The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 538 Retiring and laughing, something happened to sacrifice to heaven

Chapter 538 Retirement joke, something happened to sacrifice to heaven (1)
Wu's face was flushed by her husband's training, and she said cowardly: "But the Zhao family is not an ordinary family. The eldest son's father will be the future patriarch. If there is no accident, the eldest son will be the Zhao family's head in the future. Besides, the daughter married In the past, she was not an ordinary concubine, she was a good concubine. She was born in an official family, her father and brother were both officials, so she was naturally different from those lowly women..."

He Minglang looked at Wu shi coldly, listened to her quietly, then looked at his daughter with a very appreciative expression, and couldn't help but start to reflect.He Minglang thought he was smart, why did he marry such a stupid woman and raise such a stupid daughter?
He knew that this woman was stupid, so he didn't dare to take a concubine, for fear that his career would be affected due to a small loss, but he didn't expect this woman to live a good life, and no one would fight with her, and the more she lived, the more she went back!
"You think so too?" He Minglang asked He Linglong.

He Linglong was a little scared, bit her lips and said, "Daughter, my daughter thinks what mother said makes sense. Also, there is what second brother said..."

"Oh, what did brother Yan say?" He Minglang looked at He Ziyan and asked again, but he didn't have the previous strictness, only a kind of indifference.

He Ziqian was startled, and looked at He Ziyan worriedly, trying to signal him not to talk nonsense, but He Minglang gave him a cold look, the warning was obvious.He Minglang just wanted to see what his sons and daughters looked like now.

So, He Ziyan recounted his opinion without noticing it.

He Ziyan's central point of view is the true nature of a man, who is greedy for youth and freshness, while his sister, as a good concubine, has a father and brother to support her, and her position is stable.Coupled with being young and beautiful, it is inevitable to be favored, and to be favored naturally brings happiness.

It is conceivable how much He Ziyan's "elegant talk" stimulated He Minglang.He is not angry now, if he gets angry again, he is worried that he will really be pissed to death by this pair of stupid sons and daughters.

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that the eldest son was taught by himself since he was a child, and he did not disappoint him. Although he didn't say a few words, everything was reasonable, and what was rare was that he was tolerant and caring for his younger brothers and sisters. , looks like an elder brother.

And the only thing that makes him dissatisfied with this son is that his personality is still a little weak, and he lacks the courage to make big things happen.Knowing that her mother and sister did something wrong, but because of filial piety, she dared not stop her.In the future, he will teach this son well!They, the He family, still have some hope.

After He Ziyan finished speaking, seeing that his father didn't express his opinion, he finally realized that something was wrong.He asked his elder brother with his eyes, but He Ziqian looked at him with some pity, which made He Ziyan stunned for a moment.Brother, what is this expression?
"Master..." Mrs. Wu asked nervously, what should I do about this matter?

He Minglang said calmly but could not be refuted: "You go to Zhao's house tomorrow, call off the marriage, and then immediately take Brother Yan and Linglong back to your hometown. I will write a letter and let my mother and grandmother look at it and choose them. It's just a marriage. From now on, you can stay in your hometown and do your filial piety for me!"

"Master, this, how can this work?" Wu Shi was shocked.It's fine if the daughter's marriage is called off, why do you want to bring brother Yan back?And most importantly, the master wants to drive her back to her hometown?What about here?Who is waiting by the master's side?Could it be that at such an old age, the master still wants to take concubines?
He Minglang looked at her coldly and said: "Why, as a daughter-in-law, shouldn't you be filial in front of your mother-in-law? Grandma and mother are old and in poor health, so I want you to take Brother Yan back to do my best in front of the old man." Xiao, I have wronged you, haven't I?"

Wu opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.How could she bear such a big hat?After talking for a long time, she finally asked: "Then, the concubine will go back to her mother-in-law and grand-mother-in-law to fulfill her filial piety, who will take care of the master?"

In front of her children, she actually didn't care about her face, she could even ask such a question.

He Minglang sneered and said: "Madam is virtuous, I think it will be arranged properly?"

Wu's complexion was pale in an instant, and his heart was bleeding.

"Father, I want to go back to my hometown too?" He Ziyan still didn't understand why he was sent back to his hometown too.

When he was in the capital, he was able to get along like a fish in water with his own talent. Even if he broke his leg now, he wrote a few poems in sadness and was quite praised by his friends.Although he has a broken leg and can no longer be an official, his brain is not broken. He is still proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Publish it on the Voice of the Sui Dynasty.

He Ziyan also thought that there would be a poem by him on the Music of the Sui Dynasty in July, and many people would come to visit him afterward.At that time, he was still recuperating from his injuries and didn't know that he would be limping. Although he could only lie in bed and couldn't get up, he was in an unprecedentedly good mood.

Besides, where can I find a good marriage when I go back to my hometown?The number one talented woman in Jiangyang has become his concubine, where else can he find a lady with both talent and beauty?

"Yes, master, Brother Yan's concubine is already helping him with his marriage. Although his legs are not very comfortable now, but..."

Before Wu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by He Minglang's cold gaze.

He Minglang didn't bother to explain to her, he just said: "You just have to remember that he is also my son, so I have my reasons for doing this. It's also for his own good."

With this son's nature of disregarding his concubine and concubines, if he really finds a girl from an official's family, if something happens in the future, will the Yue family let it go?That being the case, it's better to find someone from a small family, even if there is anything wrong with it in the future, the Yue family will have nothing to say.

He Minglang no longer dared to underestimate this stupid mother and son. Sometimes the destructive power of a woman's words is really incalculable.He couldn't leave these three root causes that might continue to cause trouble for the He family.

It's better to let them go back to their hometown. Firstly, they will be watched by their mother and grandmother, secondly, they can fulfill their filial piety on their behalf, and thirdly, even if they have something to do in their hometown, it will be easier to solve it given the power of the He family in Jiangyang .

To get to the bottom of it, if the wife and son didn't listen to him and insisted on announcing the divorce, and the He family married the real Yunmeng as their daughter-in-law, wouldn't their He family be prosperous?Brother Yan won't become what it is now. In the future, the husband and wife will be able to have a lot of promise.

(End of this chapter)

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