The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 532 God of War Witch Armor 3

Chapter 532 God of War Witch Armor 3
"The power of the War God Witch Armor, Lin Aotian, you have seen it now!"

Hou Wuji stared at Lin Aotian with a pair of stern eyes, and roared every word in a low voice.

Lin Aotian's heart skipped a beat, and a stream of cold sweat sprang up from his back, making his back feel cold. Now, Hou Wuji, who was half a step away, seemed to have suddenly become extremely tall, dressed in red and black Behind the God of War Witch Armor, the young man in front of him who is similar to his own age with supernatural powers seems to have become the heir of the God of War...

Lin Aotian was anxious, and subconsciously was about to withdraw his hand and run away, but just as he let go of the handle of the knife, Hou Wuji had already firmly grasped his wrist, as if locked by an iron chain, and could no longer move even a little bit.

A dull loud noise echoed for a long time in the corner of the war god's stone tomb hall, and dust was flying.

In front of dozens of Star Broken Star Sect disciples, Hou Wuji raised his arm lightly, and threw Lin Aotian far away like a stone, and fell heavily on the ground.Lin Aotian was propping up one arm, ready to get up from the ground, but just as soon as he moved, he immediately fell down again, screaming, his face showing extreme pain.

"My arm..."

Everyone was shocked in their hearts. In front of Hou Wuji, Lin Aotian seemed to have become a three-year-old child in an instant. A light move just now crushed one of his arms, and he could no longer support his body.

Hou Wuji strode down from the high platform of the God of War sarcophagus, staring closely at the dozens of disciples of the Broken Star Sect, and walked forward step by step.Seeing Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian's disastrous defeat, those disciples collapsed to the ground, they swarmed over and formed a human wall, sealing them tightly, and when Hou Wuji strode towards them, who would Unable to stand still, all the disciples of the Broken Star Sect were retreating step by step.

"Today, I want all of you to see who is worthy to inherit the power of the God of War on the current Star Continent!"

Hou Wuji angrily pointed at the dozens of disciples of Broken Star Sect, who, as an absolute powerhouse, disdain all his enemies.Previously, Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian, the two invincible guys, said that they were not qualified at all. Now, he has proved with his actions who has the qualifications!

On the side, all the disciples of Xuantian Sect, those disciples who were almost wiped out by Lin Aotian and the people of Broken Star Sect, struggled to get up from the ground, followed behind Hou Wuji, and headed towards The Broken Star Sect's people pressed on every step of the way.

Now, not a single disciple of the Broken Star Sect dares to make a move anymore!They have seen Hou Wuji's power with their own eyes. Any one of them can be completely wiped out by Hou Wuji with just half a move!Previously, Jia Chengxian relied on a little cleverness and intrigue to firmly grasp Hou Wuji's weakness of only attacking but not defending. Now, it has no meaning at all!

All the disciples of the Broken Star Sect raised their weapons nervously and retreated slowly. Now, they have reached the gate of the Stone Tomb of the God of War.Just relying on the deterrence of Hou Wuji's own strength, dozens of disciples of the Broken Star Sect have been expelled from the Hall of God of War!
Hou Wuji stopped in his tracks, pointed at the disciples of the Broken Star Sect indifferently, and said coldly:

"Behind is the boundless dark space of the demon mound. You have nowhere to retreat! Jia Chengxian, come out and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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