The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 528 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing

Chapter 528 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing (3)
After Zhao Shirong heard it, he was also very happy, but then he thought of what he and Wang had done to the second room after his second brother passed away, and he felt ashamed again, and finally sighed: "However, my sister has suffered so much, and now she is finally a woman." The end of suffering has come to an end. The second brother has a spirit in the sky, and he can rest in peace."

Zhao Shifu also sighed: "That's right! Brother Qi and Sister Ran are both promising, but it's a pity that the second brother is gone, and he didn't enjoy the blessings of their brothers and sisters. And parents, if they are still here, see how sister Ran is today. I don't know how happy I am to be the crown princess... Brother, you didn't see, His Royal Highness Prince Ping, oh, now it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, how kind he is, and how kind he is to our sister Ran..."

Zhao Shirong nodded with red eyes, and said: "Brother Ping's studies are handed over to brother-in-law. You don't have to worry about it. In the future, brother Qi will take care of you. That's right. The girls in our family should take good care of them in the future. , stay at home embroidering or something, and can no longer go out and run like before."

Zhao Shifu nodded. He knew that since his niece married His Highness King Ping, their Zhao family had become different.In the future, he will also be a master, and his daughter will be able to marry an official master and a rich family, and their Zhao family will be full of sisters.

Alas, it's a pity that the second brother and parents are gone.This is Zhao Shifu's only regret.

In the Wang Family of Wang Family Village.

The weather was too cold, and Wang's leg problems recurred. She was in pain, and she didn't dare to get out of bed, so she stayed on the kang all day long.A little girl and a mother-in-law take care of her.If it wasn't for the severe leg pain, Wang really felt that it was a good day, eating well every day, not having to work, and being served by maids and women.She felt that the days of the gods were nothing more than this.

Now Mrs. Wang is white and plump, much more beautiful than before when she worked all day and was tanned by the sun.However, the figure that used to be fairly fit is now too bloated to look at.

Hearing the chatting and laughing outside, Mrs. Wang said to the little girl unhappily: "Mai Sui, go out and have a look, who is it, making a lot of noise."

The little girl Maisui went out, and came back with a happy face after a while to report: "Old lady, I heard that the girl from the second bedroom of the Zhao family has become a princess, and the third master of the Zhao family said that he will hold a three-day banquet! Those old ladies who went to congratulate just now My aunts also got happy money, one hundred dollars each!"

"What, what? Who are you talking about? Who became the crown princess?" Wang was a little unable to turn around for a while.No, it's not that she didn't expect it, but she couldn't believe it.

She knew that the third son of the Zhao family and the brother-in-law of the Wei family went to the capital for the wedding of Ran and her son.Didn't it mean that sister Ran didn't marry well, and she was a concubine for the old man?Why did she become a princess again?Can the prince fall in love with a country girl who has retired from marriage?
"It's the girl from the second room. I heard they call her Miss Ran. Hehe, she's going to be called Niangniang now! I heard that even the third master has to kneel and kowtow when he sees her."

Maisui is a girl that Annan bought for Wang, not from Wang's Village. Although she has been here for nearly a year, she doesn't know much about Wang's past.She only thought that the Wang family was divorced because he didn't let the Zhao family master take a concubine. How did she know that the Wang family had never dealt with that princess and concubine since childhood?

"Get out, get out! Get out! Tell them to go away, it's so annoying!" Mrs. Wang asked the little girl to go out to chase people away, but she sat on the kang angrily and sulked.

How could that sharp-toothed, stinky girl be a concubine?God is really short-sighted!By the way, how old is the prince?Must be an old man, right?However, my sister must have been used as a fill-in house for others, and she has gone to become a stepmother!Otherwise, can the crown prince take a liking to her?
Wang kept slandering that prince from the bottom of his heart, he must be old and ugly, maybe he is still sick!Yes, it must be sick!Can I see Miss Ran if I am not sick?Why should her daughter marry a merchant, and that stinky girl can be a concubine?

By the way, she still has a girl!Sister Hui has been in business for eleven years, and she will be able to say goodbye in two years. This time, she also wants her sister Hui to marry a prince!Well, it will definitely work, but since my sister has become a concubine, it will definitely be no problem for her sister Hui to marry a prince.

Yes, that's it!In the new year, let Brother Nan's father send Sister Hui to the capital, and then give Sister Ran a good training and training, and then dress up well.Which daughter of their old Zhao family doesn't look like a flower?

It's a pity that her sister Shu and Rou got married too early and didn't catch up with the good time...

Thinking of this, Wang suddenly remembered something.

Ten days ago, Sister Rou came to see her, and once again talked about wanting to divorce.But her father disagreed and asked her to help find a way.

The Wang family is now divorced by the Zhao family, and she can't say anything about the Zhao family's affairs.So, she gave a note and asked her daughter to write to brother nan, and let brother nan decide to make peace with his sister.Isn't now the opportunity?Although Sister Rou has been married and had children, she is only 20 years old this year, she is still young!
Well, that's it, when Sister Rou reconciles, let her father take her to the capital together.Let Sister Ran find another official for her, and become the wife of an official!What kind of broken businessman dares to treat her daughter badly, so she will find someone to take care of them when Sister Rou becomes an official wife!

By the way, didn't the brother-in-law of the Wei family bring the girl who had Kefu's life to the capital?Are you married yet?
"Wheat ear, wheat ear! Dead girl, where did she go?"

"Old lady, the servant has gone to help cook..." Maisui hurried in from the kitchen wearing an apron.

"Who told you to cook for them? My son gives them five taels of silver every month, and they should provide me with good food and drink! Go, go to the Zhao family and ask, is that girl from the Wei family married? Who is it? Quickly ask and come back and tell me!"

"Oh, I'm going now, servant girl." Didn't the old lady ask her to help with the work before?She said that she bought it and came to work.Maisui lowered her head, agreed and hurried out.Before it gets dark, hurry up and ask back!
Wang's side was happily thinking, when her son became a high official, and when her daughter became an official wife, she would ask her children to buy her a big house to live alone, and buy a group of maids to serve her. Own.

(End of this chapter)

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