The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 540 Retiring and laughing, something happened to sacrifice to heaven

Chapter 540 Retirement joke, something happened to sacrifice to heaven (3)
He Minglang was planning to let Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Dugu go to Zhao's family to retire tomorrow, but he couldn't help hesitating when he heard the news.

If it was just the Zhao family in Tianshui County, with the attitude of the emperor and the crown prince always suppressing the family, he naturally didn't want to have any relationship with the Zhao family.However, if the Crown Princess's natal family recognizes her ancestors and returns to the Zhao Family in Tianshui County, with the Crown Prince's exclusive favor for the Crown Princess, the future Zhao Family will be the strongest tree in the Sui Dynasty, and it will be just around the corner to become the head of the family!
This kind of Zhao family, the future Patriarch, being able to build a good relationship will naturally benefit the He family without any harm...

He Ziqian didn't see his mother and wife going to Zhao's house to talk about retiring for a long time, so he couldn't help asking his father.

He Minglang looked at the eldest son, whom he had placed high hopes on, and sighed: "Remember, the interests of the family are the most important thing in everything!"

So, the matter of retiring relatives is over.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the prince sacrificed to heaven on behalf of the emperor.

The altar was set up on the edge of the Bahe River outside the east city of Chang'an. A month ago, the imperial prince's left and right guards led the imperial army to enter and lock it up. The people were strictly prohibited from approaching. It was repaired and prepared for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

At the beginning of Yinshi (about [-] o'clock in the morning), the prince had already bathed and changed his clothes, and everything was ready. He took the officials out of Chang'an City on the imperial chariot, and went straight to the altar by the Bahe River under the protection of the prince's left and right officials. and go.

At the beginning of Maoshi, the prince led all the officials to the bank of the Bahe River.

The huge circular altar is divided into upper and lower layers, the upper layer is the seat of heaven and earth, and the lower layer is divided into five emperors.Around the altar are three-foot-diameter and six-foot-high white marble pillars, on which are engraved patterns of sun, moon, mountains, rivers, insects, dragons and phoenixes, and huge bronze tripods are placed on top of each other. Brightened the sky, as if the sun was rising.

At four o'clock in the morning (about six o'clock in the morning), the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven officially began.

The crown prince Yang Yan wears a big fur coat, which is decorated with sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, insects, auspicious animals and other patterns. He wears a nine-pointed crown (the emperor is a twelve-pointed crown, and Yang Yan is the crown prince. Reduced to nine), with a big gui in his waist and a zhen gui in his hand, he walked up to the altar amidst the sound of drums and music.

Then, the sacrifices dedicated to the Emperor of Heaven were brought up one by one, and Yang Yan personally placed them on the altar.

Afterwards, Yang Yan burned incense and prayed, and recited sacrificial texts.The sacrificial text is very long and the words are gorgeous. With Yang Yan’s level of living in ancient times for more than ten years, some of the words don’t know what they mean.

After reading the sacrificial text, he put the sacrificial text and the sacrifices dedicated to heaven and earth on the altar together with jade bi, jade gui, silk and other offerings, lit the firewood, and waited for everything to be burned, and the ceremony of worshiping heaven went smoothly. finished.

However, no one expected that just when Yang Yan was holding a torch and was about to light the accumulated firewood, the two white jade incense burners carved with Nine Dragons dancing together on the altar suddenly cracked open...

The faces of the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the Officials of the Ministry of Rites and the Qin Tianjian who presided over the sacrifice suddenly changed. The white face was bloodless, and the black face was like the bottom of a pot!

what happened?Could it be that heaven and earth are dissatisfied with the prince offering sacrifices to heaven?

Ok?not good!Someone is doing something wrong!
Yang Yan was also taken aback by the accident, but he quickly came back to his senses and lit the firewood.Because the firewood had been soaked in vegetable oil, a blazing flame soon rose up, covering the broken Nine Dragons White Jade Incense Burner in the flames.

Ouyang Jin, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites and the Officials of the Ministry of Rites, was about to speak out, when His Royal Highness looked at him coldly from the side.

What Ouyang Jin was about to say was killed by this glare. He secretly swallowed his saliva. For the first time, he found that His Royal Highness, who has always been gentle with others, can have such cold eyes, staring at people like a cold knife. Same.Only then did Ouyang Jin recall that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had guarded Yanmen Pass for many years, and he was decisive in killing people. His hands had indeed killed people and been stained with blood.

At the same time, Lord Qin, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, got up and took a step forward, as if he wanted to fetch the broken white jade incense burner to take a closer look, but he was not as fast as Yang Yan.Before he stretched out his hand, the flames were already flying.

Master Qin raised his head, frowned, and looked at Yang Yan puzzled.

Yang Yan glanced at him indifferently, and whispered: "Now is not the time to investigate."

Lord Qin hesitated for a moment before nodding, took a step back, retreated to his position, and quickly knelt down again.

The white jade censer suddenly cracked just before the prince ignited it, and Ouyang Jin and Lord Qin were not the only ones on the altar to see the other officials of Qin Tianjian kneeling next to him, as well as King Shu and King An kneeling behind Yang Yan Even if they didn't see it, King Xiang and several adults in the court, Zhongshusheng and Shangshusheng heard the crisp sound of the jade shattering.

It's just that no one dares to mention this matter, and the evidence has been buried in the raging fire.

Even if those who support Yang Yan are worried, they will not cause trouble for him at this time, just pretend that they have not seen or heard.

However, they were equally angry in their hearts, and couldn't help thinking, who is framing His Highness the Crown Prince?Naturally, they didn't believe that this was a warning from the heavens. His Royal Highness was talented in martial arts and was generous and benevolent. How could the gods not like it?

Even if there is any dissatisfaction, it is probably dissatisfaction with the prince offering sacrifices to heaven without the status of emperor.Well, it must be so!If someone attacks His Royal Highness with this, they say so.

The members of Kang Wang's family have been suppressed by the emperor for a long time. Even if one or two people remain, they all have real skills, and they can't let go of their hands in a short time, and they have already seen the situation clearly.

As for the members of Wang An's party, some were suppressed, some were dismissed, and some were used as fools. The remaining few loyalists did not get the instructions of King An, and did not dare to stand out.

King An glared at Ouyang Jin, and suddenly said, "What was that sound just now?"

Yang Yan didn't look back, as if nothing happened.

Ouyang Jin immediately echoed: "It seems that the white jade incense burner suddenly cracked just now, I don't know..."

Qin Tianjian, who presided over the ceremony, interrupted Ouyang Jin and reprimanded him: "No noise is allowed on the altar!"

Ouyang Jin secretly glanced at Wang An, and Wang An gave him an encouraging look.

(End of this chapter)

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