The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 585 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died

Chapter 585 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died (3)
"Ah, so Mr. Gu is the continuation? I don't know if the previous young mistress left any children?" Mrs. Zhan heard that it was the continuation, and she was not so eager in her heart.However, if there is no child, and the man is really fine, it can still be considered.

"This, is not a continuation..."

Seeing his mother's hesitant look, An Ran took over the conversation and said: "Let me tell the story. Cousin once married his wife Zhou Shi, and Zhou Shi had nothing to do for three years, so Hugh went back to Zhou's family."

"Divorce your wife if you have nothing to do for three years? Wouldn't this be too ruthless..."

Or did he divorce his wife after being elected?Is it really because the Zhou family has nothing to do?Or is there another reason?
Mrs. Zhan couldn't help but think about it, could it be that the Gu family looked down on the daughter-in-law who was born in a humble background after the Gu Family Judgment, so they divorced their wife and remarried?If this is the case, it is inevitable that when the Gu family becomes prosperous in the future, they will not despise their Zhan family's decline.

"This..." Gu Wanniang hesitated for a moment, the Zhou family had committed adultery back then, but how could she speak out about the scandal of the Gu family.

An Ran saw that her mother didn't speak, and Mrs. Zhan's expression was a bit ugly, so she had no choice but to take the words: "Nothing for three years, of course it's a superficial statement, what's going on, I don't even know what's going on! However, when my cousin was dismissed back to the Zhou family, the Zhou family didn't seem to say anything, most likely it was their fault."

Mrs. Zhan frowned slightly, already realizing that there must be something hidden in it.But this secret may be the fault of the man, but it may also be the fault of the woman.What's going on, you can't just listen to one side of the story.Therefore, this matter has to be discussed in the long run.

An Ran actually knew that her cousin divorced his wife mostly for her own sake, but can she say that?

Mrs. Zhan nodded and said: "There is only one girl in our family. She has been spoiled since she was a child. Her father and three older brothers dote on her. I have to discuss this matter with my husband."

Gu Wanniang also sympathized with his love for his daughter, and nodded immediately: "I am also a person with a daughter, why don't I understand Mrs. Zhan's heart? It's just that our brother Lin is really a good boy. He is now studying in the Imperial College. Master Zhan and Mrs. Zhan Mr. Zhan can find someone to ask."

So the two sides have a preliminary understanding of each other's meaning.The Gu family is satisfied with Miss Zhan.And Mrs. Zhan still has doubts about Gu Shaolin's divorce, so she needs to find out the situation.

After a while, Yulan brought Zhan Xiaoyue back, along with a beautiful parrot.

"Ah, this is a great cockatoo, right?" An Ran exclaimed when she saw it, and then quickly ran over.

The parrot couldn't help tilting his head to look at An Ran when he heard An Ran's talk, and walked two steps in a proud manner without saying a word.

Yulan hurriedly replied: "Reporting to the Crown Princess, this parrot was given to you by His Royal Highness Xiang Wang."

The parrot heard the word Crown Princess, and immediately called out: "The Crown Princess is lucky! The Crown Princess is lucky!"

When everyone in the warm pavilion heard this, they immediately gathered around happily, and everyone praised the parrot for its cleverness.

An Ran also smiled and asked it: "What's the name of such a smart parrot?"

"Jade! My name is Jade!"


"Oh, this bird is so interesting!"

"This parrot is so smart!"

Fei Cui got excited immediately, and flapped her wings on her chest and said: "This uncle is too smart! Thank you for the compliment!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

"I don't know who was the one who tamed the birds in the first place. The one on the left belongs to my uncle, and the one on the right belongs to my uncle."

Because of the arrival of jadeite, it brings endless fun to everyone.This parrot is very smart, has a certain ability to think, and has a strong ability to imitate.

When leaving, Zhan Xiaoyue was extremely reluctant to part, and finally couldn't help asking An Ran in a low voice: "Crown Princess, can I still come to see Fei Cui in the future?"

An Ran smiled and said, "Of course!"

On the way back, Mrs. Zhan asked her quietly: "Yue'er, what do you think of Mr. Gu?"

"Ah? Oh, it's okay!" Zhan Xiaoyue thought about Fei Cui, and decided to ask her father to buy her a parrot as well.

And after Mrs. Zhan left, An Ran also thought at the same time, why not ask her cousin to find a talking parrot and give it to Miss Zhan, the marriage is probably half done.

When Gu Wanniang came today, the maid Luzhi secretly handed a bundle to Yulan and ordered it to be forwarded to the princess.

When Yulan opened it, she found a set of clothes, shoes and socks inside.The clothes are all obscene clothes worn underneath, made of the softest Su silk.However, this is obviously a set of men's clothes. Who is this for?According to the theory, it is impossible for Madam to make clothes for His Royal Highness, right?
Yulan couldn't figure it out, so she naturally refused to let others touch her hands, and secretly told An Ran at night.An Ran understood it at the first sight, and rewarded her heavily, telling her not to ask anything, and then quietly sent someone to the Shu Palace.

After many years, Zhao Shihua put on the clothes made by his wife again, and his eyes were a little moist with excitement.

But when Yang Yan came back in the evening and saw An Ran was peeling pine nuts to feed the parrots, he couldn't help but feel a little bit hungry.This girl was very lazy, she peeled the pine nuts for herself, but now she took the initiative to peel the pine nuts for a bird to eat.

"I heard that you like the parrot Xiao Wu sent you?"

Yang Yan sat next to An Ran, wrapped her arms around her waist, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and was about to ask her if she was successful in being a matchmaker today, when the parrot covered its eyes with its wings and said, "See no evil!" ! See no evil!"


"Ha ha……"

Not only An Ran couldn't help laughing out loud, but the people serving in the room couldn't help laughing too.

Yang Yan was startled, and then couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Wu really sent a pistachio this time. It's a great achievement!"

Fei Cui didn't seem to understand Yang Yan's words, so she tilted her head and stared at him.

At this time, Aunt Duan came in, looked at Fei Cui with a frown, and said, "Your Highness, the Crown Princess, this parrot is an animal after all, and I don't know if it is clean or not. The Crown Princess's body is precious, so don't get too close."

An Ran is not happy anymore.It's so hard to have such a pistachio, but you don't let her get close?

(End of this chapter)

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