Chapter 562 Can I refuse (1)
Taking out the pen and licking the ink, Yang Yan almost without thinking wrote down his favorite song "Wandering Zi Yin" by Meng Jiao, which also made him feel deeply:
"Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Whoever says the grass-inch heart will get three Chunhui. "

After finishing writing, Yang Yan looked at the poem on the rice paper, and at Concubine Hui in the crowd, and said to An Ran: "I suddenly decided to go to the border, and I didn't discuss it with my mother before. She cried and advised me not to go, worrying about me. There is no return. But I have made a plan, and naturally I will not change it casually. I don’t want to, she rushed for several nights in a row, and prepared eight sets of clothes for me to keep out the cold. Before leaving, she pulled me with tears in my eyes. hand, the last words that came out were that the border gate was too cold, so I must be careful not to catch a cold..."

An Ran held his hand and said: "From now on, we must be filial to our mother."

Yang Yan held her hand instead, feeling a little cold, so he pulled it to his mouth and let out a sigh, and rubbed it for her again.

Mr. Mo, who was sitting above Yang Yan, heard what they said, and gave them a strange look. He didn't want to see Yang Yan's poem on the table to hang ink.

Seeing this poem, Mr. Mo couldn't help being shocked. It took a while to come back to his senses. He quickly polished it and wrote a poem soon.

Under the main seat, Miss Luo Shi looked at Yang Yan affectionately while playing the piano.

At tonight's literary meeting, Yang Yan is undoubtedly the most handsome and talented one!And what's even more rare is that Miss Luo Shi could tell that this "Mr. Jiang" was not the kind of person who would indulge in sex.

All the girls in the world understand that only such a man is the real lover!
Miss Luo Shi will be nineteen this year, and she understands that she will soon be replaced by a younger and more beautiful oiran.Therefore, she wants to find a man she can rely on to redeem herself before she grows old.

Among the talents present tonight, "Young Master Jiang" is naturally not the only one who can be entrusted with her life, but she is an official prostitute, and she must entrust her relationship to redeem herself.Only this Mr. Jiang was born in a wealthy family, or it is possible.

Seeing "Jiang Gongzi" warming the hands of the woman beside him, his expression was so gentle.Miss Luo Shi couldn't help thinking, how happy he would be if he could treat me so tenderly!Such a gentle man must be very kind to his wife and concubines, right?Being a concubine for such a gentle and talented son is already the best way out for people of their background.

Although she came from a bad background, she has been in the brothel for many years. She is good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and her skills in serving men are even more superb. It is really easy to please such a literati.As long as this Mr. Jiang is willing to give her a chance.

A quarter of an hour passed, and most of the "talented scholars" on the stage wrote poems and sent them to the judges.Yang Yan also asked Xiao Er to send the poems with dry ink to the judges.

Standing beside Yang Yan, Xiao Er naturally finished reading his poem long ago.He was very excited all the time, looking forward to sending this poem to the judges and seeing their amazed expressions.However, this Mr. Jiang always refused to ask him to send it over, he was so anxious that he couldn't do it.

Xiao Er was very dissatisfied. It was obvious that the "Jiang Gongzi" next to him was the first to write it, but others took the lead for no reason.

However, now is the chance!
Xiao Er excitedly sent Yang Yan's poem to the judges, and then eagerly looked at the expressions of several judges.

Several judges were obviously eager too.They saw that "Jiang Gongzi" was written early in the morning, but even if they didn't send it to them, they were too embarrassed to go down and read it.Now, the poem of "Jiang Gongzi" that they had high hopes for was finally delivered.

The poem is short and the language is very simple, but it immediately touched the hearts of several judges.

"The thread in the loving mother's hand, and the clothes on the wanderer's body. Before leaving, the seams are dense, and I am afraid that I will return later. It makes me seem to see the scene when my mother sewed for me when I left home. This Mr. Jiang is really talented. Use the simplest language to write the most moving poems."

"Whoever says that the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three springs. A person who can write such a poem must be a person of the utmost filial piety..."

"Unexpectedly, this Mr. Jiang is so talented in poetry! This poem, even if His Royal Highness sees it, will surely like it? Maybe Mr. Jiang can use this poem to pay homage to His Highness, and his future achievements will be limitless. what!"

Mr. Qi, the owner of Zhuangyuan Building, and several judges were all impressed by this poem, which naturally attracted the attention of other "talented scholars".

Miss Luo Shi stopped playing the piano and was anxious to read poetry.

At this time, most of the gifted scholars handed in their poems. They hadn't handed in their poems before, but when they saw that they had already handed in their poems, and it was almost time, they hurriedly wrote and handed them in.

For these talented people who have learned to write poetry, everyone can write poetry. As for whether it is good or not, that is another matter.No matter whether it is good or bad, you always have to hand in an answer sheet.

Although the judges felt that no one could compare to the poem "Jiang Gongzi", they still followed the principle of fairness and carefully read the poems of other talents who were sent up.Not to mention, I really found two good poems.

Compared with the excitement of other talents, Yang Yan and An Ran, two shameless people, are not worried at all.Firstly, they don't believe that there can be a better poem expressing maternal love than this "Wandering Ziyin", and secondly, even if someone surpasses them, it's nothing.

Finally, it was time to announce the answers, and all the talents looked nervously at the judges.

Mr. Zhan from the Imperial College got up and made a conclusion: "This time, all the [-] princes present performed well. After careful review by several of our judges, three poems were selected as representatives of this literary meeting. , will be sent to the editorial department of the Voice of the Sui Dynasty tomorrow, and may be published in the Voice of the Sui Dynasty next month. Here, I would like to congratulate the three sons."

I heard that three out of thirty were selected, and everyone was very nervous.It is inevitable to have some hopes for those who write a little bit better.If you can be on the Voice of the Great Sui Dynasty, you will be really famous, and maybe it will last forever!
Soon, the first poem was hung up, and Miss Luo Shi recited it for everyone at the same time:
"Splendid daylilies, Luo Sheng Beitang.

(End of this chapter)

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