The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 532 The Uncle Chapter Is Here

Chapter 532 Uncle is Back (1)
In this regard, Zhao Shirong, Zhao Shifu, Wang Moqian, and Wei Qingyuan all had a little more affection for Jiang.

However, Wang was stunned for a while when he heard the news that his daughter had been "robbed and killed", and then burst into tears. Finally, he began to reflect on himself. Could it be that he killed his daughter?
Will Wang admit his mistake?The answer is impossible.

She just asked herself suspiciously, and then she refuted herself: No, it's not her fault, it's the Ma family!It was the Ma family who was too bastard, sorry for her daughter, and forced her daughter to this kind of situation, which caused such an accident.

Zhao Shirong couldn't figure it out, so he ran to Wang's house and scolded Wang, saying that if Wang hadn't insisted on marrying his daughter to a merchant, her daughter would not have died.

Wang retorted, although I chose the man, didn't you agree?

Zhao Shirong had nothing to say, and went back resentfully.

Because of what happened to An Rou, the three-day banquet that Zhao Shifu promised was naturally gone.But there was no delay in building a house or buying land.

But it is said that in Chang'an, the capital city, after entering Qifeng for 21 years, Yang Yan is about to prepare for the sacrifice to heaven.

According to the calculations of the Qin Tianjian, the Shangxin day of the first month of spring this year is the sixth day of the first month.The emperor hid himself and told him to let the prince Yang Yan go instead of him, so he let go of everything.

Fortunately, everything is planned by the officials of the Ministry of Rites, and the altar for offering sacrifices to heaven is the same as last year. It only needs to be repaired carefully, and all kinds of sacrificial vessels will be placed at that time.

After being a prince for so many years, Yang Yan has seen his father offer sacrifices to heaven a few times, and he is familiar with the process.There were also special officials from the Ministry of Rituals who came to guide them. According to them, they had to rehearse several times, but Yang Yan felt that it was unnecessary.

As long as you are familiar with the process, memorize what you need to memorize, and read what you need to read from the manuscript, so why rehearse?There is only one point that Yang Yan has a lot of opinions in his heart, but he dare not mention it at all.

To sacrifice to heaven on behalf of the father, one needs to fast and bathe for three days.The fasting and bathing for these three days is not in the East Palace. You say that you can fast and take a bath. You have to go to the Jingxin Hall, which is specially prepared for various sacrifices to fast and take a bath, to do this preparation work.

In this regard, the Ministry of Rites also has a set of special procedures.When to get up every day, how long to bathe, what to eat and what to do every day are all stipulated.Yang Yan's every move, and even every word he said was watched and listened to, and the requirements were very strict.

Naturally, some foul language cannot be said, and many things cannot be done. During the rest time during the whole fasting and bathing period, the only things that can be done are reading books and playing the piano.Even if you read a book, you can't read an inappropriate book.

Yang Yan thought to himself, it's no wonder that the father wants to hide and let him go, this fasting and bathing is really uncomfortable.Washing a few times a day is fine, and I can bear it without eating meat for three days, but I can't see my wife for three whole days, which is uncomfortable.

Yang Yan stayed in the Jingxin Hall on the evening of the second day of the first lunar month, and began his first fasting and bathing before offering sacrifices to heaven.

Unexpectedly, on the third day of the first lunar month, He Minglang arrived in Chang'an with a leader of the Pu tribe named "Kawa". In the afternoon, he entered the palace through Honglu Temple to congratulate the emperor.

The Pu people are a relatively large ethnic minority in the southwest of the Sui Dynasty. Some of them were in the territory of the Sui Dynasty, but some were not.And the Kawa tribe who came to congratulate this time is a large tribe that was not in the territory of the Sui Dynasty.

For this reason, the emperor was very happy, and felt that He Minglang had been in Yongchang Mansion for many years, and he was able to inspire more tribes to take the initiative to congratulate the Great Sui Dynasty, which was really a great contribution.He was praised in the hall, and gold and silver were rewarded.

As for the Pu people tribe, because of the language barrier, they needed a translator to understand the meaning of the other party. The emperor didn't care much. What he was happy about was the meaning behind this tribe's coming to congratulate.

Although there was an interpreter, the emperor didn't ask too many questions, and listened to a few words with a smile. Because it was a female leader who came, he rewarded a lot of exquisite items such as silk, satin and porcelain, and the other party seemed very happy.

The emperor was about to send them out of the palace, but the interpreter suddenly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Gu Shengwu, a grassroots man, was originally from Hejiang County, Luzhou. Saved, has been stranded until now. In August last year, His Royal Highness King Ping came to the Kawa tribe to find the Caomin, and the Caomin persuaded the chief to go to the Great Sui Dynasty to congratulate..."

Needless to say, this translator is Gu Shengwu.

But before he finished speaking, the emperor interrupted him and said: "You said, it was the prince's people who came to your tribe to find you, and you persuaded the chief to come to congratulate him?" What's the matter with He Minglang?

Gu Shengwu kowtowed happily, and said with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, Your Highness Prince Ping, oh, now it's His Royal Highness, the people of His Royal Highness found Cao Min, asked Cao Min about his origin, and said that His Highness came here specially to find Cao Min... ..."

"Slow down, slow down, you said that the prince's people are looking for you on purpose?" The emperor was confused, okay, how did the prince know that there was a Han in the tribe called Kawa?
Gu Shengwu said: "Your Majesty, people from His Royal Highness said that Zhao Anqi, the master of the palace, is Cao Min's nephew. Because Cao Min disappeared in the rainforest of the Puren tribe nine years ago, His Highness the Crown Prince sent someone to look for Cao Min in the Puren tribe... ..."

The emperor was shocked: "You said, you are the uncle of the Crown Princess?"

"Crown Princess?" Gu Shengwu looked at the emperor suspiciously, shook his head again and again and said, "It's not the Crown Princess, it was Zhao Anqi, the chief bookkeeper of Prince Ping's Mansion at that time..."

Gu Shengwu didn't understand, but the emperor came to understand, and smiled immediately: "The princess is the younger sister of Zhao Anqi, the head of the Yuanping Palace. You haven't heard of it on the way? Also, He Minglang, the prefect of Yongchang Prefecture who sent you to Beijing, is not your brother-in-law." His sworn brother? Didn't he mention it to you?"

Gu Shengwu pondered: "When His Royal Highness Prince Ping found Cao Min, he said that unless he successfully met the emperor, he could not reveal his identity to others. Therefore, Cao Min did not admit to Master He's several attempts, but I am very sorry for Master He. He has always taken care of Caomin... Your Majesty, you just said that the Crown Princess, she, is she really Caomin's niece?"

He Minglang took good care of him?The emperor smiled meaningfully.He already knew about the He family and the Zhao family, so he allowed Li Zhengqian's people to suppress the He family and stood by.However, He Minglang did have some talents, so he used this matter to reward him generously. He didn't expect that He Minglang was just taking credit for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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