The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 504: A Birthday Gift for the Emperor

Chapter 504: A Birthday Gift for the Emperor (1)
Liuli lowered her head and said: "But girl, if you don't learn, what will happen if the old lady of the Zhao family is not happy?"

Jing Jialian said indifferently: "I am the adopted sister of His Royal Highness, how dare she despise me?"

Liuli hesitated to speak, thinking that it would be good for you if the situation forced her, is this day really good?
At this time, Sun Wang, the third housekeeper, suddenly brought more than 20 girls in their teens into the yard, and asked someone to report that he would ask Miss Jing to pick some girls.Liuli understood that this was for the girl to choose the maid for dowry.

Jing Jialian also understood.This is what was said earlier.She walked out slowly, not to mention, after studying for more than half a month, she still had some results.This walking posture is much more stable and noble than before.

More than 20 girls in the yard have already stood in two rows for selection.The youngest is only eleven or twelve years old, and the oldest one is fifteen or sixteen years old. They are all clean and at least handsome, and there are four good-looking ones.

Jing Jialian is sometimes very innocent, but she still understands such things as picking girls.

She picked eight girls with only pretty looks, four young girls of eleven or twelve years old, and four older girls of fourteen or fifteen years old.

Liuli watched from the side, quietly heaving a sigh of relief.Fortunately, the girl will not be confused about such a big matter.

Later, Sun Wang went to Guanju Courtyard to answer, and An Ran knew about it, and sighed with Shen Yi: "It seems that she doesn't really understand everything. In this way, I am relieved. I only hope that she can continue to be so smart, and when she arrives It’s good that Young Master Zhao just troubles me and finds trouble for me.”

Entering the twelfth lunar month, all the prefectures and families began to give New Year gifts.Although Yang Yan didn't want to accept gifts and give people the opportunity to bribe, but as a prince, it would definitely not do to accept gifts at all, and he would be overwhelmed.Therefore, Yang Yan signaled to Sun Wang that all gifts must be registered, and if they are too expensive, either return the gift more respectfully or return it back.

Of course, the Prince's Mansion will also give New Year's gifts to the close relatives.An Ran doesn't care about the house, and these matters can be safely left to the third housekeeper, Sun Wang, and his cousin, Shen Yi, to discuss and deal with.She only read the list of annual gifts for the Zhao family and the King of Shu, and she made a sable fur cape and sleeves for her mother, and a black bear fur cape and boots for her father, and added them.

Ever since she got married, although she was in the capital and could go in even if she was away, An Ran hadn't been back for a long time, and it was always her mother who came to see her in the palace.She knew that she had a lot of things to do at the end of the year, so she went home while she was not too busy.

After returning, she was both happy and worried.

"What's the matter? After going back to her mother's house after a long time, why are you unhappy?" Yang Yan pinched her face, wondering what happened to the little girl.

"Brother, when I went back today, my cousin was not feeling well. Later, I invited a doctor and said that my cousin was happy. My mother dragged me to read it all afternoon..." An Ran couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

Now the emperor will not force them, and the elder brother has already taken the position of prince, and the canonization ceremony will be held at the end of the month.Now they can wait until next year to conceive again according to the plan, and have children the year after.But today, seeing Dugu Kai's happy face and her cousin's shy but joyful smile, she felt a little envious in her heart.But looking at her sister-in-law's bloated figure, she was a little scared.

"Brother, I saw my sister-in-law. She was so fat that I almost didn't recognize her. I told her not to eat so much, but she was not very happy, saying that she was not greedy, but she was pregnant and needed Eat more, the baby will be fine..." Thinking of her sister-in-law, An Ran's face was full of worry, her sister-in-law is only six months old now, but her belly is nothing more than that of someone who is about to give birth.

"Why don't you invite an imperial doctor to take a look at your post tomorrow?" Yang Yan didn't want anything to happen to Gu Tingfang because of her pregnancy, so as not to scare his safety.

An Ran nodded, telling herself to herself that she must pay attention to her diet when she gets pregnant in the future.It's too scary to grow up like a sister-in-law.Although brother Anqi has already gone to sleep in the study, he helps his sister-in-law massage her swollen calves and feet every night, which is really great.But he didn't see that it was bad for his sister-in-law to be so fat?

"By the way, I forgot to tell you some good news." Yang Yan suddenly remembered something.

"what's up?"

"I received a message from Yongchang Mansion today, saying that a tribe south of Yongchang Mansion is going to Beijing to congratulate. There is a Han man in it, who should be your little uncle Gu Shengwu. It is estimated that we will be able to go to Chang'an in the spring of next year."

"Really?" An Ran was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Yang Yan smiled and said: "Didn't you say that He Minglang is familiar with your little uncle? He shouldn't be mistaken." Yang Yan was just surprised. He sent someone to look for it after he knew about it in April this year. Why? Will there be no news, but that He Minglang has found someone?
"Ah, I'm so happy! I'll tell my brother and mother tomorrow, and I'll write another letter, and you can send it back to my uncle and grandpa. They will be very happy and excited!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is fine. It's so late, don't bark, go to bed early." Yang Yan put her in his arms with a smile, patted her on the back lightly, and coaxed her to sleep.

"Oops, I'm so excited I can't sleep!"

"Can't sleep? Why don't you move around?"

In the past, once Yang Yan's threatening words came out, An Ran could fall asleep immediately.But today it looks different——

"Okay! Uh..." Someone who was half a beat later realized that she seemed to agree a little faster.But she is happy tonight, let's celebrate it!

Yang Yan rubbed his chin. He was busy during this time, so he was unavoidably lacking in energy. Could it be that he failed to satisfy the little girl?No, what kind of man is a man who cannot satisfy his own woman?No matter how tired I am, I have to conquer this little girl...

The next day, An Ran went to the study outside after breakfast.As soon as An Qi came, she happily told him the good news that she had found her little uncle.

As soon as An Qi heard this, he immediately went back to tell his mother and cousin, and said he would write a letter to tell his uncle and grandpa.

An Ran hurriedly grabbed him, and expressed her worries to her sister-in-law.

"Brother, please persuade sister-in-law to eat less!"

(End of this chapter)

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