The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 531 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing

Chapter 531 Qian Rui's Heart, An Rou Missing (6)
But, what did they lie to An Rou for?I'm afraid it still points to the princess in the end!This is to pour dirty water on the princess!Fortunately, the county magistrate was thoughtful and had people block the news.But with so many loopholes, so many people have seen that An Rou has an affair with that Mr. Li, if someone brings it up, they will inevitably not think about it!
How can this be done?
Wei Qingyuan immediately went to the county government, discussed with the county magistrate Mr. Fang for a long time, and then hurried back to discuss with Zhao Shirong.

After hearing Wei Qingyuan's words, Zhao Shirong couldn't help widening his eyes and said, "Well, how can this be done? Although that girl doesn't live up to expectations, she is also a daughter of our old Zhao family! How can I do this?"

Wei Qingyuan was considerate of his love for daughters, and persuaded him: "Brother, we are not saying that we will stop looking for her. We will definitely continue to look for her, but we can't let her ruin the reputation of all the girls in the Zhao family! Especially now My sister is the princess, if people know that her cousin actually eloped with someone, how can she hold her head up when it gets out?"

"She is already a crown princess, who dares to gossip?" Zhao Shirong said with a serious face, "For her reputation, my daughter is going to die, what is that?"

Wei Qingyuan was angry, why is uncle so confused?
"If your daughter is well, who would want her to die? Who is to blame for her shameless doing such a shameful thing? Don't say she can't find anyone now, even if she finds her, I have to interrupt her." Legs! It’s just letting her die in suspended animation. This is saving the reputation of your Zhao family! It’s not just the princess, you have three daughters, so you don’t care? The third brother also has daughters, you don’t care Yes or no?"

In fact, Zhao Shirong has always been an indecisive person in his bones, and he has always been protective of his relatives, otherwise he couldn't bear Wang's tolerance for so long before he divorced her.But if you want to say how bad he is, you can't really say it.

"What if we find sister Rou in the future? Don't recognize her, don't care if she lives or dies?"

Wei Qingyuan said angrily: "With the power and position of His Royal Highness, if he wants to install a woman, wouldn't it be better than her coming back to shame people? As far as what she has done, what good will she do if she comes back?"

When Zhao Shirong thought about it carefully, it seemed that he was right.What he was worried about was that if, as his brother-in-law said, he found a corpse and said that his daughter had been murdered and let her "die", would no one look for her?But the benefits are also obvious, at least her daughter's reputation is preserved, and no one will be able to talk about her elopement in the future.

Seeing that Zhao Shirong didn't speak, Wei Qingyuan added: "She still has two daughters. If people know that they have such a mother, how can the two children find a good family in the future?"

Thinking of his three daughters (one of whom is stepdaughter Zhao Anjing) and the two granddaughters left behind by An Rou, Zhao Shirong finally compromised.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Wei Qingyuan let out a long breath, and finally agreed.

Two days later, news came that a wild dog dug up a dead body in the woods not far from Wangjia Village.Because the body was bitten beyond recognition by wild dogs, it has been dead for more than ten days, and it is impossible to identify it.But judging from the remaining clothes and the blue floral bag on the side, it should be the missing Zhao Anrou.

Although the Ma family didn't want to recognize it, and couldn't recognize it, the Zhao family seemed to believe that this was Zhao Anrou's body.There was no other way, so the Ma family had no choice but to claim the body back, and made a lively loss, so the matter was settled like this.

After the investigation by the government, it was believed that Zhao Anrou was the one who brought the gold and silver treasures home and was seen. She was also a single woman, so she was robbed and killed.As for the murderer, the investigation is still underway.

As soon as An Rou "died", the people in the village and nearby towns changed.Everyone said that the Ma family was unlucky, and they refused to treat this daughter-in-law well before, so they killed her, right?Has nothing to do with the Crown Princess' natal family, right?

If your Ma family treated them well before, would they be reluctant to go back to their natal family?

Some people even suspected that the relationship between the Zhao family and the Ma family was so bad, and the constant beating and scolding in three days might have been caused by members of the Ma family. Otherwise, how could the daughter-in-law leave without paying attention to her for so long?When you heard that your cousin became the princess, you got anxious?

After this rumor spread, the Ma family was terrified.

Ma Boxing and Ma Dongming went to the Zhao family to make amends many times, for fear that the Zhao family would blame themselves for the death of their daughter-in-law.

Zhao Shirong, Wang Moqian and Wei Qingyuan were the only relatives in the Zhao family who knew the truth.Although they knew that the one who died was not An Rou, they thought it was because the Ma family treated An Rou badly that she was cheated away, so they were naturally angry with the Ma family.As for the others, let alone, who is not glaring at the Ma family?

Now the Ma family don't say they want to take advantage of the Zhao family, they just beg grandpa to sue grandma and beg the Zhao family not to hold them accountable for their bad treatment of Zhao Anrou before.

Wei Qingyuan wanted to get rid of the Ma family completely, so he took advantage of the fact that the Ma family treated An Rou badly and was suspected of "killing his wife", so he took An Rou's two daughters back, raised them under the name of Brother Nan, and changed their surname to Zhao. .

The older one is a little over two years old and named Zhao Wei; the younger one has just turned one and is named Zhao Qiang.

The Ma family didn't like An Rou because they were patriarchal. They didn't value the two granddaughters who lost money.And in the long run, if the son leaves two granddaughters, it will always be a drag on having two children in the future.Besides, when the Zhao family raises the child and has a good marriage, they will come to the door to recognize it again.

Therefore, the Zhao family tried their best to fear that the Ma family would not give it to them, but unexpectedly, the Ma family gave the two children to the Zhao family like a hot potato, without any reluctance.

Although the child is rewritten under Annan's name, it is definitely not possible to send it to Annan's side now.Fortunately, the conditions at home are better now, and there is no shortage of food for the two children. Zhao Shirong simply invited a nanny back, bought a girl and a woman, and the three of them took care of the two children together.

Jiang is a concubine in name, but in the Zhao family, she is actually the mistress.She really loves these two children who lost their mothers at such a young age. She has never wronged their sisters at all.

(End of this chapter)

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