The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 365 Vicious Fighting Beastmaster 2

Chapter 365 Vicious Fighting Beastmaster 2
The beast king held the horizontal knife in his hand, looked around with a pair of bull's eyes, and said loudly:

"You brat! Do you think that if you know a little bit of witchcraft, you will be afraid of me?"

Hou Wuji was shocked when he heard this, this Beastmaster is indeed worthy of being an ancient strongman who has seen a big battle, and he can see the attack attributes he uses at a glance.However, with Hou Wuji's wit, he soon realized that the scheming beast in front of him was far inferior to the deep and sophisticated elder Mo Chen of the Xuantian Sect or Jia Chengxian of the Broken Star Sect. The louder you say you are not afraid, the more hesitant you are in your heart.After all, for thousands of years, it has been guarding the inside of this dark demon tomb, and has no knowledge of the personnel and affairs on the Star Continent.

After thinking about it, Hou Wuji pretended to be calm, laughed loudly and said:

"Beastmaster, I think you have been in this demon mound for a long time, and you have become a frog in the bottom of the well. You don't know anything about my extraterrestrial secret art, Lei Dianzhi. Today, you deserve to be unlucky!"

Hou Wuji struck while the iron was hot and made up a name indiscriminately.The beast king's face was shocked.

"What lightning finger? You kid...could you be bluffing me! I think it's a witchcraft attack! It's just... the casting speed is a little faster!"

After hearing this, Hou Wuji hurriedly said:

"That's right! It's just that the casting speed is fast, but it's not just a little bit faster..."

Before the words were finished, Hou Wuji stretched out his fingers and pointed them out in mid-air, swish swish swish, before the beast king could see how it came out, dozens of white rays of light flashed across the dim inner space of the demon mound. .Bang bang hit all the stone pillars nearby, instantly piercing through twice as many bright holes.

The beast king was stunned, and frowned, lost in thought.Indeed, according to its knowledge, it has never seen such a magic weapon that casts spells so fast. It was fooled by Hou Wuji just now, and its heart was already beating. I don't know if what this human kid said is true. Do you not strike a stone with an egg?You must know that although the Beast King is the top powerhouse in the monster beast clan, although he is as unattainable as a god in front of ordinary human warriors, he is extremely small compared to the extraterrestrial powers other than the Greedy Wolf Star. It is worth mentioning that, not to mention its griffin beast king, even its guardian, an ancient fierce beast on the same level as the black-winged mad dragon, also looks up to the existence of the extraterrestrial dragon.

Hou Wuji saw that the doubts in the Beastmaster's heart became more serious, so he calmly said:

"Now, you know the strength of me, Hou Wuji! If I really don't have a second chance, do you think that if I can break into the second floor of this demon tomb, all the demon souls on the outer layer have been wiped out by my lightning fingers?" Down! If you are sensible, surrender quickly!"

The Beastmaster muttered to himself suspiciously:

"Lightning finger... the power from outside the sky... could it be possible to kill both physical and spiritual bodies? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Hou Wuji was startled. He had been in a hurry just now, but he actually slipped his mouth. The Beastmaster in front of him was a [-]% physical monster, and he used the most primitive and powerful physical attack. The spirit body of the demon soul is completely different. Since I deny that the white light emitted just now is a witchcraft attack, naturally it should not have any effect on the demon soul... However, the big words have already been uttered anyway, and Hou Wuji can't care so much, so he said carelessly :

(End of this chapter)

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