Yes, Father, what do you say?"

The emperor nodded and asked again, "How long will it take to paint?"

An Ran replied: "It will take at least one day. There are still some details that my daughter-in-law needs to modify." The main reason is that there is no eraser, which is really inconvenient.

Yang Yanzheng was planning to leave and take Anran back to the palace, and send it to the palace after it was painted, but a servant came in and reported: "Your Majesty, Li Shangshu from the Ministry of Officials is asking to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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