The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 559 The Soul of War God 1

Chapter 559 The Soul of War God 1
All the Bailaihao disciples in Taohuawu quietly guarded the island's coastline and the highest point around the square witch array.Five steps and one post, closely watching all possible invading enemies.

And in that witch formation flowing with strange rays of light and image symbols.Hou Wuji and Murong Feng, the blue-clothed scholar opposite him, were closing their eyes tightly, concentrating on performing witchcraft.Both looked extremely calm and serious.

The foundation of Hou Wuji's spiritual energy in his body is very solid. Therefore, it is not too difficult for him to continue the spells of this little witch array. The only thing he needs to control himself is not to think too much about him. Shi □□ between the blue-clothed scholar avoided the safety of the white-clothed girl.

He knew that worrying too much about gains and losses would put everything in a more dangerous situation.In stark contrast to Hou Wuji, the slim scholar with a handsome face gradually turned pale in the process of continuing to perform witchcraft.

Even under careful inspection, he could feel his slight trembling.His thin lips moved lightly from time to time, as if he was reciting some spells.This is the result of not being very proficient in the control of spiritual power, and unable to arouse spiritual power purely with the mind and consciousness.After all, he had only practiced summoning witchcraft for twelve days.

Between the outstretched arms of the two, the light of the spiritual fire has been connected to form a shimmering witch net.This witch net faces the ancient land of demon mounds, and it is only woven to welcome the soul of the sleeping girl in white between the two.

An hour and a half has passed.Hou Wuji's master and apprentice's witchcraft gradually entered the most critical moment.In the high sky, the shadow of the huge black planet moved bit by bit, following the ancient rules set at the beginning of the universe.Now, the very center of its incomparably huge body has begun to deviate from the dazzling center of the sun.

However, until now, everything in Taohuawu is as quiet as the deepest night, and everything is going smoothly, as if there is no enemy that will disturb this summoning ceremony.Even the disciples of Taohuawu felt an unexpected relief.

"Master... Miss Yu'er's primordial spirit still hasn't appeared yet!"

In the mind, there came the crisp voice of the nine-tailed nine-fox within him.Since it is one with itself, the communication between the spiritual object and its master will never disturb Hou Wuji's consciousness, nor will it cause interference.

"Don't worry! After a while, it should appear soon!"

Hou Wuji quickly replied to Nine-Tailed Linghu with his divine sense.Then he re-entered the spellcasting with full concentration.

"But... Mr. Murong seems to have run out of energy!"

The nine-tailed fox reminded again.

Hou Wuji didn't reply it with any words this time.In his heart, Hou Wuji was most worried about this.This twelve-day wizard has always been famous for his talent and intelligence. It is unique in the history of the entire Greedy Wolf Star to join hands with him to open the wizard formation in such a short period of time.It has to be said that this is an extremely risky move, and a little carelessness may lead to madness.But now that the two have reached this point, everything can only be left to God's will!
The nine-tailed fox didn't speak anymore, it also knew that its master wouldn't worry about Murong Feng, but Hou Wuji didn't have any other choice at the moment.What happened to Yu'er had already forced him to control his attention, and he couldn't bear to let his master fall into another worry.

The darkness still weighed on the top of Star Continent like a mountain.This scene made all the warriors of the Star Continent who had experienced the Battle of the Demon Tomb feel shivers down their spines, and naturally thought of the same deep, dark and cold closed underground ancient cave.

Time is still passing by every minute and every second, going its own way.Completely ignore all mortal concerns.Just follow all the rules of nature and walk slowly.

The continuation of the witch array took another half an hour.

At this time, a string of black shadows appeared in the sky above the sea to the north of Taohuawu, but they still seemed to have a pair of huge wings.With a wind-like posture and speed, he quickly flew towards the highest witch array platform in Taohuawu.

"Master! Miss Yu'er's primordial spirit seems to have appeared! It maintain the form it was in the hall of the Demon Tomb..."

The nine-tailed fox's ability to perceive the human soul, which is also a spiritual thing, far exceeds that of ordinary humans.

It's just that when its excited shout sounded in Hou Wuji's mind, it didn't see the look of joy that Hou Wuji imagined.On the contrary, it is surprisingly flat.

The form at the time of the Demon Tomb Hall...

Immediately, Hou Wuji's mind appeared the image of the girl floating in mid-air, surrounded by an evil black shadow, but with a pair of white wings dripping with blood.This scene just flashed before his eyes, and it made his heart feel like being pulled hard, and he was in great pain.

A burst of hasty and panicked footsteps came from far and near.

Hou Wuji, who closed his eyes and started meditating and casting spells, even though he put all his energy into witchcraft, was still startled by the sound of footsteps that sounded messy.He knew that at such a critical time, unless something happened, once something happened, it would be a big deal.

" Zun..."

The person who came was an inner sect disciple from Taohuawu, and he shouted out of breath as soon as he ran to Wuzhen's stage, but before he uttered the last word "Zhe", Wuzhen The sect master under Murong Feng next to him stretched out his hand to stop it.He signaled to the visitor that Venerable Xuantian and Young Master Murong were casting spells at a critical juncture, and they could not be disturbed.

The two immediately walked aside and whispered for a while.But I heard the sect master suddenly exclaimed:
"What? Really?"

Hou Wuji's heart moved, and he said to the spirit fox in his body with his spiritual consciousness:
"Xiaobai, go and have a look!"

The nine-tailed spirit fox hesitated for a while, seemed rather embarrassed, and said:

"Master... are you sure you really want to ask that sect master... Mr. Murong has already said before that the disciples on Taohuawu have already made up their minds to fight to the death. Even if any powerful enemy comes, they will definitely It was blocked for the master. Now that Miss Yu'er's primordial spirit has just appeared, the master should not be distracted at this critical moment!"

Hou Wuji was silent for a while, sighed softly, and said faintly:

"Why don't I want to concentrate on casting spells! It's just that... since it appeared at this time, it must be an opponent who knows Hou Wuji very well. Since they have come here, the disciples of Taohuawu cannot stop them! "

The nine-tailed fox was silent for a while, and then flew out of Hou Wuji's body in a flash.Ten seconds later, he returned to Hou Wuji's body again.

(End of this chapter)

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