Chapter 563 Can I refuse (2)
The south wind blows his heart, and who is spitting out for?
Loving mothers lean on the door, and wanderers travel hard.

The day will be sparse, and the sound will be blocked by the day.

Looking up at Yunlin, I am ashamed to listen to the wise birds. (Note [-])"

Hemerocallis flower is the mother flower of this era; Beitang represents mother.Planting day lilies in Beitang is to alleviate the mother's longing for her son.

This is a very good poem about a mother missing her son who travels far away.

After Miss Luo Shi finished reading, another clever and literate Xiao Er took the cheat sheet to the edge of the high platform and recited it to the common people in the audience.

Therefore, the wits on the stage and the scholars in the audience praised it one after another, and asked who the wit was.

At this time, He Ziyan, who was sitting opposite Yang Yan, stood up slowly with a smile, clasped his fists to greet the people on and off the stage, and said humbly: "Everyone is too praised, and there are two poems by the young masters behind, which should be more outstanding than the one below. It is."

He Ziyan said it nicely, but he was already sure in his heart that he would come out on top this time.He was originally confined in the house by his father, and after his younger sister married to the Zhao family, he had to go back to his hometown with his mother.But he was not reconciled, so he and his sister came up with this idea.Taking advantage of today's Lantern Festival, most people in the family went to watch the lanterns, so they slipped out quietly.

He thought that if he could win the first prize in the Lantern Festival in the Zhuangyuan Building, he would surely become famous, and his poems would definitely be on the Voice of the Sui Dynasty.At that time, his father should not force him to go back to the countryside.

Therefore, his goal is to be number one, and he also believes that he can get number one.In other words, He Ziyan has always been conceited that he has the best literary talent in the world.

"Second brother, you will definitely be the first!" He Linglong encouraged him.Since she was a child, she has admired this quick-witted second brother the most. She doesn't believe that there is anyone who is more talented than her second brother.

Jiang Hongying also said: "My son's poems are so good, no one can compare to them."

It's a pity that God didn't hear his prayer, and soon the judges hung up the second poem. As soon as Miss Luo Shi read it, everyone knew that this poem was no worse than He Ziyan's.

I only heard Miss Luo Shi read:

"Aizi's heart is endless, and I am happy to return home.

The winter clothes are dense with needlework, and the letter of the family is new.

Seeing Lian Qingtian, Hu'er asked hard.

I am ashamed of the Son of Man, and dare not sigh the wind and dust. "

The judges also immediately commented: "Although the rhyme of this poem is a bit problematic, and the diction is not gorgeous enough, it is better than the sincerity."

As for the common people in the audience, they didn't understand He Ziyan's poem before, but they basically understood this poem.

He Ziyan's face suddenly became extremely ugly.Is his last hope also dashed?
At this time, other people on the stage were asking each other.

"Who wrote this poem?"

"Could it be that Mr. Jiang?"

"You are stupid, isn't it written on it? Huzhou Mo Junze. But who is this Mo Junze?"

"Mo Juncho? I know! Isn't that the one above Young Master Jiang!"

The young master who sat above Yang Yan stood up embarrassedly and said, "I'm really ashamed. I don't know how to write well. Later, I couldn't help but read Young Master Jiang's poems out of curiosity. wrote this poem..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being shocked.In this way, isn't Mr. Jiang's poem better than Mr. Mo's?However, there is also the possibility that the blue is better than the blue.After all, Mr. Mo's poem is really good.

And Yang Yan couldn't help looking over in surprise when he heard Mo Junze's words.

He knew that Mo Jun chose to read his poems before.Unexpectedly, Mo Junze was also quick-witted, and soon after he was inspired, he wrote a good poem.And it was even rarer that he was so calm!Leaving aside how well this talent has learned, this character alone is very rare.

Yang Yan immediately nodded to him with a smile and said: "Mr. Mo is very beautiful, you are my friend, I have made it!"

Mo Junze immediately got up and cupped his fists and bowed, "Mr. Jiang is a great talent, I admire him very much!"

Yang Yan greeted with a smile: "Sit down, just sit down and talk! Why be so polite?"

If it is true, Mo Junze is polite, but Yang Yan is a bit rude no matter the tone of his speech or the way he sits still.But when he did it, it was so natural, as if he should talk like that, and should just sit and greet people.

In the unanimous anticipation of everyone on and off the stage, the poem of "Jiang Gongzi" was finally hung up, and at the same time Miss Luo Shi recited excitedly: "The thread in the hands of the loving mother, the clothes on the wanderer..."

At this moment, the stage and the audience were very quiet, they were all listening quietly.

There are only six lines in the poem, which is very different from the four or eight lines that people usually write.But these are not important. What is important is that this poem has no gorgeous words or decorations. By recalling a seemingly ordinary scene of sewing clothes before leaving, it sings the praises of the greatness and joy of maternal love in fresh, smooth, simple and plain language. Selfless, expressing my deep love and respect for my mother.

Everyone on the stage was still thinking about it, Xiao Er went to the edge of the high stage and recited it loudly to the people.

This poem is simple and natural, with sincere feelings, even an illiterate village woman can understand it.Many mothers couldn't help crying at the moment, and many men's eyes turned red when they thought of their mothers.

When Concubine Hui heard this poem, she cried and fell into the arms of the emperor.With such a son, what more could a husband ask for?

"Whoever says an inch of grass will repay three springs..." The emperor silently repeated this poem, his eyes were a little moist.It turns out that in the son's heart, this is how he looks at the kindness of his parents...

The royal family can produce such a wonderful work, it can be said that there is no one before or after, right?In Yang Hao's life, not to mention anything else, just having such a son is enough for him to be proud and smile all his life.

Concubine Fang stood aside, looking at the crown prince on the stage, her eyes turned red.It's a pity that she will never have a child of her own in this life...

Standing behind the emperor, Manager Hua En sighed softly: "The young master's filial piety is all in his heart. When you don't feel it, you don't feel it. Only after you experience it carefully, you will know how deep it is..."

(End of this chapter)

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