Chapter 561 Wenhui, Oiran (3)
Miss Luo Shi, as one of the three red cards in Chang'an City, actually likes to play some number games for entertainment on weekdays. She knows such a topic, and she may not be able to figure it out for a while.

And the boss of the Zhuangyuan Building came up with such a problem, in fact, he deliberately made a difficult problem to show the height of the Zhuangyuan Building, and used it to suppress the arrogance of the talented scholars, lest they get too complacent.

Miss Luo Shi was about to suggest to the judges that this topic should be left to the young masters to go back and think about it slowly, and to do the next one first, her eyes accidentally glanced over the last seat of "Master Jiang", and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

The others were deep in thought, most of them were frowning, but unexpectedly that Mr. Jiang looked extremely relaxed.I saw him glance at the numbers above from time to time, and then write something on the paper.

Miss Luo Shi looked over in surprise, and observed carefully, and sure enough, she saw that "Master Jiang" had calculated several numbers.

"Young Master Jiang seems to be good at arithmetic. I wonder if I can invite Young Master Jiang to do the calculations? It will open the little girl's eyes." Naturally, Miss Luo Shi couldn't tell everyone what to do. This was also taking care of other people's face.

When the other "talented scholars" heard Miss Luo Shi's words, they all looked at Yang Yan with jealousy, suspicion or admiration, thinking to themselves: Where did this talented scholar come from?From the looks of it, the background should be pretty good, right?But what did he do to compete with poor students like them for the first place?Upstage them?
Yang Yan didn't expect Miss Luo Shi's eyes to be so sharp, he said calmly: "Miss Luo Shi wait a moment, this five-square grid will be filled in soon."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They felt dizzy and dizzy when they looked at the five-square grid.Is he good at arithmetic?

Yang Yan quickly figured it out, wrote the answer on the paper and sent it to Xiao Er who was standing beside him.

The answer was announced soon, and all the "talented scholars" immediately checked with the judges to see if the answer was correct.

The result is of course positive. Yang Yan used to play this in the Mathematical Olympiad class in his previous life. How can these pediatric problems be difficult for him?

As a result, there was another sensation on and off the stage.

"it is good!"

"Master Jiang is doing great!"

"Master Jiang is a great talent!"

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Jiang the one who exported poems in the mutton steamed bun shop earlier? It turns out that he is not only good at writing, but also good at arithmetic!"

The emperor and concubine Hui looked at their son on the stage from a distance, feeling proud, but unfortunately they couldn't express it with their mouths, and no one shared their envy.

The boss of Zhuangyuan Building didn't expect someone to solve this problem so quickly, he was shocked and admired at the same time.You know, it took a lot of effort for him to get this question back then.

This time, the boss of Zhuangyuan Building personally came up to "present the award" to Yang Yan, but it was an agarwood chessboard and a set of jade chess pieces.

This reward is really expensive.

Therefore, Yang Yan postponed for a while and said: "Boss, is this reward too expensive? It's just a math problem. It just so happens that I like these things. I usually do calculations for fun, but it's not worth anything. If not How about a toast to me, boss?"

"My lord, you're being polite. It's an honor for our Zhuangyuan building to make friends with such a talented person as you. A small gift is not a respect, so please don't put it off."

The boss of Zhuangyuan Building also had no choice. He thought that no one could solve it, but he never thought that someone could solve it so quickly.However, when he took out this question, he took out the prize that he had prepared. If he took it back now, his reputation in the Zhuangyuan Building would have plummeted.

Since he is so enthusiastic, if Yang Yan doesn't accept him, he just looks down on him.

Yang Yan didn't need to look up to know that there must be more jealousy in his gaze.

Many people came to congratulate Yang Yan and take a look at the agarwood chessboard and jade chess pieces.

Mr. Mo, who was sitting above Yang Yan, also congratulated Yang Yan: "Congratulations, Mr. Jiang. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang is also good at arithmetic. I hope to ask Mr. Jiang for advice when I have the opportunity in the future."

Yang Yan nodded in good temper and agreed: "It's easy to talk about it. There will be opportunities in the future." As long as you have real talents and real learning.

Then began the fourth item of the essay meeting, setting a topic and composing poems.

The topic this time was also prepared by Zhuangyuan Building.However, Zhuangyuan Building prepared three topics, and asked a judge to draw one by lot.To expand, it takes maternal love as the theme, and the [-] gifted scholars present are invited to write poems, lyrics, or poems.

Immediately, some talented scholars whispered: "This topic is getting more and more biased. In the past, it was not all about the scenery of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, or poems about things in different colors?"

But the people were very happy to hear this topic.Isn't this chant of mothers much better than those who praise those spring flowers and autumn moons who moan without illness?Even the emperor and concubine Hui are looking forward to it, what kind of poem will the son write?

When the talented scholars were conceiving, Miss Luo Shi asked the maid to fetch her zither, knelt down and gave a blessing, and said: "The little girl is willing to play a song for you, so as to help the poetry."

Miss Luo Shi's piano skills are very famous in Chang'an, she will play the piano in the building every Friday and ten every month, and it is said that it costs five taels of silver to enter the door.Of course, the tea and snacks after entering the door are no longer counted as extra money.But even so, ordinary people can't hear it.

Therefore, when they heard that Miss Luo Shi was going to play the piano, the "talented scholars" who knew the market here and the common people all applauded.

The sound of the piano sounded, and it was really beautiful.The tune is soothing and melodious, I think I don't want to disturb the poetry of talented scholars.

Yang Yan found his father, queen, mother and concubine in the crowd, smiled at them, and then lowered his head to grind.

An Ran said: "Brother, shall I grind it?"

Yang Yan grabbed her hand and put it back into the sleeve, saying: "Don't stretch it out, it's cold outside." Just now, An Ran didn't bring a hand stove because she was sweating just now, and he was worried that she would be cold!

An Ran smiled and said: "There is a brazier behind, so it's cold anywhere." However, her brother is considerate to her, and she still has the essentials.

(End of this chapter)

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