Chapter 509
Seeing that the prince was in the limelight again, the queen secretly hated her.I always wanted to find some excuse to make the crown prince and princess embarrassed.

"The prince is really clever!" The queen praised with a forced smile.

Just when the emperor thought that the empress had finally seen the situation clearly and planned to ease the relationship with the prince, he heard the empress say aggressively again: "It is said that the prince and the concubine are a match made in heaven, especially this article is very suitable. I have heard people It has been said that the crown princess has the reputation of being the most talented woman in the Sui Dynasty. What's more, the crown princess has three masterpieces in poetry, calligraphy and painting, which have never been matched by anyone in the past 500 years. I have seen all the words and paintings, and it is not as good as the crown prince. Concubine, how about showing us the talent of poetry? In ancient times, Cao Zijian wrote a poem in seven steps, so it is better for the prince and princess to write a poem in class, and it will definitely be a good story in the future."

At first, the emperor thought that the queen was just praising An Ran, but he didn't think she was deliberately making things difficult for the prince and his wife.It's a pity that the queen's words have already been uttered, and there are so many good words in front of her. If the prince and princess don't agree, the good reputation accumulated before will be greatly reduced.

The hall was quiet for a while, only the musicians behind were still playing festive music.

Poetry in seven steps?Want a song for the husband and wife?This is too embarrassing, right?But this can't be said. If I say it, isn't it that I suspect that the names of the prince and princess are not true?
Naturally, neither Yang Yan nor An Ran could refuse.

The husband and wife stood up helplessly, bowed to the emperor and empress and said: "Although the minister dare not claim to be better than Zijian, since the queen mother values ​​the minister so much, the minister and the princess can only reluctantly cope with it." If you don't do well for a while, please ask the father, the queen, and the queen not to laugh at your ministers."

A sneer flashed across the queen's face, and she said in a manly voice: "Prince, don't worry, the queen mother will come up with a simple topic. How about using plum blossoms as the topic?" Plum blossoms have always been written the most. Plum blossom poems cannot surpass those of the predecessors, nor can they win a lot of money. The reputation of this talented man and woman will inevitably be affected.

For a moment, everyone guessed the queen's intentions, and they couldn't help sighing secretly that the queen had a vicious mind.Even Queen Mother Dugu gave the Queen a disapproving look.Now that the title of the crown prince has been decided, and he is indeed knowledgeable and talented, embarrassing him now will not hurt the root cause, but it will make the resentment deeper, why bother?
Empress Dowager Dugu shook her head secretly, wondering why Empress Li couldn't understand.As the emperor's original concubine, as long as there are no major mistakes, she will be the empress dowager in the future. Even Huifei, the biological mother, will only stand side by side in the future, and the empress, the former emperor's original consort, will still be respected.What is the use of doing this now, except to make the prince hate you and the Li family even more?
"Prince, princess, do you want to take a few steps too?" the queen urged.

Yang Yan and An Ran looked at each other, and couldn't help smiling.Plum blossom poems, they know too much, I just hope that the two of them don't write too much.

Yang Yanlang said in a loud voice: "The brush and ink are waiting for you!" Anyone can see his self-confidence.

For such a banquet, the historian needs to record the whole process, and the pen, ink, paper and inkstone are all ready-made.Immediately, a servant brought a long desk with two sets of pens, inks, papers and inkstones placed on it.

Yang Yan and An Ran each took a pen, moistened it in the ink, and started writing almost at the same time.

After a while, An Ran finished writing.Seeing her put down her pen, almost everyone looked forward to it.

Manager Hua En personally took it over and placed it in front of the emperor's desk.

Both the queen mother and the empress couldn't help leaning over to watch.

The emperor was slightly stunned, and then infinite surprises flashed in his eyes; the empress dowager raised her brows slightly, with a bit of surprise, and then a smile appeared on the corners of her lips; while the empress frowned slightly, her expression was not serious nice.She really wanted to pick a few lines, but the four lines of poems on the paper made her impeccable.

There are four poems written on the paper, the handwriting is round and beautiful, but the short four poems are even more amazing.

An Ran wrote "Snow Plum" by Lu Meipo in the Song Dynasty:
"Mei Xue contended for spring but refused to surrender, so Sao Ren Ge wrote a review.

Meixu is three points less white than snow, but snow is less fragrant than plum. "

Although I recited a lot of ancient poems with my elder brother when I was young in the previous life, but after so many years, the only ones I can fully remember are those famous and beautiful ones.And this Xuemei poem is especially her favorite.

After the emperor finished watching, his eyes could not help but brighten, looking at An Ran's expression as if he had found a treasure.

"Good poetry! Good poetry! What the empress said earlier is correct. Isn't the crown prince's three masterpieces of poetry, calligraphy and painting unprecedented in 500 years? In my opinion, let alone 500 years, even 1000 years ago, you can't find them. A talented woman like the princess comes out."

The emperor's praise accompanied by the astonishment in the empress dowager's eyes and the empress' ugly face made all the officials and family members in the hall curious like cat's paws.What kind of poem did the princess write?
At this time, the emperor seemed to have heard the voice of all the officials, and handed the poem to Hua En and said, "Read it to all the officials!"

"Yes!" Manager Hua En took over the crown prince's poem, and recited loudly: "Plum snow competes for the spring but is not willing to come down, Sao Ren Ge's pen review. Mei Xu is three points whiter than snow, but snow loses plum fragrance."

After reading aloud, he also showed the poems in his hands to King Shu and King Xiang.

After Director Hua En finished the recitation, all the officials recited it silently in their hearts, and they couldn't help but be overwhelmed!There are hundreds of plum blossom poems written by predecessors, but none of them can compare with the poem of the princess.The talent of the Crown Princess is really amazing!

The Crown Princess and His Royal Highness are truly a perfect match!A perfect match with no one before or after!

By the way, is His Royal Highness's poem finished?

Only then did the officials realize that His Royal Highness is also writing!Over the years, although there are not many poems written by His Royal Highness, which one is not a classic?Especially those poems on the frontier, which aroused the blood of countless men, not only boosted the morale of the soldiers, but also gained a high reputation in the army, and even made many scholars abandon their pens and go to the border.

Yang Yan has also written it.However, he naturally wants to leave some time for An Ran, and he can't steal the limelight from his wife.It wasn't until the officials praised him and thought of him that he sent the poem he had written to the emperor's case.

(End of this chapter)

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