Chapter 501 Jealousy 5
After hearing this, Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and both felt relieved.There seemed to be some meaning in Chu Mengli's eyes. It seemed that she already knew that Hou Wuji was deliberately making things difficult just now, but in fact, she had already seen that Chu Mengyao was deliberately finding fault.

"Then... what do the venerable and the eldest lady mean?"

After He Lanxun listened, he asked Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli.

"Second Miss has spoken, you can do it!"

Hou Wuji said softly.

Chu Mengli also said:
"I also respect my sister's wishes! From then on, my sister will live with me, and she can participate in the affairs of the clan if she wants to, and if she doesn't want to, she can do whatever she wants."

Before Chu Mengli finished her sentence, Chu Mengyao hurriedly waved her hand and said:
"Hey... this is not very good! Living in Tongtian Peak is fine, but... being in the same room with you all day long... this is a bit too much! Besides, I don't want to bother you and... "

As Chu Mengyao said, she glanced at Hou Wuji who was beside her, and blinked slyly.There was embarrassment on the faces of the two of them.

"I'm still on this Tongtian Peak. I'll find a place with an elegant environment and a good view. If my sister wants to come to meet, she can do so at any time."

Chu Mengli smiled and said:

"That's fine too."

After everyone's discussion was over, He Lanxun led his disciples to leave and left. Sister Chu Mengli held hands and said that they were going to find a good place on Tongtian Peak together to build a residence for Chu Mengyao.

Hou Wuji looked at the leaving figures of the people, and let out a long breath in his heart, the trip to the demon tomb has come to an end at this moment.Although the ending is not perfect, it is not all bad luck, and things obtained in adversity may be more precious.

Hou Wuji turned around and saw Nalan Mingzhu standing quietly at the side of the square, with a pair of stern eyes looking at the background of Chu Mengli's departure, as if still thinking, when he found that Hou Wuji was looking When he was himself, he quickly gave him a cold stare, as if he was still dissatisfied with him, then he flicked his sleeves, turned around and was about to leave quickly.

"Master Nalan, wait..."

Nalan Mingzhu was suddenly stopped by Hou Wuji, she stopped, stood where she was, and turned her back to him quietly.

Hou Wuji walked slowly to Nalan Mingzhu's side, and said:
"About treating Yu'er, I would like to discuss it with you in detail."

Nalan Mingzhu glanced at Hou Wuji contemptuously, slightly raised the corner of her mouth, and said in a low voice:
"What's the matter? I still miss your little junior sister very much. I thought you, Mr. Hou, have already forgotten Helan Yu'er beyond the Jiuxiaoyun with these two sister flowers!"

"Master Nalan, what are you talking about? Oh... I see, the master must be jealous of the sisters of the Chu family, right?"

Nalan Mingzhu gave Hou Wuji an annoyed look and remained silent.

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"Master Nalan is afraid that the second lady of Xuantianzong will return to Tongtian Peak and threaten your status in the sect? You can rest assured about this. Chu Mengyao is a person who likes to be free and easy. I don't have any interest, besides, with Chu Mengli as a good person to mediate, I believe that you won't get along well with her, right?"

Nalan Mingzhu pretended to be disdainful and said:
"I didn't care about that girl Chu Mengyao at all. I was worried about my apprentices, He Lan Yu'er and Hou Wuji. Do you know that the heavy damage she suffered came from such extraordinary energy? This kind of power Powerful ancient spells are only possible to appear on the leaders of the race. Helan Yuer, a girl with a low cultivation level, has suffered such a catastrophe. It really hurts me! However, speaking It's also strange, if it was placed on an ordinary warrior, it would have already died if it was backlashed by such a powerful force beyond the Stardust Continent, it must be said that it is a miracle that Yu'er survived!"

(End of this chapter)

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