The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 527 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing

Chapter 527 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing (2)
After everyone left, Qian Rui took out the oilcloth bag in his arms and opened it layer by layer.Looking at the girl's smile in the painting, and thinking about her grown-up face when he met her at the end of last year, Qian Rui couldn't help but smile slightly.

His sister has grown up!
She is married, married to His Highness the Crown Prince, who is also the person he admires the most.He is happy for her, and only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is worthy of her dexterity and intelligence.Hearing that their husband and wife are loving, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince refused to accept concubines and concubines because of her, he felt very relieved.He knew that she would make him live happily...

As for King An, he even robbed her and gave her dumb medicine to send her to the King of Shu, almost destroying her.Even if His Royal Highness is inconvenient to do anything because of brotherhood, one day, he will avenge her!
The person Qian Rui puts in his heart will never allow anyone to bully him!The current King An can't do it, even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the future can't do it either!
But Wei Qingyuan, Zhao Shifu, Gu Shengwen and his party finally arrived home before the 28th New Year's Eve of the twelfth lunar month.

Looking at the two large carts of gifts slowly, Mrs. Yang smiled from ear to ear.The Gu family has received the letter in advance, knowing that An Ran has become Princess Ping.The government issued a notice two days ago, saying that the emperor appointed King Ping as the prince.

Therefore, Yang's first sentence to catch Gu Shengwen was to ask him: "I heard that Sister Ran has become Princess Ping, and now that King Ping has become the crown prince, then our sister Ran is the Crown Princess?"

Gu Shengwen nodded triumphantly and said: "Isn't that right! His Royal Highness is the only concubine of our sister Ran, and the position of princess is of course our sister Ran's!"

Speaking of this, Gu Shengwen paused, and couldn't help whispering to Yang Shi: "It's really unexpected, but my sister is going to marry to be King Ping... Our Gu family is about to prosper! Now, where is our family's business? All go!

Also, our Brother Lin is also very popular with His Highness the Crown Prince, and we often go to the palace with Brother Qi.Even the girl from the Wei family is married to the long history of the palace. It is said that she is a general of the fourth rank. However, the female officer next to my sister..."

Gu Shengwen didn't bother to go back to the room to change clothes first, and rushed to see the old man while talking to Mrs. Yang.

Gu Chongshan already knew about his granddaughter becoming a princess, and he couldn't help being happy every time he thought about it.However, according to the instructions in the previous letter, the matter has not been publicized for the time being.

"Father, look, this is a letter written by Sister Ran! Sister Ran also chose a lot of gifts for you, and will send them to you when they are sorted out tomorrow... Sister Ran said that when the spring comes next year, I will send someone to pick you up and go to Beijing."

"Let me see, let me see..."

The Gu family knew the news in advance, but the Zhao family and the Wei family did not get the news.This is the result of discussions between Wei Qingyuan and An Qi.If the Zhao family knew that An Ran had become a princess, they would be afraid that Da Fang and Da Gu would use her name to say wrong things and do wrong things, so it is better to wait until they go back to make an agreement.

Yang Yan has already signaled that Anqi and Wei Qingyuan have had a deep talk, and Wei Qingyuan will take care of things in his hometown from now on.Now that the Zhao family is suddenly rich, they are afraid that someone will take advantage of the situation to go crazy, and it will be bad if something happens.

When Zhao Shifu was sent back by a team of guards with two large carts of gifts, the whole Wangjia Village was boiling!
"Oh, what's the matter? Could it be that Brother Qi has made a fortune in Beijing?"

"No, I think it's because Sister Ran married a rich man in Beijing! How else can I give you so many gifts?"

"No, no, even if you marry a rich man, you can't ask these military masters to escort you?"

Afterwards, Zhao Shifu received the folks and told them clearly: "Our family's sister married His Highness King Ping in September, and now she is the princess!"


"However, sister actually became the crown princess?"

The folks were stunned for a long time before they came to their senses, but the sister actually married into the emperor's house?So, the three aunts and six wives who had guessed whether An Ran married the old man or became a concubine immediately changed their tune.

"Let me just say, I've never seen such a smart and beautiful girl as Sister Ran! She was born to be a concubine!"

"Yes, yes, but my sister has been clever since she was a child. I said she was promising, but as expected, she became a princess!"

"Oh, when the crown prince becomes the emperor, won't our sister-in-law be the empress?"

"That's right! This old Zhao's family is really promising! It's a pity that Zhao's father and his wife are not blessed. They left too early and couldn't enjoy the blessing of their granddaughter."

"Oh, tell me, if Wang Zhaodi knew that Sister Ran became the crown princess, wouldn't she regret her death? Back then, she was the only one who always spoke ill of Sister Ran!"

Zhao Shifu brought gifts and good news to his eldest brother Zhao Shirong, and distributed happy money to the villagers of Daoxi, and agreed to treat the villagers to a three-day banquet in three days, then sent them away, and talked with his wife, children and eldest brother's family My trip to the capital this time.

When leaving, An Ran asked An Qi to give 1000 taels of silver notes to the family of the uncle and third uncle, and another 2000 taels of silver notes for repairing the house, grandparents' tombs, and buying sacrifice fields.

Zhao Shifu first gave the banknotes to his eldest brother, and then discussed that the construction of the house would start after the new year, the tomb of the second elder would be repaired in Qingming, and the matter of buying the sacrifice land could be arranged tomorrow.Then, he talked in detail about what he had seen and heard during his trip to Beijing.

When Zhao Shifu was in the capital, he couldn't speak when he met Yang Yan, but when he returned to the countryside, he immediately became eloquent.He explained the twists and turns of his sister's marriage. On the first day before the wedding, he was kidnapped and given dumb drugs. Finally, he finally got through all the hardships and married His Highness Ping Wang smoothly.

Of course, Prince Ping was not yet the crown prince when he set off from Beijing to return to his hometown. They stayed at a post station along the way, and I heard from the people at the post station ten days ago that King Ping was canonized as a crown prince, and Princess Ping was also canonized as a princess.

Zhao Shirong's concubine, Mrs. Jiang, was very envious when she heard it. If she had known it earlier, she would have persuaded the master to go to Beijing together.Mrs. Jiang brought a daughter here, she is ten years old this year, she has changed her name to Zhao Anjing, and she will be the younger sister of the Crown Princess in the future, maybe she can marry an official lord in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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