Chapter 340 Flying Mount 3
After hearing this, Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli looked at each other. Both of them felt a little worried. Lin Aotian did what he did in Xuantian Sect, he was clearly trying to buy people's hearts. From the two people's point of view, these behaviors became more and more suspicious. up.At that moment Hou Wuji gave an order to the elder:

"Lin Aotian told him after he came back that he was not allowed to go down the mountain at will during the recent period! Just say it was the order of Venerable Xuantian!"

"As ordered!"

When those inner disciples heard that Hou Wuji restricted Lin Aotian's actions with a single sentence, they still seemed to dislike him, looked at each other for a while, and even discussed in a low voice, it seemed that Lin Aotian was quite aggrieved.

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli turned around and walked down the mountain.Along the way, Hou Wuji still couldn't help feeling a little brooding in his heart, Lin Aotian was such a good kid, he had only entered Xuantian Sect for a few months, and his prestige was already so high.Could it be that his mind changed drastically, and he began to use retreat as an advance, using softness to overcome strength?However, the most important thing in front of him is still the mystery of the entrance of the demon mound. When he comes back from the demon world, he will take care of Lin Aotian!

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli are heading towards the demon world along the road they had traveled a few months ago.Suddenly there was a clear and high-pitched bird song in the air. The sound sounded clear and loud, and it was definitely not an ordinary bird in the Central Plains.

When Hou Wuji heard this cry, his face showed great surprise, as if he had already prepared for it.

A few seconds later, above the blue sky, a pair of white and broad wings soared over, only at the tip of the wing, there was a layer of black and blue.When Chu Mengli took a closer look, a huge bluish-white spirit crane galloped towards her and Hou Wuji.And on the broad back of the spirit crane stood a dark-skinned young man, judging from his appearance, he was the animal trainer of the northern Promise Sect.


Chu Mengli couldn't help screaming.

Hou Wuji nodded at her.

"It turns out that the younger brother has already arranged it!"

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"Of course, this trip to the demon world is far away. If we walk, wouldn't it be too late? With the flying mounts, we can already be ahead of the Broken Star Sect!"

"Unexpectedly, this Qingyun Crane really grows extremely fast, as Elder Xie of the Promise Sect said, and it has grown so big in just a few months!"

Hou Wuji proudly said:

"That's not true! It's also fortunate that our family has a great career. I sent people to feed it with high-grade pills and precious materials every day, so that it could grow up and mature before entering the demon mound. Therefore, my Qingyun Crane, compared to others Not only is it much bigger, but it is also more capable!"

While speaking, the white Qingyun Crane had already flown to the two of them, and with a light flap of its white wings, it had landed on the ground safely.Upon closer inspection, the Qingyun Crane is full of energy, and its body is extremely light, without any sense of heaviness.

"Sure enough, it is a rare high-level flying beast in the world. Compared with it, those ordinary horses and BMWs are not worth mentioning!" Chu Mengli looked at Qingyunhe in front of her, and she was full of admiration. Miss, but she has never obtained such a good treasure in her life.Even if it is the big boss of the Xuantian Sect and the Broken Star Sect, they may not be able to get it if they think about it.

After the Qingyun Crane came to a complete stop, the animal trainer sent by Wuji Sect jumped off the crane's back, cupped his fists and bowed respectfully to Hou Wuji, saying:
"Report to Venerable Xuantian, according to your instructions, I have brought the fully grown Qingyun Crane. Now the Venerable can ride on it and become its new owner!"

(End of this chapter)

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