The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 364 Vicious Fighting Beastmaster 1

Chapter 364 Vicious Fighting Beastmaster 1
The Beastmaster holding the ghost-head machete failed to succeed in his move, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Now, the Beastmaster's heart returned to his body, standing in front of Hou Wuji, like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

If you step on this incomparably huge foot, if you are an ordinary warrior, even if you try your best, you may not be able to run out of its range.Hou Wuji dodged this exquisite movement, the beast king just felt that he had underestimated the opponent's strength, but he didn't know that it was Tiangong footwork.

When the first move failed, he immediately used the second move. The Beastmaster threw fists and kicks, stomping continuously, but Hou Wuji dodged them one by one.

On the stone ground inside the empty demon mound, there were more than a dozen huge pits left in the blink of an eye.Although Hou Wuji escaped with his life by chance, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. The physical attack of this Beast King was much stronger than that of the black and white Shuangsha in the demon world back then. The most terrifying thing was this The attack range of the beast king is far beyond the enemies that Hou Wuji has faced in his life.

It is worthy of being the guardian of ancient fierce beasts like the black-winged mad dragon, and it is not an order of magnitude with ordinary humans at all!
Hou Wuji took advantage of the gap between the beast king's moves, flew up, leaped high into the air, and looked like a moth in front of the beast king, he stretched out his palm violently, and an extremely cold Xuanbing energy burst out of the air, hitting directly at the beast king. The dantian of the beast king is vital.Unexpectedly, Beast Wu just waved his big palm lightly, Hou Wuji suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing up, and there was a crisp cracking sound of ping-pong, countless ice slags in the air were smashed to pieces, and the four ran away.

"Hmph! A little star-level five-element exercise, dare to make a mistake in front of me!"

The Griffin Beastmaster dismissed Hou Wuji's attack with a light wave of his hand.Immediately after retracting his five fingers, he punched Hou Wuji head-on with a fist like a small mountain bag. He was still a few feet away from him. Hou Wuji suddenly heard a buzzing sound, and a layer of blue aura shield had been activated. .

Hou Wuji was startled. Since he was walking in the rivers and lakes, he had faced countless strong men, but it was the first time he was so far away from the enemy's attack that the aura shield in his body was forced to open. This was the first time that he felt a chill down his spine .

This Beastmaster's attack is domineering and fierce, and its power is really rare.If he took this punch abruptly, he was afraid that his body would be smashed to pieces immediately, and his life would be lost. Immediately, his body turned violently in mid-air and dodged away. Hit your body.

Hou Wuji was quick to wit, and in an instant, a white illusory blade shot towards the torch-like eyes of the beast king.The Beastmaster was surprised by the sudden witch weapon attack, he thought that Hou Wuji was sending out a hidden weapon, he frantically blocked it, but he didn't know that the illusory blade was not a real thing, it went straight through the ghost-headed sword and hit the Beastmaster's eyes and go.

The beast king was shocked, thinking for a moment that he didn't know how powerful the law was, he dodged in panic, and at the same time, the huge fist that hit Hou Wuji also deviated from the normal position.

The white illusory blade flew past the Beastmaster's ear.The beast king turned pale with shock, and took a few steps back again and again, not daring to act rashly again.

Hou Wuji knew that the opponent in front of him was obviously bluffed by this witchcraft. In fact, if he had to launch an attacking witchcraft in a very short moment, Hou Wuji's current level of witchcraft would not be able to motivate high-level weapons. Dark soul blade, this white light is the most elementary flying soul blade.

With the level strength of the beast king, it is at least equivalent to hundreds of warriors above the human star king. This mere flying soul blade is really just a tickle for it, but as long as the flying soul blade does not touch the body of the beast king, it will Knowing its true power, the Beastmaster dare not underestimate it.

(End of this chapter)

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