Chapter 339 Flying Mount 2
After hearing this, Hou Wuji felt lost and said:

"Yu'er has not been found for so long, I seem to have a sense of ominous. Although she has traveled to some places after she came out of Jasper Villa, she is still very strange to the entire Star Continent. she……"

He Lanxun looked anxious and said:
"What are you afraid of her?"

Hou Wuji looked troubled, and seemed unwilling to speak out.Chu Mengli saw it in his eyes, and had already guessed his thoughts, and said:
"Junior brother is afraid that Yu'er will be arrested?"

Hou Wuji nodded.

He Lanxun was shocked, and said:
"Could it's Jia Chengxian from the Broken Star Sect? It's just...if they capture Yu'er and want to deal with Xuantianzong, it stands to reason that they should send someone to negotiate with us. Why don't you stand still?"

"I think they are probably looking for the entrance of the demon tomb, and a big change is brewing!" Hou Wuji said slowly.

"Demon Mound? Is it...the legendary last place of the battle between humans and monster beasts thousands of years ago, the lair of monster beasts that hides the treasure of the ancient God of War?"

He Lanxun's face looked extremely shocked. Although his martial arts cultivation was not very good, after all, he had been the head of a village for many years, so he still knew a thing or two about these anecdotes.The opening of the Demon Tomb will mean irreversible and major changes in the entire Star Continent, which may be related to the survival of human beings on this planet!

See Hou Wuji's default.He Lanxun said anxiously:

"It is said that the most powerful force of the monster beast clan has gathered in the land of the monster tomb. All of them have the mighty power of the ancient times, and they are passed down with a strong blood. On the contrary, the strength has degraded a lot because of being in peace for a long time. Hou Wuji, the opening of the demon tomb is no small matter, you must think twice!"

Hou Wuji said:

"Even if I want to be safe, Jia Chengxian and Mo Chen won't let us feel at ease! Xuantianzong and Jiuyoumen have conquered Wujimen and Taohuawu one after another. They are eager to fish in troubled waters in chaos! My senior sister and I will have a meeting soon. I will go to the land of the demon world, looking for the entrance of the demon grave!"

He Lanxun heard that Hou Wuji had made up his mind, so he couldn't say anything more, but he asked himself to help, but Hou Wuji politely declined.

After arranging the affairs of the sect, Hou Wuji suddenly remembered that Lin Aotian, when he went down the mountain, he stopped by a place where ordinary inner sect disciples lived.Gathered the disciples in the sect, but didn't see Lin Aotian's figure. After asking the other disciples, he found out that Lin Aotian had gone out to do a mission again and hadn't returned for many days.

Hou Wuji frowned and said:

"Didn't it mean that Lin Aotian had to be followed by other disciples when he left Tongtian Peak? Why did he go out alone?"

Those inner disciples all looked a little hesitant, and an elder from Biyu Villa said:

"After Lin Aotian joined the Xuantian Sect, he had a very good relationship with the disciples of the inner sect, and his popularity was very good. Those disciples were all in awe of his reputation as the left protector of the Broken Star Sect, and they also knew that he had a very high level of cultivation. Now they are willing to follow him. Calling himself a brother, everyone is naturally happy to make friends with him. Lin Aotian also generously taught many Xuantianzong disciples exercises, so his prestige among Tongtian Peak's inner disciples will naturally be even higher. I trust him all the time. Lin Aotian went out to do missions for the sect, and those disciples naturally didn’t take it seriously, so no one went to monitor him.”

(End of this chapter)

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