Chapter 511 Enron Drunk (2)
The emperor glared at the prince with some displeasure, and the officials were so frightened that they even held their breath, but then the emperor sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, you are the only one who likes to chatter. The emperor listens to you, don't you?" Just drink it. Come and drink for the emperor, get drunk and go back tonight... hum..." Sleep on the floor!
This tone is like that of a child.Old child, old child, does the emperor look like a child when he is old?
Yang Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Father, how can you do this? But the son will not get drunk, even if he is drunk, it doesn't matter, the princess will take care of the son..."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince blocked the wine, and all the officials knew that they no longer went to toast. For those who had passed before, Yang Yan also used tea instead of wine, and no one dared to object.

At [-]:[-] pm, the emperor went back to his bedroom to look at the crystal lotus lantern, and the banquet broke up.Tonight, the emperor was supposed to be with his wife, Empress Li.But tonight, Empress Li didn't know what was going on, and went to provoke the prince and princess again. The emperor was upset and wanted to save her face, so he went back to the palace by himself.

Not only that, the emperor also specially summoned Concubine Hui to attend the bed, saying that he wanted to watch the crystal lotus lantern given by his son together.The queen was so angry when she got the news that she smashed several pieces of precious porcelain, and then lay on the bed alone and cried in the middle of the night.

When the queen mother got the news, she couldn't help but sighed to Yin Shanggong beside her: "The queen is too brainless. She is so good, why bother to test the prince and princess? Didn't Princess An test it once before? The result is not to steal a chicken, but to turn back A handful of rice? She always refuses to learn from the lesson and refuses to admit defeat. The crown prince's succession is already unstoppable, and now the best way is to find a way to make friends with the prince. Could it be that she thinks that King An still has a chance? Chance……"

That night, Yang Yan wasn't drunk, but he didn't expect An Ran to be toasted by several wives who admired her, instead he got drunk.

She was fine at the banquet before, she just smiled and was kind to everyone, which made all the officials and family members have a good impression of her, and all of them praised the princess in person and behind her back, she was amazingly talented but approachable.

She didn't want to feel drunk when she went out after the banquet was blown by the cold wind.Seeing that her legs and feet were a little weak, Yang Yan quickly supported her.Fortunately, they have already moved to the East Palace, which is next to Daxing Palace, and they arrived in a warm sedan chair in a short time.

Shen Yi didn't expect that His Highness the Crown Prince was not drunk, but the Concubine Crown Princess was drunk. She was afraid that the Crown Prince would blame the Concubine Crown Prince, so she hurriedly asked someone to bring sober soup.

An Ran was thirsty, took a sip and felt that it didn't taste good, and sprayed it directly on Yang Yan with a "poof".

When the maids serving in the palace saw this, they all knelt on the ground and said in panic: "Your Highness, please calm down..." Even Shen Yi said with some uneasiness in her heart: "Please go wash up, the Crown Princess will be served by my concubine!"

Yang Yan shook his head helplessly. Seeing that An Ran was still smiling and blinking at him, he seemed very puzzled. He couldn't help being angry and funny, and immediately pinched her face and teased her: "What are you looking at, little girl?" Woolen cloth?"

An Ran wondered: "It's really strange, why does my brother have two heads today? Well, not two, but three?"

Yang Yan couldn't laugh or cry.This girl must be very dizzy.Yang Yan was worried that she would feel uncomfortable, so he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Oh, yes, it's so strange! How could it be like this? Is An Ran uncomfortable?" He said, holding up the hangover soup again and feeding her, "Come on, drink this, and you won't feel dizzy anymore. Brother just There's only one head left."

"It's not uncomfortable, I feel like I'm going to fly, it's so comfortable!" An Ran shook her head, pushed away the hangover soup with her mouth pouted, and said in disbelief, "This is not good, give it to brother! I want tea, drink it well The tea I drank..."

Yang Yan hurriedly asked for warm tea and prepared hot water for bathing.

Seeing that His Highness the Crown Prince was not angry, Shen Yi and the maids quickly got up from the ground to prepare tea and fragrant soup for bathing.

Yang Yan fed An Ran two cups of tea, and watched her "gurgling" like a cow, but only thought that she was so cute when she was drunk.Well, since she doesn't feel uncomfortable, it's worth not drinking the hangover soup!

Afterwards, he carried her directly to the bathroom to take a bath, and didn't allow anyone to come in to wait on her. He wanted to do it himself.Therefore, Shen Yi and the maids had no choice but to stand outside the bathroom door, only listening to the drunken words of the princess from inside.

"Come on, rinse your mouth..."

"Uh, for gargling?" She had already swallowed.

"It's okay, come again, don't swallow it this time..." Yang Yan sighed secretly, but fortunately, this is just mouthwash boiled with mint, without toothpaste.

"Huh? Are you going to sleep after taking off your clothes? Brother, why didn't you turn off the lights?"

"Okay, brother, turn off the lights now." Yang Yan helplessly blew out the two nearby lights, and the light immediately dimmed a lot.

An Ran leaned on Yang Yan and yelled again: "Brother, why is the bed missing? How can you sleep without a bed?"

"Silly girl, we are going to take a bath! After taking a bath, go to bed." Finally, Yang Yan stripped off the clothes on both of them, and quickly hugged her and sat in the tub.

Unexpectedly, An Ran slipped straight into the water, almost drowning her nose, so scared that Yang Yan hurriedly pulled her onto his lap and sat down, and quickly cleaned her.

In fact, the two of them just took a bath this morning, and there was nothing to wash.

An Ran was very happy sitting in the warm water that exuded the fragrance of flowers, and said with a giggle, "Brother is bad, do you want a mandarin duck to play in the water?"

Yang Yan didn't mean that at first, wouldn't it be the same to go to bed after washing?But when An Ran took the initiative to mention it and then rubbed against him, he couldn't stand it anymore.In fact, mandarin ducks playing in the water is also good, they have been married for so long, and they haven't tried it yet!
"Well, well, since the crown princess has ordered, the lonely king dare not disobey." Yang Yan smiled ambiguously, lowered his head to kiss her, and at the same time, the hands that helped her bathe also changed the smell.

But soon An Ran pushed Yang Yan away and said, "Well, brother, I want to vomit..."

Yang Yan quickly helped her head out of the bathtub, then patted her on the back lightly and said, "Okay, now you can vomit, it's fine if you vomit."

An Ran retched a couple of times, turned her head and looked at him aggrievedly, and said, "Whoa, I can't spit it out!"

"...It's fine if you can't spit it out."

(End of this chapter)

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