The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 503 What a Big Green Hat

Chapter 503 What a Big Green Hat (3)
It turned out that he was still one step late when he came back, even if it was one day earlier, he might be able to save Lu's family.Cui Yi did not sympathize with his aunt Lu Guifei, she was the one who harmed the entire Lu family.But it is too innocent for the Lu family to be dismissed from office and demoted to common people.Fortunately, the emperor was merciful and didn't commit any massacres. This is already a blessing in misfortune.

In all fairness, Cui Yi said that if such a thing happened to him, he would have to slaughter all of Lu's family.Perhaps, this is really what His Highness the Crown Prince begged for.The emperor charged King Kang and Concubine Lu Gui with such a crime. Except for His Royal Highness, no one would dare to intercede for King Kang.

Although he was beaten up, Cui Yi didn't hold any hatred towards Yang Yan. Compared with what he had done to His Highness and Concubine, the Crown Prince was truly magnanimous.

There are always people who are happy and others who are sad.Kang Wang's mansion fell down, the former Prince Ping's mansion, and now the Prince's mansion, but they are full of joy and are preparing for a happy event again.

Since being reprimanded by Yang Yan last time, Jing Jialian has been completely desperate.She knew very well that if she left the palace, she would be nothing, so she could only honestly choose someone from the list provided by An Ran.

This person is a legitimate son of the Shu branch of the Zhao family. His name is Jinsong. He is 23 years old this year.Zhao Jinsong's family is not very good, he only has a widowed mother and a younger sister, who was a Jinshi in the last subject, and now works as an eighth-rank official in the Ministry of Industry.

Zhao Jinsong was suggested by Yang Yan, who said that although people are not very smart, they are down-to-earth and loyal.Because my mother was a bit picky in choosing relatives, whether she was high enough or low enough, it was delayed until now.An Ran felt that the status and age were quite compatible, and since her character was also good, she wrote it down for Jing Jialian to choose.

But An Ran actually felt in her heart that with Jing Jialian's personality, it would be better to marry a general.But she knew that widowed mothers often had a bad relationship with their daughter-in-law, not to mention that Jing Jialian grew up in the northwest, and she was not a person who knew etiquette. I'm afraid she might not be able to be happy.

An Ran once shared her opinion with Jing Jialian, but Jing Jialian didn't take An Ran's words to heart at all. Instead, she thought that An Ran couldn't see her happiness, and chose so many rude generals for her.She just wanted to choose a scholar.

An Ran couldn't persuade her, she had no choice but to contact Zhao's family quickly to make an agreement on this marriage.

Because both men and women are not young, the three books and six rituals are arranged very tightly, and the wedding date is set for February next year.

An Ran had seen Jing Jialian's dowry list, and generously added 2000 taels of silver to her.She is not afraid of spending too much money, as long as she can successfully marry the righteous sister of the benefactor's daughter!

Jing Jialian looked at her own dowry list in her hand, then looked at the dowry list from the Zhao family, frowned and said, "She is so shameless that she withheld all the dowry gifts from the Zhao family. I heard Now, who married a daughter without putting all the bride price in the dowry?"

Liuli took it over and looked at it, carefully persuading: "Miss, look, the dowry prepared by the Crown Princess is all the best things."

Liuli is embarrassed to say that the concubine has replaced all the defective products sent by the Zhao family with the best ones, so don't you know what's good and what's wrong, girl!Which family gave 8000 taels of money to marry their daughter?Even if the prostitute daughters of aristocratic families get married, the dowry is only about 1 taels of silver. If it is a concubine's daughter, the entire dowry is only 4000 taels of silver.Your dowry of nearly 2 taels of silver is already the first in the capital.

Jing Jialian glanced at it, then snorted coldly and said: "Now, my elder brother is the prince, and I am the prince's righteous sister. The dowry is less, but it is embarrassing to the prince! Besides, don't look at the beautifully written list. , who knows if those things are really that good?"

Liuli was speechless.

"Girl, didn't you go to see it yourself?"

Jing Jialian curled her lips and said: "She said that those furniture are made of huanghuali, and I don't know them. Who knows? If she gave me rosewood, I would know them, and she shouldn't try to fake them."

Rosewood?Even in the prince's mansion, only the princess' bedroom is made of red sandalwood, right?Liuli was completely speechless.

"Liuli, why don't you speak? You don't know that huanghuali either, do you?" Jing Jialian raised her head and asked without hearing the sound.

Liuli lowered her head and said: "Girl, you should stop saying those words! It's not good for people to know." What good does it do you to always speak ill of the princess?Liuli persuaded, "Girl, after you get married, the Crown Prince's Mansion will be your reliance. If you have any troubles in the Zhao family, and you still count on the Crown Princess to support you, why bother to offend the Crown Princess at this time?"

"Hmph, you're just timid!" Jing Jialian complained, but she also admitted that Liuli was right.

Jing Jialian was quiet for a while, and then said joyfully: "I went to the outer court secretly to meet Mr. Zhao the other day. He looks so good-looking! He is handsome and elegant, with a smile on his lips. He is gentle and considerate. People. People call him 'Master Zhao'! But it's so strange, I always feel like I've seen him somewhere, but I can't remember it."

Liuli's complexion couldn't help turning slightly red.She married with the girl, and she will be in the uncle's room in the future. I hope that the uncle is really as good as the girl said!Although the situation of my uncle's family is not very good, it is enough to live a life.Moreover, the crown princess has given so much dowry, which is enough for them to spend a lifetime.

That day when I heard that Mr. Zhao was coming to the Prince's Mansion, the girl insisted on taking a look, so she had to pretend to be a girl and stay in the room, and let the girl sneak out to have a look.After the girl came back, her face was flushed, obviously she was very satisfied with that Mr. Zhao.

Liuli thought, it would be good if the girl can calm down and marry out honestly, last time the girl asked His Highness to marry General Dugu but was rejected, even Liuli felt her face was hot.Fortunately, no one knew what happened that time, otherwise she would feel ashamed to face others.

"Girl, it's time for you to learn the rules seriously. I heard that the Zhao family is also a noble family, and the rules are very strict." Liuli has never met Mr. Zhao, but she has met Mr. Zhao's mother, and it seems that she should Is a very strict person.If the girl can't learn the rules well, what can she do if her mother-in-law hates her?
Jing Jialian waved her hands unhappily and said, "Stop talking, you don't know, these rules are annoying to the core. You have to learn how to walk, stand up, stand, and sit. It seems that I haven't walked in ten years. It’s as if you’ve been sitting. How to put your hands down, how low your head should be, ouch, Liuli, you don’t know, I really want to whip that damn old woman out..."

(End of this chapter)

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