Chapter 564 Can I refuse (3)
Needless to say, the leader of this literary meeting is "Jiang Gongzi".

On the high platform, Mr. Qi, the boss of Zhuangyuan Building, and several judges gathered around to congratulate Yang Yan.

More than 20 other gifted scholars were also convinced when they saw the poem "Wandering Zi Yin".Seeing Yang Yan's extraordinary bearing again, they stepped forward to congratulate him one after another, wanting to make friends with this "Master Jiang" who is destined to have a bright future.

Yang Yan supported An Ran to get up, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "All the gentlemen and sons who are here today are also great men of the Sui Dynasty. An Rui is not talented, and I would like to encourage you all!"

Mr. Qi has seen countless people. Seeing that Mr. Zhan and Mr. Chen are very respectful to this "Mr. Jiang", he guessed that Yang Yan's identity is extraordinary.

He personally presented the leader's prize to Yang Yan with both hands, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous: "This is the prize for the leader of this literary meeting, please accept it, Mr. Jiang."

For those poor students, this prize may be very generous, but it is different in front of this "Jiang Gongzi".Now Mr. Qi is worried that people will look down on the leader prize he prepared.

Fortunately, Yang Yan took it without saying a word, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Qi!"

Then, Mr. Qi distributed the No.2 and No.3 prizes to Mo Junze and He Ziyan.Although the prizes for the second and third prizes are not as generous as those for the first place, they are quite considerable for poor students.At least if the silver is easy to use, it may have enough food and clothing for a year.

Mo Jun chose to get the second place, very excited.But He Ziyan originally went for the leader, but he only got third place. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.His complexion was pale, his eyes were dull, and his complexion was very ugly, which made everyone see some clues.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, they only thought that he was arrogant and had no self-knowledge, that they couldn't see others surpassing themselves, and that their previous humility was an illusion, so they alienated him one after another, and they all came together to talk to Yang Yan and Mo Junze.

At this time, Mr. Qi invited the [-] talents who participated in the literary fair to attend a banquet in the Zhuangyuan Building to celebrate the birth of the top three in the literary fair.

Yang Yan didn't have this time to socialize, so he immediately declined: "Please forgive me, my parents are still waiting below. It's getting late, and I'm going to send them home. If there is a chance, let's get together again in the future!"

Zhuangyuan Building has held the Lantern Festival literary meeting for so many years, and no one has ever directly refused to participate in the subsequent celebration banquet.What's more, at this banquet, there are also Mr. Zhan from the Imperial Academy and Mr. Chen, the champion of the previous session.

As soon as Yang Yan's refusal came out, the smart ones already knew that his status must be beyond words.At least Mr. Zhan and Mr. Chen are not in the eyes of each other.

Mr. Qi is also a human being, so naturally he will no longer force him to stay.

Yang Yan was about to leave with An Ran, but Miss Luo Shi suddenly came forward and said with a blushing face, "Young master is so talented that the young lady admires him. I wonder if the young lady has the honor to have a night talk with the young master by candlelight?"

What kind of talk at night by candlelight?It was clearly an eclectic invitation!
Yang Yan was taken aback, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.He glanced at An Ran innocently, and then looked at Miss Luo Shi indifferently under the envious eyes of countless people: "Can I refuse?"

When Yang Yan said this, the men couldn't help being shocked and regretful.Such a beautiful woman, the head of the three big oirans in Chang'an took the initiative to invite Chun Xiao for a time, how could anyone refuse?

Of course, people who know Yang Yan's identity are exceptions.Mr. Zhan and Mr. Chen looked at the woman holding the hand of His Highness the Crown Prince, no need to ask, it must be the Crown Princess.

In front of the princess, how could His Royal Highness agree to have a spring night with another woman?
What's more, this girl Luo Shi is just a prostitute in a brothel, with a jade arm that thousands of people sleep on, and a little bit of red lips that thousands of people can taste. Such a filthy woman can't defile His Highness the Crown Prince.

With His Royal Highness's demeanor, only the equally talented Crown Princess can match it!Other women are not even worthy of carrying shoes for the princess!

Miss Luo Shi was stunned.Since the day she came on stage, men have always been chasing her, holding her, and trying their best to please her. Has any man ever rejected her?She didn't even mention the matter of redeeming her body, but she was just asking for a one-night pleasure, isn't that all right?
Yang Yan nodded slightly to Miss Luo Shi, then pulled An Ran to leave.As for his prize, Ling Yun had already come to the stage to hold it.

"Young Master Jiang, please stay!"

Miss Luo Shi came back to her senses in time, and quickly found her fault.Since Mr. Jiang is a gentleman, he naturally doesn't like going to brothels.Moreover, he still brought his wife and concubine by his side, so how could he leave his wife and concubine and go back to Qunfang Hall with himself?
She was wrong at the beginning, she should directly mention that she wants to redeem herself, and let Mr. Jiang know that she has no choice but to live in prostitution, and she herself wants to cleanse herself.In this way, young master Jiang might be able to arouse his compassion and help her redeem herself.

Yang Yan turned his head, looked at Miss Luo Shi coldly and said, "I don't know what else is wrong with the girl?" He said earlier that his parents are still waiting below, why does this clever oiran do such a shameful thing?
"Young Master Jiang, Luo Shi admires your talent, and wants to follow you, serve him as a slave, serve you wholeheartedly, and beg you to take him in." Miss Luo Shi looked at Yang Yan expectantly with a blushing face, with tears in her eyes. , as if if Yang Yan rejected her, it would be such a heinous and intolerable thing.

Yang Yan didn't expect this woman to be so shameless, but he was really surprised.But then he thought to himself mockingly, a woman in a brothel has experienced too many men, how can she know what shame is?
He didn't know that although this Luo Shi girl was a brothel girl, she never said such a thing, but today, her heart was devoted to Yang Yan, and her intelligence plummeted.For the happiness of the rest of her life, she didn't care about anything.

"Young master?" Seeing Yang Yan's hesitation, Luo Shi thought he was a little moved and embarrassed.She cleverly thought, the embarrassment is naturally the wife and concubine next to Mr. Jiang and the parents waiting below.

Yang Yan frowned slightly, and said with a calm smile: "Sorry, there is no shortage of maidservants in the next family! Come to think of it, many of you gentlemen here are willing to take in girls."

(End of this chapter)

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