The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 458 Bloodline 1 Hit 3

Chapter 458 Bloodline Strike 3
The demon king glanced contemptuously at the dozens of afterimages of Hou Wuji who were rushing towards him. This kind of quick Tiangong footwork, in the eyes of a human warrior of the same size as Hou Wuji, was as fast as Lightning is unpredictable, but when it comes to the demon king who is like a hill, it is like a child's play, and it is not paid attention to at all.

"How dare you come! You really don't know how to live or die!"

The thick and sharp white bone in the demon king's hand turned sharply like Optimus Prime, and the blood-stained dark red spear pointed straight at Hou Wuji. , the tip of the spearhead was almost half the size of his body.

"Master be careful!"

Seeing the critical situation, Zhao Chang couldn't help roaring, and was about to fly to rescue Hou Wuji.Because, Zhao Chang had clearly seen that Hou Wuji was so close that the demon king was very close, but there was still no sign of concentrating his spiritual power and activating the witch weapon!What shocked him even more was that Hou Wuji didn't have any protection on his body!The defensive witch weapon, the fire cloud glass cover, naturally has no effect on monsters with pure physical attacks such as the demon king, and the spirit fox air shield cannot be opened at all since the spirit fox was injured and fell into a dormant state.

The demon king stabbed violently with this spear, and he was also extremely puzzled. The human warrior in front of him didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back. Could it be that he came to die?Just as he was wondering, Hou Wuji was already confronting each other, and the point of the Seven Star Sword in his hand was stabbing hard at the Tianlong spine. Although both handles were their own magic weapons, compared with the white bone spear, the Seven Star Sword seemed to be more powerful at this moment. Small and abnormal, like the tip of a needle

With Hou Wuji's arm and the length of the Seven Star Sword, it is naturally far from reaching the demon king's body. I am afraid that before the tip of the sword touches the demon king's skin, Hou Wuji has already been strung into flesh by the bone spear skewered!When the demon king saw Hou Wuji's stabbing move, he naturally didn't pay attention to it at all.

However, since Hou Wuji dared to stand up again alone, he was naturally prepared. At the moment when the two white lights were about to touch, one strong and one weak, one big and one small, the tip of the Seven Star Sword Suddenly, a golden yellow ray shot out, this ray was so dazzling that when it pierced through the air from the tip of the Seven Star Sword, the giant empty eyes of the Demon King Tui were shaken to produce a strong dizziness, There was nothing in front of him, and he couldn't help stretching out a palm to cover his eyes.

"This is……"

The demon king was startled for a moment, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Before its voice fell, the yellow light like a golden snake swished, as if it had its own consciousness, unbiased, and went straight into the huge bone spear.In an instant, bursts of dazzling halos floated around the bone spear, spinning wildly like a wild horse, breaking free from the hands of the demon king.


The demon king let out a terrified roar, and when everyone looked at it intently, Nuo Da's bone spear had already soared into the air, as if it had been activated instantly, and rose to the mid-air, with a vigorous figure like a beast, completely out of the control of the demon king, becoming a A force of independence.

"Tianlong...Tianlong's bloodline? It turned out to be...a thing of the same origin as the dragon spine in my hand...Human boy, how could you..."

The demon king's face was pale, and he murmured in surprise.

"Hmph! Old monster! You were right earlier! My bloodline is really the purest among the few people here! Now, you know the reason!"

Hou Wuji shouted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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