The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 565 Hurry up, pass on to the imperial doctor

Chapter 565 Hurry up, pass on to the imperial doctor (1)
Although Yang Yan refused, he still gave her some face.

Everyone couldn't help admiring Yang Yan's refusal, but also had fantasies because of his refusal.Mr. Jiang rejected Miss Luo Shi, would she settle for the next best thing and choose them?

Miss Luo Shi was rejected again, she couldn't help but pale, her eyes were full of despair and sadness, even Mr. Zhan, who was nearly fifty years old, couldn't bear to see her.Of course, he just couldn't bear it for a while, if he was asked to take the person back, his sanity would surely come back.

At that moment, several young masters were eager to try, and each of them called Miss Luo Shi's name hesitantly, but the meaning was clearly expressed.Even people in the audience shouted: "Miss Luo Shi, why don't you follow my son Hu!" "Miss Luo Shi, I have admired you for a long time!"

Miss Luo Shi's complexion was pale, she didn't listen to what other people said, she only looked at Yang Yan with tears in her eyes, her little appearance was extremely pitiful.

Yang Yan's refusal was tantamount to slapping her in the face.But why did Mr. Jiang reject her?Although she came from a bad background, but she is only asking for the position of a concubine, isn't that all right?In desperation, she suddenly saw An Ran beside Yang Yan, and immediately asked, "Young Master has repeatedly refused, but because of the lady beside you?"

As she said that, she knelt in front of An Ran without waiting for Yang Yan's answer, and said, "I beg this lady to be merciful and save the little girl! The little girl was originally the daughter of an official family, and she fell into prostitution when her grandfather committed a crime when she was young. Luo Shi I just want to have a place to stay, and I will never wish to compete with my wife or anything..."

An Ran couldn't help being amused by the shameless words of this Luo Shi girl.

She really laughed, and then said: "Miss Luo Shi's words are really funny! Those who don't know may think that I sold you to the brothel!"

When everyone heard this, they thought Miss Luo Shi was pitiful, and immediately regained some sense.

Luo Shi hadn't seen An Ran speak before, thought she was not good at words, but he didn't expect to be so sharp when she opened her mouth, so she couldn't help asking in a daze, "Ma'am?"

An Ran suddenly let go of Yang Yan's hand, walked around Miss Luo Shi, and said with a light smile, "I've never seen such a funny thing. The girl obviously wants to snatch my husband, but she wants me to show mercy. If I If I don't show mercy, if I don't share my husband with you, it means that I feel sorry for you and become a heinous villain? It really opened my eyes today that there are such ridiculous things and such shameless people in the world! "

As soon as An Ran's words came out, those who had been confused by Miss Luo Shi woke up one after another and condemned her one after another.

Especially the people in the audience were the most straightforward, and immediately some people called her "fox spirit", "shameless", "shameless" and so on.

Miss Luo Shi immediately shook her head, tears splashed, her face was full of pear blossoms, and she begged for an excuse: "Madam misunderstood, Luo Shi doesn't ask for anything, Luo Shi won't argue with Madam..."

An Ran has seen shameless ones, but she has never seen such shameless ones.

Well, since you started, let me have fun!
An Ran became interested, and couldn't help asking in a manly voice: "Since the girl only wants a place to live, there are so many lords present, there are many who want to take the girl in, why don't you want to, and insist on entangled with my husband? "

"I," said Miss Shi Luo, biting her lips with a pitiful look of being persecuted, "although the little girl is in a lowly position, she has also read poetry and books, so she naturally admires Gaohua. Mr. Jiang is talented. Above all, the little girl falls in love with him, so she should..."

"Oh, it turns out that you adore my husband in your heart, that's why you must follow him, why didn't you say so earlier?" An Ran nodded, with a look of sudden realization.

Just when everyone thought there was something going on, she suddenly changed her tone again: "But, if you adore my husband in your heart, does my husband have to fulfill you? So many lords and masters here are in love with the girl, shouldn't the girl also be fulfilled?" Are they infatuated?"

Miss Luo Shi was stunned, and everyone was stunned for a moment, but then there were countless laughter, and there were even women applauding for An Ran in the audience.

"That's a good lady!"

"That's what you should do to a shameless vixen!"

"Yeah, so many men like you, you go with them! Satisfy them one by one!"

The words in the audience became more and more ugly, and Miss Luo Shi couldn't help falling to the ground after scolding, crying and begging: "The little girl said something wrong, please forgive me, please forgive the little girl! The little girl will never dare to argue with the lady again. What's wrong, please spare the little girl's life!"

Now, Miss Luo Shi is really afraid of this "Mrs. Jiang".It turned out that Mr. Jiang, such a talented young master, actually married a sharp-mouthed and jealous female tiger.

An Ran snorted softly and said, "The girl knows she's wrong now? No? I think the girl is still delusional! You must be complaining about my husband in your heart? I don't understand why he married such a good man. Am I such a jealous woman?"

This time, Miss Luo Shi behaved herself, and she stopped talking.However, not speaking is also tantamount to acquiescing, and at this moment it is worse than opening an excuse.

An Ran suddenly turned cold, and asked back: "My beloved husband, why should I give you half? Just because you like it too? How can there be such a reason in the world? If I refuse to give my husband to you, I will become a To be jealous is to be unvirtuous? As for whether my husband feels happy or wronged, he makes his own decision, so what does it have to do with you?"

Immediately, there were applause and applause from the audience.

At the same time, someone on the stage suddenly rushed to the front, clapped their hands and applauded: "Mrs. Jiang, you are so good! To deal with this kind of shameless vixen, I want to expose her true colors of pretending to be pitiful but actually being shameless for everyone to see!"

Everyone is looking for fame——

Just now it was clearly a girl's voice, but it turned out to be a servant dressed up.

Needless to say, it must be a woman disguised as a man who came out to watch the excitement.An Ran looked at the girl, her small face was round and her complexion was deliberately smeared. Although she was not very beautiful, she could still see that she was a lovely girl.

Beside the girl, Mr. Zhan was pulling her, as if he wanted to take her back, but the girl said that she would not leave until she saw what happened to the vixen.

(End of this chapter)

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