Chapter 510 Enron Drunk (1)
The poem written by Yang Yan was obviously much longer. The emperor first read it hastily and praised "Yes", then read it twice carefully, and praised again: "Good poem! This poem by the prince, It can be regarded as the eternal swan song of chanting plum blossoms!"

The queen mother read it once quietly, then read it again quickly, then savored it carefully, and finally nodded in agreement: "The prince's literary talent is really extraordinary, the queen said it well, and he is better than Zijian! No, from the perspective of Ai's family, Cao Zijian is not comparable to the prince! Not only is he not comparable, but he is far behind!"

Of course, the Queen Mother said this not only because of Yang Yan's poem, but because of Yang Yan's intelligence and martial arts, which Cao Zijian could never match.After all, Cao Zijian had literary talents, but he was a loser in the end, while Prince Yang Yan was undoubtedly the final winner.Empress Dowager Dugu can meet, under his rule, the Great Sui Dynasty will definitely create a new prosperous age.Such a prince Yang Yan, how can Cao Zijian compare?

However, the queen mother thought so much about this poem, but the officials didn't know it.They were just shocked, what kind of poem would it take to get such praise from Queen Mother Dugu?You know, the Dugu family is a supporter of King An.

And the queen's face became even darker, she stared straight at the poem in the emperor's hand, as if she wanted to poke a hole out of her gaze.She kept asking herself, how is this possible?How could these two people write such good poems in such a short period of time?How can writing poetry be so easy?

Seeing the queen's ugly face, the officials couldn't help whispering with their surrounding colleagues and relatives behind them.

The poem by the crown prince has already amazed them. Is this poem by the crown prince even better than the one by the crown prince?

The eternal swan song of Yongmei?What kind of praise is this?
All the officials looked at the emperor with bright eyes.Your Majesty, you should read it to us after reading it!What did His Royal Highness write?What is a good way?

The emperor read it again, and then showed it to Hua En with some reluctance: "Look at their eyes are about to pop out, please read to them!" Then, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a bit of sarcasm He taunted the Queen with a look, and said in a low voice: "Queen, the literary talents of the prince and princess, can they be compared with those who have never been seen before or since?"

The Queen's lips trembled slightly, and it took her a long time to say a single word: "...Yes."

At this time, Manager Hua En had already taken the poem written by Yang Yan, stood up and recited loudly:

"All the fragrances shake off Du Xuanyan, occupying all the charm and going to the imperial garden.

Shuying horizontally and shallow water, subtle fragrance floating moon dusk.

Frostbirds want to steal their eyes first, and the white butterflies are like knowing and breaking their souls.

Fortunately, there is a micro-chant to meet each other, and there is no need for sandalwood boards to share gold bottles. "

This is one of "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" by Lin Bu, a poet of the Song Dynasty.And Lin Bu is Mr. He Jing, the plum wife and crane son.

After listening to all the officials, those who had a good memory remembered it, and those who had a bad memory couldn't help standing up and bowing to Chief Hua En, "Please, Chief Hua En, read it again!"

Manager Hua En read it again with a smile.In this way, most of the courtiers wrote it down, and those who didn't remember it asked their colleagues around them, and they roughly wrote it down.Afterwards, the ministers also recited silently in their hearts over and over again, just like the emperor did before, the more they recited, the more they felt the poem was better.

"His Royal Highness's writing is amazing, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

"Such a shocking talent comes from the royal family, it's really unprecedented!"

"I have His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the Sui Dynasty, and it is the good fortune of the Sui Dynasty, and the good fortune of the common people!"

Because his favorite son and daughter-in-law gave him a face, the emperor was very happy tonight.But the queen couldn't stand the emperor's ridicule and the scrutinizing eyes of all the officials, so she retreated back to the palace early.Now, accompanied by the rising reputation of the prince and concubine, it is a joke for the empress to overestimate herself!

When King Xiang saw the crown prince and princess concubine being made things difficult in public, but they wrote such excellent poems, he felt admiration in his heart. Thinking of how the third elder brother had secretly maintained and cultivated him all these years, he couldn't help being excited and came here in person. Toast.Now that the third brother is already the prince, it doesn't matter if people know that he belongs to the third brother, right?

Yang Yan looked at the admiration in King Xiang's eyes, drank the glass of wine he offered, and stopped him quickly when he saw that he was still paying respects, and said in a low voice: "Fifth brother, please spare third brother! If I get drunk, I will drink tonight." You can only sleep on the floor!"

King Xiang was stunned, then came to his senses, looked at An Ran with a blushing face, then toasted the glass of wine to An Ran and said, "Sister-in-law San, Xiao Wu toasts you! Your poems are so well written! Painting is fine too... Anyway, besides Brother San, you are the person Xiao Wu admires the most! You have to drink this glass of wine no matter what... Sister-in-law San, how about you give Xiao Wu a calligraphy and painting one day?"

Seeing King Xiang's appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old, An Ran looked at her with admiration at this moment, still somewhat childish, so she had no choice but to take the wine glass and drink it, and then said: "Okay, in a few days I will I will send it to you when the painting is finished! I wonder if Fifth Brother likes figures, flowers and birds, or landscapes?"

King Xiang was not yet married, so he was thin-skinned, so he was too embarrassed to say that he liked beauties, so he had to reply: "Let the third sister-in-law paint a landscape for Xiao Wu!"

King Xiang retreated as he wished, and many people came to toast.Most of Yang Yan pushed it away, saying that drunkenness is easy to cause trouble and it is not a good habit, so he is only willing to replace wine with tea.Let all the officials sigh again, the prince is so strict with himself, he will definitely be a sage in the future.

Of course, there were also many veterans who went to the emperor to toast, firstly to congratulate the emperor for a thousand years, and secondly to congratulate the emperor for having a good son and daughter-in-law.As a father, the emperor was very happy to have an outstanding son, and he almost refused all comers.

The queen mother also left early and went back to the palace. There was no one around the emperor to persuade her. Yang Yan saw it and hurried over to stop her. Let's drink here today! Father was a little unwell a few days ago, and drinking too much alcohol will hurt your body, so it's better to stop it in moderation."

Except for Qian Pengyang, this was the first time that Baiguan saw his son as the master of his father, and this father was also the emperor.For a while, everyone was quiet, carefully looking at the emperor's expression.The emperor will not blame the prince, will he?The prince is filial to the emperor's body.It's all because they are not good, just thinking about being happy, why didn't I think that the emperor's body is not suitable for drinking more?
(End of this chapter)

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