The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 502 The Evil Spirit in Yu’s Body 1

Chapter 502 The Evil Spirit in Yu’s Body 1
After hearing this, Hou Wuji sighed inwardly, secretly said:

"It seems that Helan Yu'er is not an ordinary woman. In the dark underground demon tomb, what the demon king said about her life experience and blood seems to be groundless!"

It's just that Hou Wuji didn't tell these strange things about Yu'er in front of Nalan Mingzhu. Right now, Nalan Mingzhu has always regarded Helan Yuer as his own daughter and loves him very much. Being recognized by the monster beast clan as a saint among alien races, how does Nalan Mingzhu accept the reality?Besides, now to wake up Yu'er and heal her severe injuries, she has to rely on Nalan Pearl a lot.

The two of them walked into the healing secret room in Lanmen together.This is a very secret and special place opened up in the Xuantian Sect, and only people above the elders with high status in the sect can enter it.However, in any large sect, if an important person is poisoned or seriously injured, it will easily cause chaos within the sect and give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it. This healing secret room was built to deal with such things. Keep the outside world from knowing the real situation and stabilize the morale of the army.At the same time, it is also a temporary refuge for the sect when it suffers a catastrophe.

Nalan Mingzhu slowly placed Helan Yuer's soft body on the stone bed, and carefully looked it up from head to toe, only to see Shi's girlish aura was weak and calm, and from the outside, she seemed to be completely asleep average.Yu'er's face was pale and bloodless.Diagnosed with ordinary medical skills, but could not find any internal injury or external affliction, therefore, all kinds of precious and rare medicinal materials that Nalan Mingzhu specially found from Xuantianzong were completely useless for a while.

Nalan Mingzhu was puzzled for a while, and suddenly walked forward, lowered her head and approached Helan Yuer's face, stretched out two slender fingers, gently opened Helan Yuer's eyelids, and then stared at the other's pupils for a long time.

Wondering that Mingzhu's face gradually became a little anxious and uneasy, she let go of her hands and moved away from He Lanyu'er's face.

"How is it? Yu'er, she... Nalan sect master, what did you find?"

Standing aside, Hou Wuji couldn't help asking eagerly.

It's just that Nalan Mingzhu didn't answer him, kept silent, and slid both hands to Helan Yu'er's waist, one hand just holding her belt.Suddenly remembered something, he was stunned, and the movements in his hands also froze.

"You...and Yu'er...were in the same room when we were in Xuanzhou City, right?"

Hou Wuji felt a little inexplicable for a moment, not knowing what Nalan Mingzhu meant by asking this question, so he just nodded dully.

Seeing Hou Wuji nodding, Nalan Mingzhu quickly untied and flipped her hands, and stripped Helan Yuer's clothes off the whole body lying on the rock.

In an instant, a clean and perfect naked girl's body appeared in front of Hou Wuji's eyes, which made his face feel a little hot. Although he and Helan Yu'er had lived together for a long time, the two had never crossed the threshold. However, Hou Wuji did not have such wild desires for Helan Yuer as he did for Nalan Mingzhu, but a pure love between brothers and sisters.It was also the first time he had seen her body so thoroughly and completely.

Nalan Mingzhu stared at Helan Yuer's immature white body for a long time. In her eyes, there seemed to be some uncontrollable surprise and jealousy. She had never seen such a white, flawless and perfectly proportioned body. At this age, it is much stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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