The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 526 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing

Chapter 526 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing (1)
Even people from Wang An's and Kang Wang's lineages had sincere admiration for Ping Wang back then.Therefore, although Yanmenguan at that time was divided into factions secretly, under the strength of King Ping, the faction disputes were not fierce.When defending against foreign enemies, you can always order and prohibit, and work together.

Of course, after the crown prince left Yanmenguan and returned to Beijing, and Qian Rui came to power, the original faction disputes at Yanmenguan inevitably became clear.

Although King Ping has left, he has been in Yanmenguan for many years. He has won the hearts of the army and the people because of his extraordinary literary and martial arts skills.Although people are gone, those who stay are still loyal.When the news that King Ping was canonized as the prince spread to the border, the soldiers and common people of Yanmen Pass celebrated for many days.

Under such circumstances, the real power of Qian Rui, the coach, is actually to be discounted.Fortunately, he himself is one of the three heroes of Yanmen. Although everyone knows that he is a member of King An, his character and ability are not bad, and the soldiers still respect him quite a lot.

Of course, Yang Yan also secretly ordered his people to pretend to be against Qian Rui on the surface, but never to oppose Qian Rui on major matters.

Qian Rui knew about this, but the Dugu family, Li family and An Wang's people didn't know it!

Qian Rui received a letter from Li Guojiu last month, asking him to find a way to ask Ping Wang to come to Yanmen Pass again on the grounds that the border is unstable, and then find a way to assassinate him on the road or before the battle.

Naturally, Qian Rui was not the only one who received this letter, the people from the Li family and An Wang also received it.Qian Rui also called people together and held a secret meeting to discuss it, but he rejected all the proposals proposed by everyone.Qian Rui showed a principle of uncompromising border guards-infighting is okay, but it must not endanger the stability of the Sui border!

Regarding this, although King An's people were somewhat dissatisfied, they were respected by all the generals including the Dugu family.

Real soldiers have their own blood in their hearts. They may also join a certain force because of their family, because of their interests, because of their future, etc., but they all have a basic principle, that is, they should not endanger the border because of selfish interests. of stability.

After all, at the border, it is impossible for all the soldiers to drink together.After just a few glasses of wine, everyone quickly ate food and went back to their posts.

After the dinner was over, Qian Rui returned to the secret room of the General's Mansion, where all the members of King An's family were waiting.

"General, the canonization ceremony of His Royal Highness has been completed, what do you think?" Deputy General Zheng Xian asked.

When Zheng Xian asked, the others also stared at Qian Rui.

Qian Rui said with a serious expression, "As border guards, we are deeply favored by the emperor. Naturally, protecting our family and the country should be the first priority. As for the dispute between King An and the prince, we try not to get involved. If His Highness King An When it is useful for us, as long as this principle is not violated, this general will do his best to help! What do you think?"

Li Chang'an, Li Guojiu's confidant, said: "The emperor's kindness is great, so it is natural to repay it. But His Highness Wang An also owes us a great favor, so we must repay it! If we are like this, His Highness Wang An and His Majesty Guojiu will feel chilled!" Li Chang'an, a fifth-rank general Wuyi, was born in the side branch of the Li family in Longxi, and he can be regarded as one of Li Zhengqian's confidantes in the army.

"General Li is right. General Li is so heartfelt to His Royal Highness King An, why not be transferred to Prince An's Mansion, and guard His Highness King An every day from now on!" .

"What does General Yuan mean?" Li Changan asked angrily.

Yuan Mingqi slapped the table and said: "That's what I mean! It's good that we voted for King An, but we are also border guards. We have to guard the border first, and then talk about other things! Let's collude with the Turks to murder us Compatriots, I won’t do anything! If any of you dare to act like this, just wait for the emperor to chop off our heads and destroy our nine clans!”

The other generals and lieutenants also nodded secretly.Everyone wants the merits of support, but they must have their lives to enjoy it.This is the result of Qian Rui's subtle influence on everyone in the past year.

Hu Guangjie, an aide of King An who came to deliver the letter, was wrong when he heard this. If everyone thought so, who would still serve His Royal Highness King An?He immediately sarcastically said: "If you seek wealth and wealth, you are afraid of death, so what kind of soldier do you come to be?"

Dugu Yan, another sixth-rank Zhongwu school lieutenant, said: "Mr. Hu is not afraid of killing the whole family, you go and assassinate the prince, we will not compete with you for merit!" representative.

Hu Guangjie was very annoyed. If he wanted to say more, Qian Rui said coldly:

"Okay, don't quarrel, this is what General Ben meant. Please also reply Mr. An and Uncle Guo. Their kindness to Qian has always been in my heart, and I will never forget it! It's just that Qian is now As the guard of the Yanmen Gate, he must always take care of Tai Sui first, and then talk about other things. Moreover, this Tai Sui is also the Tai Sui of His Royal Highness King An!"

After hearing Qian Rui's words, most of the people nodded in agreement.Hu Guangjie made several suggestions before, all of which were to contact the Turks to pretend to invade. Although they were all rejected by Qian Rui, they still aroused their resentment and dissatisfaction.

How many of their brothers died during the Turkic invasion?How much blood was lost?Now they are actually required to take the initiative to contact the Turkic invaders, and they are required to give up resistance in order to achieve the effect of emergency in Yanmen, how many people will die?They can't do it just to let King An take the throne and let so many brothers who trusted them and followed them die in vain!Although King An is kind to them, His Royal Highness and brothers are righteous to them!
Moreover, they have seen with their own eyes for so many years who they are, and they still understand to a certain extent who the Crown Prince is.Even if His Royal Highness knew that they had some relationship with King An, as long as they did not offend Sui, His Royal Highness would probably forgive them.It is said that many officials in Beijing have turned to the prince.

Time has dragged on for so long, today Qian Rui can be regarded as having a definite answer to the orders of King An and Uncle Li Guo.Regardless of whether he was ordered to do something or not, he really couldn't find a chance, and his subordinates had great opinions, so he had to do so.

Then, he wrote two personal letters for Hu Guangjie to take back to King An and Uncle Li Guo.

Hu Guangjie is an aide of King An. He rushed to the border. He came here for the purpose of plotting to murder the prince. He wanted to go back to receive rewards for his meritorious service. Unexpectedly, this Yanmen Pass has been drinking northwest wind and eating sand for more than a month. In the end, he failed. Naturally, there was some resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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