Chapter 341 Flying Mount 4
Hou Wuji glanced at the slender spirit crane, and asked:
"I think this big bird is very light. I wonder if I can ride with my senior sister?"

The animal trainer laughed and said:

"Don't worry, my lord, although Qing Yunhe is light, it is very strong. Let alone two people, even ten people can carry it safely!"

Hearing what he said, Hou Wuji thought to himself: In this way, this Qingyun Crane is worth a helicopter in the 21st century, and it is completely green and environmentally friendly without noise.It doesn't cost oil, which is really a good thing!Since I stepped into this continent of different time and space, I haven't really flown before. Now I just have a chance to try it. I don't know if the speed of this Qingyun Crane can catch up with the helicopters of the 21st century!
So he took a few steps forward, jumped, and stood on the back of the Qingyun Crane.With an order, the spirit crane fluttered its wings and soared into the sky. Hou Wuji only felt a flash of light and shadow in front of his eyes. When he looked again, he was shocked. It's so tiny that it's hard to tell with the naked eye.I can't help but secretly amazed that this Qingyun Crane is worthy of its name, and it goes straight to Qingyun!
After a period of adaptation, Hou Wuji quickly became able to drive his flying mount with ease.It didn't take long for Swoosh to fly out, and he saw a towering blue-black mountain not far away, and on the top of the mountain, some houses and buildings could be seen scattered in the offset.Hou Wuji felt that these buildings were quite familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized, isn't this the building of Xuantianzong on Tongtian Peak!
Now, riding on this powerful flying mount, his body seems to be suspended in the mid-air, and the entire Tongtian Peak and Xuantianzong are under his feet, which makes him open-minded and refreshed.Looking up at the vast sky, I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart:

"Although the Qingyun Crane is a rare bird in the world, it is a pity that it is still limited to this planet. If it has a stronger ability in the future, it will be good to be able to fly to the sky and explore the land beyond the sky!"

Hou Wuji flew the spirit crane once, and returned to the place where he vacated just now, where Chu Mengli and the animal trainer had been waiting for a long time.

Chu Mengli saw the excitement on Hou Wuji's face, even his hair was blown to one side, and said with a smile:

"Junior Brother, have you tamed this Qingyun Spirit Crane?"

Hou Wuji waved his hand and said:
"Don't worry, sister!"

Chu Mengli stretched out her slender hand towards Hou Wuji, Hou Wuji grabbed her hand and lifted it lightly, he had already helped Chu Mengli onto the Qingyun Crane.

Seeing that Hou Wuji has easily mastered the art of riding, the animal trainer of Wuji Gate couldn't help but admire:
"Your Majesty is really talented. I brought Qing Yunhe here. I originally wanted to spend some time teaching you to tame it, but I didn't expect you to learn it without a teacher! It really opened my eyes! Since there is no need here Now, the villain bids farewell to His Majesty, and returns to the Heming Valley of the Promise Gate in the north!"

After finishing speaking, he saluted Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli.Hou Wuji cupped his fists in return.Carrying Chu Mengli, he drank in his mouth, and the Qingyun Crane raised its neck and let out a loud cry, fluttering its wings and soaring into the sky towards the demon world, intercepting Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli, both of them were gone.

With a powerful flying mount like Qingyunhe, the two of them had already arrived in the demon world in just one day.Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli jumped down from the Qingyun Crane one by one, Hou Wuji ordered softly, and the Qingyun Crane already understood, turned around and flew away.When you need it again, just whistle and it will come.

(End of this chapter)

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