The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 539 Retiring and laughing, something happened to sacrifice to heaven

Chapter 539 Retirement joke, something happened to sacrifice to heaven (2)
But now?It's not all the fault of the mother and son who made mistakes again and again, resulting in the current situation involving the whole family.

He Linglong looked at her father, then at her mother, and really wanted to say that she would actually like to marry into the Zhao family, but she didn't dare to mention it to her father.She secretly glanced at her elder brother again, not understanding why elder brother always wanted to marry her into a small household to endure hardship...

The next day, Mrs. Wu went to Zhao's house to withdraw the engagement.But the concubine's natal family can't be regarded as serious relatives, if it wasn't for Wu's fourth-rank imperial order, they would never see her at all.

After she explained her intentions, she was ridiculed by Mrs. Zhao for a while, and in the end she did not agree to withdraw the marriage, and told her clearly: "This marriage is not what our family wanted, isn't it what your girl wanted with all her means? Why? , and now regret it again? Mrs. He, don't blame me for speaking harshly, if someone didn't force you, would you think that our Zhao family really cares about a shameless girl?"

Persecuted?Immediately, Mrs. Wu thought of that Lord Lingyun that day, and then thought of the Crown Princess.

"Madam, can you tell me clearly whether this is what the Crown Princess meant?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhao said sharply: "Mrs. He, I don't think you have learned your lesson at all! You can slander the Crown Princess at will? Do you think that the Crown Princess is free and has time to meddle in your family's nosy affairs? Mrs. He , you think too highly of yourself."

Then, Mrs. Zhao asked someone to see off the guests and kicked Mrs. Wu out.Mrs. Zhao doesn't want to hurt herself because of Wu's ignorant words.Now, who doesn't know that His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess, cannot tolerate anyone's slander?
Wu's failed to achieve anything and returned to the He family, He Minglang was really disappointed in her.I can't even do such a small thing well!
"Qian'er, let your daughter-in-law try it out!" He Minglang has always valued the Dugu family, after all, she is the daughter of the Dugu family, and this identity will make people look up to him.

He Ziqian looked at his father with some embarrassment, not knowing how to talk to his wife.He hadn't spoken to Dugu for a long time.Now even if they live in the same room, they sleep separately.

"Father, let me go! I'll ask Zixian for help. This matter should be the intention of Shi Lingyun, the head of the Eastern Palace."

He Minglang nodded, thinking that it might be better for his son to go and solve the problem fundamentally.

"I came back this time and brought some soil ceremonies. You can take them there as a nephew. After all, Weifu and Zixian's father are brothers of Jinlan who are married to each other. It's just that your Uncle Zhao is gone, so it's inconvenient for Weifu to come to the door visit."

He Ziqian went there in the afternoon, and he didn't know the Crown Princess was there until he arrived at Zhao's house.Although he really wanted to see An Ran again, but now that the identities of the two are different, it might be extremely difficult.

He Ziqian presented the soil instrument and explained his intention.Although An Qi found out what He Linglong said that day afterwards, he was also very angry, but seeing He Ziqian's appearance now, he felt pitiful for him being caught in the middle, so he agreed: "Let me talk to Ling Yun first. Find the Crown Princess. Ling Yun has a stubborn temper, and it is rare for him to take the initiative to do anything, and only His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess can persuade him."

An Qi thought that he also had a younger sister, so he understood He Ziqian's feelings.Besides, He Linglong's reputation was completely ruined and he got retribution, so there was really no need for them to kill them all.

"So, thank you Zixian. As a brother, I really have no choice. I don't know who else I can find besides you."

He Ziqian also made a few friends in the Guozijian, but after the accident in the He family, they either avoided him, or they were some poor children who couldn't help.Moreover, these people have an almost crazy admiration for the prince and princess. If he hadn't made friends with Anqi in the Imperial College, people would know that he was from the He family, and they might not have spoken to him at all.

An Qi looked at his dejected look, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Gong Jin, His Royal Highness is not such a petty person, and your official career will not be affected in the future. However, Gong Jin, it's hard to say Yes, your little sister should be disciplined too."

He Ziqian took it very seriously, and looked at An Qi with infinite gratitude.

An Qi added: "My younger sister is generous. Don't say she didn't know about it. Even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart. But she doesn't care. If other people in the Eastern Palace knew about it, they would be very upset." Do you care, do you understand? Although His Highness the Crown Prince is magnanimous, it depends on the situation. He may not care about others slandering him, but he cannot slander the Crown Princess, who is his reverse scale."

He Ziqian nodded, saying that after retiring, his mother would take his younger siblings back to his hometown, and he would definitely not cause trouble again.He has heard that the crown prince only favors the crown princess.Yes, but my sister is so good, she deserves to be treated wholeheartedly by any man.

An Qi sent He Ziqian out and went to find Ling Yun first.

Now Yang Yan is still fasting and bathing in the Jingxin Hall, Dugu Kai leads people to guard, and Ling Yun follows An Ran.If An Ran doesn't come out in the East Palace, he will deal with his own affairs, but once An Ran goes out, he will definitely follow.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!The princess was kidnapped several times before she got married, and he was really a little scared. No matter how well the arrangements were made, if he didn't follow her personally, he wouldn't be at ease.

Because when Gu Shengwu came back, his relatives were reunited, and Shen Yi was inside, so Ling Yun stayed outside.

An Qi pulled him to explain why he came, Ling Yun didn't speak for a long time, and after a long time, he patted An Qi on the shoulder and sighed: "Zixian, you are like the princess, you have the style of a gentleman, you are open and sincere, there are people like you It's really lucky to be friends. Well, since you have agreed to this matter, I will let her go. Next time you tell that He Ziqian, if the members of the He family dare to speak rudely again, His Royal Highness will not care, and the Crown Princess will not care. I, Ling Yun, will never let him go!"

An Qi said happily: "So, thank you, Second Brother Ling!"

Ling Yun shook his head and said nothing, but thought in his heart, that's all, let the brothers and sisters keep this sincerity and generosity, the bad guy, let him do it!

However, the woman's reputation was completely ruined, and she was punished.He will give the He family another chance, it's up to the He family to seize it or not.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, new rumors suddenly spread in Chang'an City, saying that the Zhao family of the princess's natal family was originally a branch of the Zhao family in Tianshui County, and this branch would soon recognize its ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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