The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 586 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died

Chapter 586 Pistachio, Gao Ying Died (4)
Yang Yan lowered his face and said: "Aunt Duan also has good intentions. But the parrot was found by His Royal Highness King Xiang and given to the Crown Princess to relieve boredom. Usually there will be someone to take care of it, so Aunt Duan doesn't have to worry. The child will be fine when the Crown Princess is happy. .”

Aunt Duan bowed her head and said respectfully: "Yes, this servant knows."

In the afternoon, when An Ran met Mrs. Zhan and Niangqin, she didn't let Aunt Duan accompany her. Aunt Duan was always a little unhappy. Later, she heard that the Crown Princess got a talking parrot, and she liked it very much.Therefore, Aunt Duan didn't find the opportunity to speak until now.

Yang Yan has always been the villain, An Ran ignored Aunt Duan, raised her head slightly and said to Yang Yan: "Let's eat first! Come play with Fei Cui later."

When Fei Cui heard the word eat, she immediately cheered up and said, "Dinner is ready! Dinner is ready! My uncle wants to eat pine nuts!"

When everyone heard it, there was another burst of laughter, and even Aunt Duan couldn't help the corners of her mouth twitching.

An Ran hurriedly said: "Pick it up quickly, and bring it up after you have eaten, or you may choke later."

Yulan happily lifted the jade down, not only her, but even Jianlan, who has always been prudent, couldn't help but take a second look.This new parrot won everyone's hearts in just one afternoon.

In early February, An Ran's pregnancy was basically confirmed.

On the Voice of the Sui Dynasty, the grand occasion of the Lantern Festival Zhuangyuanlou Wenhui was reported, and it was also confirmed that the leader Jiang Anrui, who wrote the touching song "Wandering Ziyin" that night, was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was deeply loved and admired by the people.In addition, the song "Compassion for the Farmers" that Yang Yan sang in the mutton steamed bun shop was also published in the newspaper.

A poem expresses filial piety, and a poem sympathizes with the hard work of farmers, which revives Yang Yan's reputation again, and his reputation of virtue, filial piety and brotherhood becomes famous all over the world.

Yang Yan was very glad that he withdrew from the court in time, showing that he was not greedy for power.Otherwise, with his current prestige, if he holds great power, who can say whether Father Huang will feel uncomfortable?
Imperial power has never been shared with others, even father and son, so Yang Yan took the initiative to give in while gaining fame.

On the fourth day of February, He Linglong was taken to Zhao's house in a small sedan chair, but Zhao Shiming did not stay in the new house that night, but returned to the main room to rest, which made He Linglong very puzzled and angry.

In the early morning of the sixth day of February, He Minglang sent his wife Wu Shi and second son He Ziyan back to his hometown Luzhou.

Guozijian had already started school on the first day of February, and He Ziqian asked for a day to send his mother and second brother out of the city in person.

In the evening, Wu's group was about to rush to the small town ahead to stay at the hotel. When the carriage passed by an earth temple, a disheveled girl suddenly ran out of it, screaming "help".Behind her, several beggars followed, as if they wanted to arrest her.

The coachman hesitated when he saw it.Wu didn't want to be nosy, so she asked the coachman to leave quickly.

When He Ziyan saw it, he immediately shouted: "Stop! Stop! Let's see what's going on? Could it be that someone robbed the girl?"

In fact, He Ziyan is a person who sometimes has some blood in his heart.Hearing the woman shouting for help, he jumped out of the carriage regardless of the length of his legs, and ran to save her with a limp.

At this time, the girl had already seen the He family's carriage and was running towards it.

Soon, the beggar who ran fast caught up with the girl.But that girl seemed to know a little kung fu, and quickly kicked the chasing beggar to the ground, ran a few steps, and finally threw herself in front of He Ziyan.

He Ziyan caught the girl and hugged her tightly.

He found that although the girl's hair was a little messy, she couldn't hide her beauty.The white and tender skin, the only remaining hosta on her head, and the torn clothes all indicated that this girl should be from a very good family background.

"Quick, save me! I'm from the Duke of Zhongguo's mansion. If you save me, my brother will repay you!"

Needless to say, this girl with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes is Gao Ying from Duke Zhong's Mansion.

At this time, the beggars behind had already chased him over.As soon as He Ziyan pulled the girl behind him, he wanted to use his disabled body to protect the beauties who were in distress behind him, but his legs trembled a little as he watched the menacing beggars.

Fortunately, the driver and servant of the He family was afraid that his lame master would suffer, so he rushed over quickly.The beggars saw that there were many He family members, and they were dressed in extraordinary clothes, so they didn't dare to provoke them, so they quickly retreated.

Mrs. Wu originally wanted to blame her son for meddling in his own business, but when she heard that this girl was actually a girl from the Duke's Mansion, she immediately changed her face.With a gentle and painful expression, she invited Gao Ying to her carriage, and found a set of Jiang Hongying's clothes to help her change into.

While Wu was shocked by the girl's beauty, she also saw countless bruises on Gao Ying's body.She was someone who had been there before, so she naturally understood how it happened, and felt a little contempt for Gao Ying in her heart.

A girl who has lost her reputation, no matter how beautiful her family is, so what?

Gao Ying changed her clothes, combed her hair again, and got off the carriage to formally thank He Ziyan.

When He Ziyan saw the completely new Gao Ying, now with a lovely and pitiful appearance, he couldn't help being shocked, and almost stared blankly for a while.

He boasted that he had countless beauties, but it was rare to see such a beautiful girl from a high family.In fact, most of the beauties He Ziyan has seen are not from good families.Where can a girl from a good family be seen by others casually?
Also, if Gao Ying hadn't been vain about her beauty, she wouldn't have dared to dream of being favored by His Highness the Crown Prince.The reason why Princess Longyu was optimistic about her and wrote to her mother Concubine Hui for help was also based on Gao Ying's beauty.

She was too panicked and nervous before, but Gao Ying didn't notice that there was something wrong with He Ziyan's legs. Now that He Ziyan was walking in a leisurely manner, because the shoes were filled with something to make up for the difference in the length of the two legs, it was not obvious.

And He Ziyan was originally born well, and he also had a suave and elegant demeanor, which made Gao Ying's eyes shine.These days, the elder brother simply ignores her.

Yesterday she got the news that His Royal Highness King Xiang was going to worship Buddha at Famen Temple outside the city today, so she bribed her mother-in-law who was guarding her, and took the girl and a few entourages out of Gao's other courtyard.

Unexpectedly, not long after the carriage left the back door of Gao's house, it encountered robbers.When Gao Ying woke up, in the previous earth temple, several dirty beggars were lying on top of her...

(End of this chapter)

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