The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 457 Bloodline 1 Hit 2

Chapter 457 Bloodline Strike 2
Hou Wuji was lightly swung by the bone spear in the hands of the demon king, and he had already flew far away with his sword and man, and he was even vulnerable. This scene stunned the three teammates. After all, since they walked the rivers and lakes, I have never seen a more advanced weapon than the Seven Star Sword!
Seeing Hou Wuji being beaten back, the demon king was not in a hurry to come forward to chase him down, because it was already certain that ten Hou Wuji would not be a match for him as long as he used his bone spear. !
"Small human beings! Now you know how powerful I am! Even though you are the best in terms of mental strength among human beings with this move just now, the Tianlong spine in my hands is by no means what you can imagine. Humph! At such a short distance of ten steps, you don’t even have time to release the witchcraft, how can you fight against this king! Obediently, let’s capture it with your arms tied!”

At the side, Chu Mengyao couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward a few steps, and shouted softly:
"Old monster, what's so great about you, isn't it just because you have an artifact in your hand! If you have the guts, don't use that broken bone in your hand!"

Suddenly there was a violent vibration in the air, and the wind continued. Immediately afterwards, the eerie laugh of the demon king came:
"Little yellow-haired girl! Do you think your human tricks can still work! This king will never be fooled by your human beings again! You three, of course, are not worthy of this king using the backbone of the dragon, but the black man in front of you boy..."

Saying that, the demon king swung the bone spear in his hand, pointed at Hou Wuji, and shouted:

"He has absorbed the spiritual power of the four ancient witch weapons from the Yaozuo, and he has the Seven Star Sword in his hand, so he is worthy of my king using the bone spear!"

The three sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang looked at Hou Wuji who was beside him. Right now, it seemed that only Hou Wuji could have the last ray of hope.

However, in the battle and confrontation just now, everyone has faintly felt that the demon king is almost an invincible existence in front of their small human fighters!At a very short distance, Hou Wuji, who could instantly summon the attacking witch weapon, was repelled by the demon king before he could even make a move. This contrast is no less than that when he just upgraded to the star king level but was beaten to death by the four great artifacts Lin Aotian.

Chu Mengli stepped forward a few steps, eared Hou Wuji, and whispered:

"Brother, what else can you do?"

Hou Wuji just shook his head slightly, frowning and thinking.

Chu Mengli whispered:

"Why don't you... try the Divine Divination Tortoise Shell and see if you want to know the movements of this old monster. Let's take a step ahead of it, maybe we can find a way to restrain it..."

Hou Wuji shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice:
"No... the divine divination tortoise shell doesn't seem to have any effect on such a powerful existence... maybe my cultivation level is too shallow. As early as when the demon king cast the Nine Heavens Thunder Curse, I had already secretly activated the divine divination tortoise dish , it is impossible to predict any of its future..."

Chu Mengli was startled, and sighed:

"The strength of this demon king is very different from ours. We haven't even heard of the ways to use it in every move... What should we do?"

Hou Wuji said thoughtfully:

"In my judgment, the demon king is powerful, but he is still not a mage or wizard among the monster beast clan. Those who are proficient still focus on physical attacks. Therefore, simple spells are not to be feared...just..."

Chu Mengli continued:
"I understand! Junior Brother means that the most powerful thing about the Demon King is its own super high physical attack and defense capabilities! Although these abilities are primitive, they are the most real. There is no natural enemy or opponent!"

"Not bad! Especially the bone spear in its hand."

Chu Mengli raised her head and carefully observed the bone that was almost as high as the hall, and murmured:

"Junior brother, the thing in the Demon King's hands is even more powerful than the Seven Star Sword. Do you know what it is... By the way, didn't it just say that it was the backbone of a celestial dragon..."

Chu Mengli's words suddenly reminded Hou Wuji, his face lit up, and his expression suddenly became extremely nervous and excited.Before he could explain anything to Chu Mengli, he already held the Seven Star Sword in his hand, flew up again, and ran towards the Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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