The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 584 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died

Chapter 584 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died (2)
The Zhan girl she chose for him, it is said that she likes it very much.Well, although she is far less good-looking than her, but her eyes are bright, and there is a dimple on her face when she smiles, she looks cute and pleasing.

Gu Shaolin is tall and tall, and as the cousin of the princess, he has good genes, and his appearance is naturally outstanding.Coupled with his gentle and refined temperament, his young age and his fame, Mrs. Zhan also liked him at first sight.

Although the family background of the Gu family is a bit poor, but he is the cousin of the princess, and he will be reused in the future. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as the top of the Zhan family.

When a young girl sees a handsome young man with a gentle temperament up close, and knows that he is here to have a blind date with her, it is inevitable that she will blush a little.But these are the instinctive reactions of young girls facing strange boys, and they are far from falling in love at first sight.

Moreover, Zhan Xiaoyue faintly felt that Gu Shaolin's gentle smile seemed a little distant.It's just the first time we meet, it doesn't seem right if he's too warm.

Since both parties were satisfied, Mrs. Zhan and Gu Wanniang went back to Nuan Pavilion with An Ran, and sat down to discuss slowly.In such matters, the parties often have no right to speak.

Although Gu Shaolin has been to the East Palace many times, he mainly walks around the outer study room, and this is also the first time for him to visit the inner garden.In addition, he was still on a blind date with a strange girl today, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, so he left immediately and went back to the foreign study.

Zhan Xiaoyue was kicked out of the Nuan Pavilion for a walk in the garden, so as to avoid adults talking about her marriage.

She was quite helpless and said to Yulan who accompanied her out: "The princess said she would give me two pots of flowers, why don't we go to the flower room to have a look! I didn't see enough just now. There are so many flowers, I don't know how to choose." Which pot is better."

So, they turned back to the greenhouse again.

Although Zhan Xiaoyue is straightforward, it doesn't mean she is stupid.The princess said that she would send her flowers, but let her choose by herself, that's being polite.How could she really choose the most expensive and best blooming flowers in the greenhouse?
She has already made up her mind, so she will choose two pots of Rhododendrons that are more common and have the largest number. However, she can choose the color she likes.In this way, she will be very happy, and I believe the princess will be very happy too.

"This pot! It's blooming like a flame!" Zhan Xiaoyue chose a bright red pot and carried it to the door in person.

Because they were holding flowers to block their sight, they didn't expect a person to suddenly appear at the door, holding a bird cage in front of them, the two walked without looking at the road, and almost bumped into each other.

"Oh! Hit! Hit!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, startling Zhan Xiaoyue.She followed the sound and found that it was the parrot in the cage that was calling.

Zhan Xiaoyue immediately put down the flowerpot with bright eyes, following the birdcage with her eyes, completely ignoring the handsome boy who was carrying the birdcage.

"This parrot is so beautiful! It can really talk! It's so smart!" Zhan Xiaoyue remembered to look up at the parrot's owner and said, "Can you show me?"

As she said that, Zhan Xiaoyue's eyes fell on the parrot in the cage involuntarily.

The red curved beak, the emerald green back feathers, the yellow-green feathers on the wings are very bright, a wide black spot on the neck is like a scarf worn by a child, and the long tail feathers have a touch of bright blue ...

Ah, it is so beautiful!I really want to touch it.

Yang Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, and was about to speak, when the parrot said, "I am so beautiful! I am so smart!" After a pause, it changed its tone and said, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Zhan Xiaoyue and Yulan who just ran out were startled, and then they widened their eyes and covered their mouths and laughed.

The parrot actually cleverly repeated Zhan Xiaoyue's words, and imitated her tone, vividly.It's just that this claim does not know who taught it, which makes people speechless.

Yang Jun, who was carrying the bird cage, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth slightly, and lowered his head to scold the bird: "Don't talk about me! I'll talk about it when I see the princess! Shut up now!"

"The princess is auspicious! The princess is auspicious!" As soon as the word "princess" was mentioned, the parrot said these two sentences reflexively.

"Oh, you still greet the princess!" Zhan Xiaoyue leaned over excitedly, looking at the parrot in the birdcage with crooked eyes, completely ignoring the handsome young man Yang Jun who was carrying the birdcage.

It was the first time Yang Jun saw a girl who smiled so calmly, and those smiling eyes were especially beautiful.But at this moment, Yang Jun felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.He felt that he was not as good as a bird in the eyes of the girl.

"Are you a maid of the East Palace? Why are you so unruly? This is for the Crown Princess, can you see it? Are you still not stepping down?"

As he said that, he looked into the greenhouse, but he didn't see An Ran, but he saw Yulan, and immediately asked: "Didn't you say that the Crown Princess has come to the greenhouse? Why isn't she here?"

Yulan bowed and saluted: "My servant, Yulan, has seen His Highness Xiang Wang! If you go back to His Highness Xiang, the Crown Princess has gone back to the Nuan Pavilion. Is your parrot going to be given to the Crown Princess? Or, my servant will send it there for you?"

Zhan Xiaoyue heard that this young man was King Xiang, so she took a moment to glance at him this time, but saw that he actually stared at her, she couldn't help curling her lips and said in a low voice: "Didn't you just look at your bird more? What am I doing? I'll go to see the princess later, hum..."

King Xiang suddenly remembered a stupid remark he had heard, and his handsome face immediately turned red.He suddenly handed the birdcage to Yulan, turned around and ran away.

Yulan didn't bother to think about what was going on with His Highness King Xiang, they were all focused on the talking parrot.

"This bird is so clever!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"The Crown Princess will definitely like it!"

"Auspicious Crown Princess! Auspicious Crown Princess!"

But in the Nuan Pavilion, Mrs. Zhan asked hesitantly: "I see that Mr. Gu looks good and behaves well, and he has a reputation for raising people. I don't know why it has been delayed until now?"

Gu Wanniang is an honest person, thinking that if she really wants to get married, she can't lie to her.Therefore, she said honestly: "Don't dare to lie to Mrs. Zhan, in fact, Brother Lin was married..."

(End of this chapter)

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