The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 583 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died

Chapter 583 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died (1)
King Xiang naturally knew what the famous prodigal son Cui Yi of the Cui family had done with King Kang in the past.He was also very surprised that the third brother could take Cui Yi for his own use.Not to mention anything else, Cui Yi personally assassinated the third brother, who knows how many times.

Cui Yi smiled but did not answer, only said: "Some things are boring if you ask them too clearly."

King Xiang thought that he had just been crowned king, not long after he opened the mansion, all the people were given by his father, and he had few real confidants.If you really want to take revenge on that woman, it's really hard to do it.Moreover, he didn't think about how to take revenge on that woman.

However, Cui Yi is obviously a veteran of this kind of thing.

"What do you think, how should I repay her? After all, she was raised by Sister Wuhuang as her daughter. Sister Wuhuang is the sister of the third brother."

Cui Yi smiled like a ruffian, and said, "His Royal Highness Xiang, who does His Highness the Crown Prince have a closer relationship with than you and Princess Longyu? Don't say anything else. In the past ten years, Princess Longyu has never returned. Did you visit Concubine Hui once in Beijing? But you, Your Highness, have always performed filial piety in front of Concubine Hui on behalf of His Highness the Crown Prince, and you are not much different from your own mother and child."

King Xiang immediately thought that it seemed that the third brother had sent him here.Since the third brother loves the princess deeply, he naturally hates that woman too, but the third brother is in the middle and it is difficult to make a move, so he uses his own hands to teach that woman a lesson!
"Then, according to Mr. Cui, what should we do?"

Cui Yi smiled and leaned into King Xiang's ear and said a few words.

King Xiang's expression kept changing, he seemed to be too shocked, and he said after a while: "Is this going too far? Besides, I don't really want to...then what..."

Cui Yi was stunned, and then smiled lightly: "Your Highness is really a generous and kind person. A prince like you is really rare! How about this, I will help His Highness get it out, and I will leave it to you to do it later. Your Highness is here."

King Xiang nodded and said with an embarrassed smile: "So I will trouble Mr. Cui."

Cui Yi didn't take it seriously and said: "Your Highness, you are too polite."

After King Xiang left, Ling Yun and Dugu Kai suddenly approached from behind.

Ling Yundao: "His Royal Highness Xiang thought it was His Highness the Crown Prince, which is not very good. But he probably would not take the initiative to ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Dugu Kai said: "His Royal Highness King Xiang is kind-hearted after all, he probably hasn't seen much blood."

Cui Yi smiled and said, "Aren't you going to tell His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Dugu Kai said solemnly: "What do you tell His Highness the Crown Prince to do with such trivial things? His Highness the Crown Prince is a person who does big things, how can he let such trivial matters waste his time and energy?"

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Extremely so."

Cui Yi rubbed his nose and looked at Dugu Kai and Ling Yun suspiciously.He himself is in love with the princess, so anyone who might threaten her, or even disrespect her, as long as he knows, he will naturally help her clean up.But Ling Yun and Dugu Kai are the Crown Prince's confidantes. What are they doing secretly helping the Crown Princess vent their anger without letting her know?
Dugu Kai smiled lightly and said, "My wife is the cousin of the Crown Princess."

Ling Yun said calmly: "I just don't like that woman surnamed Gao."

Ling Yun has seen that woman, which means that they must have met before, maybe that woman has taken the initiative to pester His Highness the Crown Prince, otherwise how could he say "I will not marry unless the Crown Prince is not married"?
"So that's it!" Cui Yi suddenly laughed out loud, then stretched out a hand and said, "From now on, let's protect her and His Highness together!"

Dugu Kai and Ling Yun reached out and slapped him on the hand, turned and left without saying much.Cui Yi gradually integrated into this circle.

The blind date on the second day was relatively smooth.

An Ran invited her mother, Mrs. Zhan and her daughter to the East Palace.Before that, she revealed a little bit of her intention to be a matchmaker for Miss Zhan.

Mrs. Zhan looks like she is in her early forties, with a round face and a rich figure, she looks like a prosperous husband at first glance.She has also studied, and has followed Mr. Zhan for more than 20 years, so she is well-informed.She loves to laugh and speaks frankly without too many twists and turns, but she quickly talked to Gu Wanniang.

Zhan girl's name is Xiaoyue, she looks like her mother in appearance, with a round face and a pair of eyes that are always smiling, unusually clear.Although it is not very beautiful, it is as delicate and pleasant as a little girl next door, which makes people feel close to nature.

In particular, Zhan Xiaoyue's temperament is not like those ladies Gu Wanniang has seen, either she speaks softly and softly, as if a gust of wind can blow her down; or she is artificial and unflattering.This is a lively and frank girl, with a personality similar to her mother's, and Gu Wanniang fell in love with her at first sight.

The gardens of the Eastern Palace look brilliant in winter, let alone spring now.An Ran put on big clothes and a silver fox fur cloak, and invited everyone to see flowers in the greenhouse.

There is a newly built flower house in the East Palace.

The roof is covered with almost colorless and transparent glass, and the walls and ground are heated with water dragons. A greenhouse was built, and many flowers that only bloom in mid-spring have already bloomed.

The winter jasmine, crabapple, rhododendron, magnolia, and peach blossoms are all in bloom, and the peonies, peonies, and roses also have flower buds.

Especially those pots of rhododendrons of various colors are bright and bright, which makes people feel bright and happy.

"The flowers are blooming really well! Your Majesty really has a heart." Mrs. Zhan and Zhan Xiaoyue looked at this pot and then at the other pot with frowning eyebrows.

An Ran said generously: "If Mrs. Zhan and Miss Xiaoyue like it, you might as well choose two pots to take back when you leave later. Xiaoyue, take a good look and tell the gardener which pot you like, and I will send it to your carriage later .”

"Really!" Zhan Xiaoyue said happily, "I like it, I've always wanted to ask the princess to come, but I'm too embarrassed to ask. These flowers are beautiful, I like any pot."

Seeing such a frank and lovely Zhan Xiaoyue, Gu Wanniang quietly nodded to An Ran.

Then when they left the greenhouse, they met Gu Shaolin.

Gu Shaolin also understood An Ran's meaning, this is asking him to come on a blind date!Can't marry her, in fact, marrying anyone is the same.But if it was the girl she liked, he would be happier and more willing.

(End of this chapter)

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