The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 533 God of War Witch Armor 5

Chapter 533 God of War Witch Armor 5
After listening to Zhao Chang's reprimand, the first few Sect Masters of the Broken Star Sect looked at each other, and finally said tremblingly:

"Since we are members of the Broken Star Sect, we should share honor and disgrace with the sect! This is our destiny, and we are unwilling to disobey it! Hou Wuji, come here if you have the ability!"

Hou Wuji glanced indifferently at the members of the Broken Star Sect standing five steps away. Although all of these dozens of people have the strength of star generals or above, in his eyes now, they are just ordinary dishes.

"I think you are loyal people. I will give you another chance. Put down your weapons and tie up Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian and send them up. Then you can join Xuantianzong!"

Just as Hou Wuji finished his sentence, Jia Chengxian's old and weak voice said impatiently behind the Broken Star Sect disciple:
"You can follow Xuantian Venerable's orders as much as you can. The old man is already a defeated general, and death is not a pity. Send me to Hou Wuji, and you will definitely be able to exchange for a good status and position in Xuantianzong!"

"Old thief Jia, don't try to provoke me again!"

Hearing Jia Chengxian's deliberate mocking words, Zhao Chang was so anxious that he drew his sword and went up to chop the old man with his own hand, but Hou Wuji stopped him with one hand.Slowly said:

"Elder Zhao, needless to say! It can be seen that Jia Chengxian set out this time to search for the mysterious treasure of war, and he brought along his loyal followers. After all, the Broken Star Sect is a thousand-year-old sect with the same reputation as the Xuantian Sect. There are a group of It's no surprise that a loyal man is there!"


From the quaint tomb, Jia Chengxian's hoarse and wild laughter echoed for a long time in the dark demon tomb.

"The old man really didn't miss it! It seems that the person who understands the old man best in the entire Star Continent is you, Hou Wuji!"

Jia Chengxian roared loudly, his feet suddenly gained strength, and his figure quickly ran towards the door.

"Uncle! Wait for me!"

On the ground next to it, Lin Aotian, whose arm was broken by Hou Wuji's one move, saw that Jia Chengxian had already fled for his life, and this time, unlike before in the hall of the Yaozuo, he even ignored his nephew. It's really come to an end!

"Master! Jia Chengxian and his disciples are about to escape!"

One in front and one behind, the two figures rushed towards the deep, boundless and bottomless dark space outside the God of War's stone tomb.With a thought in Hou Wuji's mind, Tiangong's footwork has been drawn quickly.

blah blah!

There were two close muffled sounds, the interval between which was almost only tenth of a second, and a golden light flew out from between Hou Wuji's brows. The head of the Broken Star Sect disciple who was blocking Jia Chengxian's fleeing figure charged straight at Jia Chengxian.Just as Jia Chengxian's figure stopped beside the stone ladder he had landed on earlier, the golden flying blade had already sunk into his body at the same time.

Jia Chengxian only felt a sudden shock all over his body, his whole body froze, his head was dizzy for a while, and his consciousness was violently turbulent as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.Almost fell headfirst into a bottomless abyss of darkness.

"Uncle Master!"

The disheveled Lin Aotian stretched out his uninjured arm, and grabbed Jia Chengxian flatteringly, but Jia Chengxian threw him away abruptly.Without saying a word, he began to concentrate and adjust his breath quickly.

In the distance, Zhao Chang, who had fought against the remnants of the Broken Star Sect, shouted beside Hou Wuji:
"Master! Jia Chengxian seems to be planning to gather the remaining spiritual energy in his body, and he is going to activate the witchcraft again and activate the law of space, so that he can escape safely!"

When Hou Wuji was reminded by Zhao Chang, his heart tightened suddenly, what Zhao Chang said was absolutely right!With Jia Chengxian's keen comprehension ability, he naturally knows how to draw inferences from one instance and use the method he came before to go back.It's just that, just now, Jia Chengxian took a step and fled to the side of the stone ladder, and he was hit by his own witch weapon, although before hitting Jia Chengxian, the golden light had already penetrated the two star generals of the Broken Star Sect The body power of the inner disciples has been greatly reduced, but for Jia Chengxian who is already weak, it is undoubtedly worse. Based on Hou Wuji's understanding of the field of spiritual power, he knows that if Jia Chengxian wants to accumulate enough spiritual power to start witchcraft , it will take a certain amount of time.Although it is only a short moment, for the two parties who are at the critical moment of life and death, even if it is only a moment, it may be the difference between life and death!Therefore, even when Lin Aotian, his most important apprentice and helper, helped him up just now, Jia Chengxian did not dare to delay in the slightest.

With this in mind, Hou Wuji had no time to think about it, he took a step forward and rushed towards the stone ladder.

He knew that for Jia Chengxian, the only thing he could save was the lives of those dozens of last disciples of the Broken Star Sect!

However, the disciples of the Broken Star Sect were obviously aware of this, and now they were determined to stop Hou Wuji and protect their head Jia.Facing Hou Wuji's powerful offensive, these star-level disciples of the Broken Star Sect almost completely gave up attacking, and used all the power of the five elements around them to activate the defensive qi, one after another, one after another, they kept blocking the attack. In front of Hou Wuji's eyes, there was a human wall made of flesh and blood, just to delay Hou Wuji for a second with every life.

At this moment, Hou Wuji had another firmer thought in his heart: after all the final elite forces of the Broken Star Sect were brought together, this time, no matter what, Jia Chengxian must not be let go. After today, it will be permanently erased from the map of Star Continent!

Several illusory shadows crossed the door of the God of War's stone tomb, followed by the roar of flesh and bones splitting.In an instant, two more disciples of the Broken Star Sect fell to the ground.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Holding the dazzling Seven Star Sword in his hand, Hou Wuji shouted coldly in the face of being surrounded by dozens of star generals.On the sharp point of the sword, the condensed blood beads were crumbling.This is exactly the characteristic of the magic weapon that is not stained with blood.

But those dozens of disciples of Broken Star Sect had made up their minds to die at this moment. The two people in front had just fallen, and soon there were more people blocking the door.


There was another sharp whistling sound, piercing the dark space of the stone tomb, blood flew everywhere, and three disciples of Broken Star Sect fell down again.Seeing the companions around him constantly falling under Hou Wuji's sword, everyone, although they all have star-level cultivation bases, but in front of Hou Wuji's sharp sword, they are like unarmed civilians. All of this made the disciples of the Broken Star Sect tremble in their hearts. However, these disciples have no way out now. The last disciples of the Broken Star Sect are the most senior members of the entire sect. The oldest and most solid force, their loyalty to the entire sect is far beyond what anyone can shake.

"From today, it will be changed to a chapter of 2 words, I hope everyone supports it, thank you!" "

(End of this chapter)

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