The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 531 God of War Witch Armor 2

Chapter 531 God of War Witch Armor 2
Under the watchful eyes of all the Broken Star Sect and Xuantian Sect members, Hou Wuji slowly found a black-red soft-scale armor from the huge remains of a human hero inside the sarcophagus.

Obviously, this armor with super strong mental attack and defense power is really the crystallization of the wisdom of the top human craftsmen in ancient times. It was hit by Jia Chengxian just now, and it appeared from under the remains of the God of War.

Hou Wuji put on the red and black scale armor on his body, and coldly said to Jia Chengxian who had been shaken to pieces like a frame:

"Old man Jia, didn't you just say that I only have mental power to attack and lack defense? Haha! How is it now? You used me every time before, this time, it's your turn to help me Hou Wuji Already!"

Lin Aotian saw with his own eyes that the other party had already obtained the treasure of God of War, and also saw his uncle, but he was already terrified when he saw this treasure armor. Waving the scimitar in his hand is about to rush up and snatch it.

"Uncle Master! I'll take it for you! You'll be there to respond!" Lin Aotian pointed at his feet again and again, and his body was already running towards the sarcophagus of the God of War as quickly as lightning, without looking back.

"Don't...don't go!"

Jia Chengxian stretched out a hand violently, wanting to grab the hem of the ignorant Lin Aotian, but he suffered internal injuries, and his speed slowed down by a step, Lin Aotian had already rushed out like a moth to a flame.

Hou Wuji saw the gap between Lin Aotian's moves, and didn't even use weapons, and even ignored Lin Aotian's attack at all. Taking advantage of the moment when Lin Aotian's body did not block Jia Chengxian, he moved his fingers, and a sharp dark soul blade broke through. It was empty, and went straight to Jia Chengxian's body.

"Master, be careful!"

Lin Aotian looked at all this carefully, was startled in his heart, shouted loudly, and blocked the witch weapon issued by Hou Wuji with his body, at the same time, the sharp blade in his hand stabbed straight at Hou Wuji's chest. The blade had already entered Hou Wuji's body.

All the disciples of Xuantianzong present were dumbfounded, and let out an exclamation.

Lin Aotian was overjoyed, he never expected that Hou Wuji would not dodge or dodge, and was stabbed so easily by himself.For a moment, an unconcealable ecstatic look appeared on his face.

"Hou Wuji, your time of death has arrived! Haha!"

Lin Aotian laughed wildly, holding the scimitar that had completely disappeared into Hou Wuji's body, and felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before.Although he was also severely injured in order to block the witch weapon for Jia Chengxian, his mental power was greatly damaged, and he was even unable to activate the star king-level purple sword energy in a short period of time, but as long as he could kill Hou Wuji, Everything is not important anymore!

After a long time, he began to gradually feel that something was wrong. The enemy in front of him was obviously stabbed through by the weapon in his hand, but he didn't show any pain at all.Lin Ao looked at the ground subconsciously. On the flat stone floor, he did not see the eye-catching blood dripping as he imagined. Instead, he only saw thick gray liquid slowly falling down.

He was startled, and when he realized it, he was stunned as if struck by lightning.

The dripping gray liquid was clearly the reaction of the scimitar in his hand being melted.

Suddenly, Lin Aotian felt a lightness in his hand, and suddenly realized that the weapon in his hand now only had a bare hilt left!

(End of this chapter)

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